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A new forum called On-Topic?

28 May 2008
Can we add something, maybe call it "On-Topic" either just below Off Topic? This would be a forum that's 100% dedicated to anything political, religious, financial, etc. Obviously, these types of discussions aren't allowed in Off Topic for various reasons, but historically, on other forums I've frequented, these types of discussions can become very interesting, enlightening, and at some times, humorous. I believe the crowd here on NSXPrime is mature enough to have solid discussions and/or debates on various subjects, would be interesting to allow this in a dedicated area.

There are a lot of questions I would love to ask the group about to gauge opinions and thoughts, but those topics based on the current off-topic rules are considered "taboo" and not allowed. In fact, the other day I posted a video that was emailed to me (it was political in nature) and I was trying to determine whether or not the statements were factual in hopes of finding documentation to support the claims, yet - it was deleted.

I hope others support this idea and its something we can add in addition to Off-Topic or just lighten the current rules in that specific forum to allow these types of discussions.
My point is - it could be a segregated area. After all, if you CHOOSE to go in that section read and post, you have no right to get your panties in a wad and be offended. It's optional, not required, and would be isolated from everything else on the forum for those who care not to participate.

It's not like we're kids arguing over crayons, the vast majority of us are very well educated adults offering a wide experience of knowledge and opinions. That has a lot of interesting value.
even with the inteligent quotient high ,our experience on prime is that most every thread dealing with race/religion and politics ends in a lock.So how would your idea of another forum change that.:confused:
even with the inteligent quotient high ,our experience on prime is that most every thread dealing with race/religion and politics ends in a lock.So how would your idea of another forum change that.:confused:

Because the entire point of the forum is to ALLOW THE DISCUSSION AND NOT LOCK THE THREAD.
Because the entire point of the forum is to ALLOW THE DISCUSSION AND NOT LOCK THE THREAD.

thats easy.....Lud does not want that stuff on prime,there are plenty of other venues on the web to discuss those topics.
Completely agree with hijacker. It will help enlighten people and also bring way more attention to prime. Make it where members only can view it. This is just another example how nsxprime is one sided and leans left and sticks to the liberal agenda.
Completely agree with hijacker. It will help enlighten people and also bring way more attention to prime. Make it where members only can view it. This is just another example how nsxprime is one sided and leans left and sticks to the liberal agenda.

why do you think the censorship on prime is left leaning and liberal?
I have seen with my own eyes, members saying whatever they like about bush or the republicans, but when republicans fight back there posts get deleted or the threads are closed. I understand that most owners are in blue states like California. This doesn't meen one side should be shunned for there opinions. Hopefully other prime members will notice the inequality and we can change some things.
Lud is from Virginia,and what I know of him he would not impose his beliefs on the reast of us....The one moderator I know well is far from left leaning....besides most of what I read from the west coast has do with how much crap everyone is willing to put up with for the nice weather,and how the threat from earthquakes/mudslides/and fires is much less than for hurricanes and tornados:wink:
All similar threads are treated equally - I.e. Locked or deleted.

I assure you that your characterization of "leanings" isn't even in the same zip code with reality. Ask me how I know.......:tongue:
With the country being so divided and with such a heated election coming forward, many members are yearning to share his or hers opinion. I understand 10 years ago this wouldnt be an issue. I understand primers posts and threads being deleted if they are radical Pr offensive, but please when people bring up facts and mild opinions why delete it.
Because this is an automotive forum and the wishes of the site owner have been clear for a long time regarding certain topics. The interweb is replete with sites where you can debate such topics so no need to focus on them here.
Members are asked to "tread lightly" only on politics and religion. Everything else is fair game if discussed civilly. Those two topics historically have degenerated into vitriol, just like they do on CNN, fox, msnbc, etc., etc., etc.....
I understand some people go a little far. But you also should entrust primers to correct the negativity, the 16 trillion thread I was about to reply and try redirecting the thread and expaling my view that this country is significantly divided, nothing about race or religion. I don't agree with you deleting the dnc picture bc later this morning there was a news report on it on tv with even worser pins like "sluts vote too" If prime decides to treat people like animals then they will act like animals