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27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5 width=100% height=490 bgcolor=0><tr valign=middle align=left><td><font color="FFFFFF" face="Times New Roman,Times Roman,Times" size=3><table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5 width=550 height=470 bgcolor=0 align=left><tr valign=middle align=center><td colspan=2><img src="http://people.we.mediaone.net/akira3d/nsx/interface/akira2000nsx.jpg" width=523 height=250 hspace=0 vspace=0 border=0 alt="Akira's 2000 NSX-T"></td></tr><tr valign=top align=left><td><font color="FFFFFF" face="arial,helvetica,helv"><font size=7>akira3d</font>
<font size=4>a.k.a. Eric Akira Iwasaki
Computer artist / animator
E-mail: <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><font color="FF0000">[email protected]</font></a>
URL: <a href="http://akira3d.com"><font color="FF0000">akira3d.com</font></a></font></td><td><font color="FF0000" face="arial,helvetica,helv"><font size=7>'00 NSX-T</font><font size=4>
Production number #113
<font color="FF0000">New Formula Red</font> / <font color="555555">Onyx</font>
Completely stock 6 speed
URL: <a href="http://akira3d.com/nsx"><font color="FF0000">akira3d.com/nsx</font></a></td></tr><tr valign=middle><td align=center colspan=2><font face="arial,helvetica,helv" color="FFFFFF"><font size=3></font></td></tr></table>When I was a senior at South High School in Torrance, California, a time when I could not choose between USC or UCLA and was still undecided about a future in the arts or computer sciences, one thing was certain...I wanted the NSX badly.

My dream began after a friend showed me concept sketches of Honda's New Sportscar Experiement in an auto magazine. It took a litte more than ten years of smart choices to make owning a NSX my reality.

My good fortune began with my decision to go to USC while simultaneously starting a career as a video game artist. While studying film production at USC's School of Cinema-Television I met Valerie, the woman I would eventually marry. The job gave me a jump start on my savings while allowing me to blend my passion for creativity and technology in ways I had never previously imagined.

Shortly after getting married, I hired on with <a href="http://www.naughtydog.com"><font color="FF0000">Naughty Dog</font></a>, a game developer which had just hit the big time with Crash Bandicoot on the Sony PlayStation. I worked long and hard on the three sequels (a video game series which has now sold more than 20 million copies worldwide).

During my rise to success, I spent very little on cars. I drove modest hand-me-downs, both aging Toyota Celicas. As long as these cars remained driveable, I couldn't justify buying a replacement...any such purchase would slow my progress towards my dream car. That said, there really was no other car I cared to own (except maybe Honda's S2000).

In March, 2000, I finally realized my decade long dream. I bought a brand new NSX-T and, as everyone here knows, the reality has dramatically exceeded the fantasy...

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 28 November 2000).]