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Actually rode in a NSX today, MY FIRST TIME EVER!

16 June 2000
Previously the closest I had gotten to an NSX was about six inches as I was peeking into the interior at a dealer...But today was the first time I actually got to sit in it and for the driver to show me what you guys have been saying all along; that it's one great sports car! The stereo was incredible, the quality was incredible, especially for a 1992 (red/black), and I must say that this car must have a stick, no automatic for me! This car is even better than I imagined...I was so remarkably precise, I was amazed that at 53mph one can make tight turns that most cars would turn over and crash! It was everything I thought it would be, and the crazy thing is I wasn't even the one who was driving! You guys have it made....If anyone wants to sell their 1997 NSX in about 3 or 4 years, please contact me

One day at a time...
ya, i remember my first time riding in an NSX, and it was as incredable as you described, the car is such a work of art, and such a mean machine, definatly the most fun ive ever had in my life

me want NSX, me 16 (no license yet), me no have NSX =( but me do 3d art http://members.home.com/mcudich
Definetly something to shoot for...aside from the NSX picture on my wall, it gives a young kid something to strive for, and after sitting in one it justs makes you really hungry to get one......I have a thirstin' for more....

One day at a time...