7th Annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!!! July 1st 2007

..I try to get people to join us on the Palomar Mtn runs but only a few die hards ever show up...AND that is with NO STRINGS ATTATCHED!!!:confused:

I can understand your logic, but I think you hit a good reason why there is a charge. It's amazing the kind of guaranteed attendance you can achieve when people pay up front.

It's very easy for someone to say "I'm in!" when there's no fees involved. Next thing you know, you've got 50 - 100 people saying they're in, and you have to plan for that many people showing up, not just for a restaurant but for the drive itself. I'm sure ANYTIME, ss_md, coolnsx, tbNSX, etc. can all chime in about how difficult it is to create a route (often times new and unique) that can accommodate X number of cars. Then, come drive day, only a fraction of those people show up.

As for this event's $30 fee, not only does it cover lunch, but it also covers costs for T-shirt production. I could only imagine the size of the headache resulting from balancing who's paid for what (drive? shirt? lunch? etc.?) if there was a buffet style "pick & choose your Drive" event. :)

In any case, "I'm in!!" for the Palomar Drive too. :D

I agree about the prepay for the lunch and all, but some of us just want to drive and I think there is a way to accommodate those who want the lunch and raffle and the slackers(like me) who just want to drive and hang out with our fellow NSXers without all the commitment a month ahead of time...

I guess I'm just going to have to set up a "Slacker Drive" on July 1st:biggrin:

all start a list...

Ahhhhh, the joys of putting a drive together.......for 7 years :rolleyes:

I suggest continue doing the palamar drives where you just show up and drive around. It's worked so far, so why change it?
Not that I really need to explain my position, but I will

Why limit the number of people?
Very, very few eating establishments will have parking and or the ability to serve everyone in a timely fashion. Very, very few eating establishments would pretty much have to close down to serve all of us and no one else. Banquet rooms are out of the question as the menus are fixed and out of budget for me/us. Show me a place that can seat 100+ and park 75+ NSX's safely with decent prices that can be agreed upon ahead of time (total per person inclusive) and I'll go there, no questions asked. Oh, and it has to be within close driving distance to a canyon/scenic drive area and it can't be a dive or in a bad area, thus eliminating quite a few areas/restaurants. And, it has to be NSX friendly when it comes to entry/exit.

Why limit the number of cars?
Have you ever seen 75-100 cars lined up? Have you ever seen 75-100 cars trying to follow each other or attempt to get to a certain place at a certain time?
Quite impossible to pull that off. Even with the number of participants we currently have, there are maps that have to be printed, money to collect, lists to manage, routes to map out, timing: departing times, arriving times, etc.

All so others can show up and have fun. Sounds more like work to me.......
You are doing a great job and we all appreciate it. :smile:

Sorry John I was not trying to offend you or step on your toes. So don't take anything the wrong way.

Can't wait to go :biggrin:
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I am not going to be able to make it. Please remove me from the List.
Ryan (Spike236)
Ahhhhh, the joys of putting a drive together.......for 7 years :rolleyes:

I suggest continue doing the palamar drives where you just show up and drive around. It's worked so far, so why change it?

John -

Chin up amigo. All of us appreciate all of the time and effort that go into planning these events.

I don't believe that anyone's comments are being made with malice but I would ask those that are making "suggestions" to take pause for a moment.

Anyone at anytime is more than welcome to setup a meet/event. And if you think you have a better idea for the community, etc. than by all means run for it.

But please be respectful of folks thave have been doing this for a long time, and keep in mind the time and effort that they continue to put into it for all of our enjoyment.

I'll step off my soapbox now.
sorry john, not trying to bust your balls, just mad at myself for not making the deadline:redface: I meant no harm with my suggestions for future drives..No need to explain yourself, you always do an excellent job with your events, just wish we could all join in the fun...

BTW, I do know a place with excellent food that could seat 100+ people with excellent food at a reasonable price that needs no reservations, plenty of parking and close to many low traffic twisties....I work there:biggrin: (Harrah's San Diego)...Maybe next time we can do a HUGE drive with seperate run groups to take care of the 75-100 NSX's that would show up...
I'll help you with what ever I can to make it happen...

Have fun guys!!!

also..Even though I couldn't make it, I'll take an XL T-shirt:biggrin:
Please add Onsoku +1 [Robert & Elaine C.]

Please add us to the waiting list! Let me know if prepaid give us the best chance of filling a cancellation slot.
Yep, we are adding a go-kart class to the next CalCoastalNSX Autocross :biggrin:

Coming this fall........

Scott invited me to join Team Pulp at the Karting races today at California Speedway. The crew did well, gettting a 3rd overall in shifter and Wayne and Doug battled to the last corner, a great race!!
They are aware of the Cal Coast Auto X Kart division and hope to join us, Thanks to the Pulp Crew for allowing me to join in. Gil
Scott invited me to join Team Pulp at the Karting races today at California Speedway. The crew did well, gettting a 3rd overall in shifter and Wayne and Doug battled to the last corner, a great race!!
They are aware of the Cal Coast Auto X Kart division and hope to join us, Thanks to the Pulp Crew for allowing me to join in. Gil
I'm Sorry misposted!
Didn't send money in on time, please put me on the waiting list and keep me posted if any spots become available. Thanks.
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1. Spike236 +1
2. NSXB (Gene) + 1
3. 91x (mark)
4. vsy05 + 1
5. Keith + 1
6. Mort
7. PoohBEAR
8. Semnos_nsx +1
9. mrbythatmuch + 1
10. SexyRed
11. legendr35 +1
12. HotRod
13. gansan + 1
14. Narlee +1
15. Clausibaus + 1
16. NSXRebel +1
17. X-toy
18. TheYellowBeast
21. Heeltoe914 +1
22. MCano +1
23. CarbonNSX
24. Ryneen + 1

How did I go from 10. on the waiting list to 16. ??:confused: :confused:
Hey SexyRed..it would have been nice if the 3 of us Oxnardians would have been able to make it [NSXRebel, You & Me]:frown:
Hey SexyRed..it would have been nice if the 3 of us Oxnardians would have been able to make it [NSXRebel, You & Me]:frown:

Mojorator would have joined us as well, i'm sure. Speaking of Oxnardians, I saw another black NSX leaving the Coffee Bean/shopping center on Rose across from Best Buy in Oxnard last night.
Hell I am #19 on the waiting list and I paid for the July Canyon ride during the Tax Relief Ride. So if some one falls off.......I hope they got me credited in the books. :eek:
Back-up participants: If you are on the waiting list, then you should send PayPal fees to the designated address. Fees will be held until they replace a canceled party on the official list. Completed forms must be sent in before the official deadline date. Otherwise, you will lose your spot.

To be fair: this is only for those on the waiting list below.

1. NSXB (Gene) + 1
2. 91x (mark)
3. vsy05 + 1
4. Keith + 1
5. Mort
6. PoohBEAR
7. Semnos_nsx +1
8. mrbythatmuch + 1
9. SexyRed
10. legendr35 +1
11. HotRod
12. gansan + 1
13. Narlee +1
14. Clausibaus + 1
15. NSXRebel +1
16. X-toy
17. TheYellowBeast
20. Heeltoe914 +1
21. MCano +1
22. CarbonNSX
23. Ryneen
24. Onsoku +1
I mailed my forms over a week ago to the p.o box address provided on the forms. Should I mail out another set?
11. MCM + 1 PAID (DP) Received release! Waiting for tech inspection

OK, both were sent in the same envelope. Everything got a yes except
Tires- Cuts or other defects that got a NO. as well as fluid leaks.

"If you list a Y where a N should be or vice versa, then your car does not pass tech. If you submitted forms and they are not listed as received, this is most likely the problem. It is up to you to track your own forms. Those that send in incomplete packets or tech. failures will not receive a call, a pm or email notifying you that the form has not been received or has been rejected. We just do not have enough time."

OK, my car is perfect and should not be rejected (if it was?). What's the next step?
"How do I track down my own forms?"
It says your too busy to contact me?
So I am contacting you to ask if there is a problem.
Post #1 has been updated, please check.