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$640 in order to do school at NSXPO?????

17 September 2001
Is this true that in order to do the school at RA you must lay down $640????? If so my buddy and I are doing the BMW school a couple of weeks before NSXPO at RA for $300. We will come and "watch" the $640 NSXPO, which is a shame, because there will be less nsx's on the track. Why can't members be allowed to do the school alone, and skip the meals, concours etc. Wouldn't getting $300 be better than zip???? Just a thought.
NSXPO is not merely a track event; if it were, we would only have a track event, without going to all the effort and cost to arrange other activities. There are other organizations that would be more appropriate if your only concern is getting track time.

However, for those who want to enjoy the camaraderie of being around other NSX owners, who want to enjoy many different activities on and off the track, who want to socialize with other NSX owners and enjoy their company, and who want to share meals and activities for four days together, NSXPO is the time of their lives. Think of it as an NSX fantasy vacation, not as a track event.

Those who have been to NSXPO understand. Those who haven't, won't understand until they go to one.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 18 September 2001).]
I completely understand your point 100%, but that is one-sided logic. You are not seeing the big picture. Logically only a fool would pass up a win/win situation, and that is exactly what the NSXPO staff is doing. By allowing members to do the school alone, it will accomplish the following;
1) everything you stated in your reply above still happens
2) you have additional income of $300+ per car to cover the $30k track rental etc.
3) everything you stated in your reply is now an even more enjoyable experience, because more cars will be on-track and in the paddock for "shop talk"
4) the members who would do the school only option win by being on track with the best cars in the world instead of boycotting to porsche or bmw schools.

Look at it this way; currently people can register and hang out with the best cars and people, and not do the school. The few who don't want or can't make the meals, EAA, or REALTIME, still have to pay the registration in order to do the school. With this logic the people who don't wan't to do the school should have to pay the $625 anyway to make it fair. Now that would sound stupid right? Well that is my whole point.
No, YOU are missing the point.

Think of it this way. Suppose we had a track event for $350 and didn't require anyone to sign up for the meals. And suppose if we did that, we got a lot of people like you, who didn't give a hoot about hanging out with other NSX'ers or doing some exciting things together or having any kind of social experience. So maybe we would wind up with 100 people signing up for the track event, but only 25 of them wanted to sign up for the meals. Well, if that happened, then it wouldn't be worth the effort to arrange meals, or entertainment, or guest speakers, or other fun activities. NSXPO would be ONLY a track event, exactly like the track events that PCA and BMW CCA hold. Yes, we could fill the track event with NSX's - but people wouldn't drive across the country just to be in a track event, without the socializing or camaraderie. It just wouldn't be worth it for far-away owners to drive 3-4 days each way, just for a track event. We would only have local people who didn't want to do anything except a track event, and there would be nothing special about NSXPO. If that's what you want to do, that's fine - there are already PLENTY of other places you can go - other marque clubs, TrackTime, CGI Motorsports, etc.

Instead, we offer NSXPO - a 4-5 day NSX fantasy vacation. It's the ultimate NSXperience. People drive cross-country, and form caravans (where half the fun really IS getting there, when you're doing it with a dozen other NSX's). There are lots of things to do. The people who come LOVE the entertainment and guest speakers. The people who come ENJOY having quality food. The people who come receive and bring home a memento they really LIKE, something that's unique, yet practical. The people who come RELISH the entire experience - whether they participate in the track event or not. All of these things make the event worth it for those who sign up.

To get an idea of what NSXPO is like, check out the reports in the FAQ, such as the ones for NSXPO 2000 and NSXPO '99. It's a hoot, an experience you will never forget. But if an NSX fantasy vacation is not worth $625 to you, then it's very simple - don't sign up. Of course, every year after the event, there are folks who hear about what a wonderful time we had, and are kicking themselves for not going. If you think you are going to be one of them, then sign up.
I understand your dilemma. If money weren’t a concern, I’d recommend you doing both <g>. It sounds like you don’t think the events leading up to the track event are worth $340. Honestly, I think it’s hard to put a dollar figure on what the event is worth. Some people like the seminars, some like the tours and drives and some just like hanging out at the parking lot (like me). I’ve been to three of these things and each year I look forward more and more to seeing old friends and really look forward to meeting new ones. EVERY person at the event is nice and fun and the spontaneous things that we do sometimes remind me of my college days! I guess it’s hard to put a dollar figure on FUN. If you just want to go to the track and learn the track and drive hard and go home then that’s super and $300 is a good price. But, if you want to join a community and leave with not only a great time at the track, but a bunch of friends and hilarious stories then $640 is a deal.

Those of us who have attended previous NSXPOs would probably not consider only attending the track event alone. I can’t wait to show up to the hotel this year and spend a few days with a group that, for a short time in October, is like a family.

Hope to see you there,

Originally posted by importdynamics:
Is this true that in order to do the school at RA you must lay down $640????? If so my buddy and I are doing the BMW school a couple of weeks before NSXPO at RA for $300. We will come and "watch" the $640 NSXPO, which is a shame, because there will be less nsx's on the track. Why can't members be allowed to do the school alone, and skip the meals, concours etc. Wouldn't getting $300 be better than zip???? Just a thought.

Dudes- I have to agree with KS on this one. I am one of those NSX freaks who can't get enough of the whole NSX Club thing- the cars, the people, and yes - the track events. I drove 2000 miles last year and am driving 2000 miles this year for the WHOLE NSXPO experience. I do lots of track events here in Phoenix and occasionally out of state. I would not however drive 2k miles for ANY track event. I think the part of Kens logic that has to be seen is that unfortunately, if we made the track dates available seperately, we would not have enough attendees to justify (afford) the rest of the event. It takes a certain number of paid attendees to make it happen, and if we don't get enough, it DOESN'T happen. So, this way, we ALL get to have at least three days of fun and those who are into racing have the extra fun. Those who are not into racing still get to have the NSXExperience which they otherwise would not get to if we didn't have enough paid visitors. I think it's simple group economics rather than an argument about how much and to who the NSX club can or should sell its events to.

And, if this particular economic situation leaves you out, well there are DOZENS of other track events a year you can attend. If we let non attendees scuttle our annual party, then we have ZERO big parties a year.
You should give it a try, ITS A BLAST.

My .02
Mark Basch

SuperCharge for World Peace
My question is why would you turn away a Club member who just wants to come and watch Saturday or Sunday? There are people who live near the track like myself who cant make the Thursday and Friday events so paying $275 for a Saturday night meal seems very expensive. I also just wanted to do the Driving School and meet some NSX owners but at $625 thats out of the question for me. So i guess unless some people change there minds on letting people in at the gates Sat-Sun i will miss out on a fun filled weekend and thats a shame.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory
My question is why would you turn away a Club member who just wants to come and watch Saturday or Sunday?

No decision on this has been made yet.
Any idea on when this decision will be made? Me and a few of my friends would like to travel there to see the track event on Saturday also if permitted.


BTW, we are not members of NSXCA.

[This message has been edited by Ag NSX (edited 20 September 2001).]
I still think you need everyone pay the same amount even if they don't want to do the school to be fair. Then the whole package price would drop to around 4 bills for everybody because of the increased funds overall and 4 bills is very reasonable. 200 cars at $400 minus the track rental still leaves almost 50 grand for food and EAA etc. Where are you eating at the ostoff? I have rented tracks and put on full weekend events this is probably why it bothers me so much. When I heard last week that they were thinking of not allowing members in at all to watch, unless they paid the general reg. I got upset. I'm done blowing off my steam now. I truely hope everybody has a safe trip to and from the event and has a blast in between!!!
race on america, stand proud!!!!
Ken -- due to e-mail difficulty, I'm not sure if you have recieved my e-mails. Please private me with a contact number to [email protected]

-- Chris


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Originally posted by importdynamics:
I still think you need everyone pay the same amount even if they don't want to do the school to be fair. Then the whole package price would drop to around 4 bills for everybody because of the increased funds overall and 4 bills is very reasonable.

This may or may not be the case this year, but in previous years, the track events have filled up quite quickly and we’ve had to turn members away. Obviously the club will give track priority to those who like this event and its members so much that we mark it on our calendar 8 months in advance and plan our vacation time and save our hard-earned money and drive great distances just to come together and hang out. If a few nearby NSX owners don’t get to join in on the fun because they aren’t really enthusiasts, then well…I guess it doesn’t bother me so much--I know it may sound kinda mean.

But when I give up my valuable time away from family and work and save my hard-earned money for this event, then I want and expect to hang out with a bunch of people who share the same passion for the car and it’s owners as I do. Clearly those who just want to be spectators don’t share this same passion and that’s fine, I’m sure they have lots of other things going on in their life that they’re passionate about. But there are hundreds of us who love and enjoy the camaraderie of the annual NSXPO event and that’s precisely why we keep having these events…for NSX enthusiasts around this country and around the world to hang out for a few days. Period. If that means that we have to turn away a few local NSXers then that means there’s less cars on the track to get in our way! <g <g>. Big Smile. I hope you guys who want to “crash” the event understand where I’m coming from and find a way to get some time off (you’ve only known about the event for a year) and ante up a few hund-o (you do own an NSX right?) and join us for an incredible time!!!

I can't get there before late Friday night

Change your plans. Some of the VERY BEST stuff will be happening on Thursday and Friday. I promise you it will be worth it.
I agree with Dan O. As soon as, I first hear the dates for the next NSXPO. I block off the time in advance. This involves the "better half" altering her business plans for the week, finding care for a diabetic dog, house sitter and much more.

As, for all you local guys unhappy with the event. I guess you should be happy you don't have to travel 2000 miles like many members. I would be thrilled if the event were being held in my area. I might also, be trying to determine what I could do to "help" make the event a greater success.

Every year there are guys that want to alter things for their own needs or to save a buck (like 2 years ago, one member insisted on running his non-NSX at an all NSX track event). As with any club different people have different priorities. Many of us just want to see many of our NSX friends, have a beer, shot the bull about our cars, check out the latest mods, and just have fun.

I believe it is that simple.

Live Free or Die
Rich i am thrilled that the event is held near my home track i get to Road America about ten times a year. My situation is i just cant make it Thursday and Friday and i dont think any NSXCA member should be turned away from coming to watch the Driving School. I belong to many Clubs Alfa,BMW,MG etc and i never heard of any member that pays there yearly dues not being able to come and watch even if there not signed up for the School. So i just dont know what the big deal and big decision that has to be made here.

Steven 91 BlK/Ivory
We have decided to permit members of the NSX Club of America to attend the track event as spectators, at no charge. Non-members of the club will not be admitted.

Those who are not yet members and wish to attend are welcome to join the club by clicking here and following the instructions. Memberships sent by fax or paid by Paypal are processed within a few days, so there's still time to join.

Of course, the real camaraderie, and excitement, and surprises, will take place throughout the event, from Wednesday evening through Sunday. It is a "group high", as you can tell from some of the comments posted here, as well as from the reports of previous years' events. There's still time to sign up for NSXPO and get the entire experience.

So i just dont know what the big deal and big decision that has to be made here.

It's not necessary to ask a question over and over and over and over after you are told that an answer would be forthcoming.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 21 September 2001).]

Your point is well taken. I don't disagree.
I feel there is a difference between a un- registered MEMBER watching the track event and part-taking (driving) in just one portion of NSXPO (track event) as some have suggested. My comments were more directed to those folks.

I suggest you visit the host hotel during the event and get a feeling for what's going on and to determine what the rules are for watching the school.

I seem to remember at Laguna Seca some non- registered members were able to watch the track event. I don't know what the liability or track rules are so, I am not the expert on this subject.
Good luck, I look forward to seeing your beautiful State.

Live Free or Die
Thanks for the decision. That's exactly what I thought the decision would be, which is why I put that line in about not being a member (because I'm sure Ken would have pointed that out if I didn't)

If we decide to go, we would gladly pay the membership fee to go watch the track event. I know we'd have to make this decision pretty quickly.

Ken thanks for making this decision i was hoping you would thats why i bugged you this much...Looking forward to meeting you and other NSXers hope everyone gets there safe and sound.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory
Ken thanks for making this decision i was hoping you would thats why i bugged you this much...


BTW, I wanted to present the issue and get feedback from the club's board before finalizing, and that's why it took a few days.

See you in Wisconsin!