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Baby Photo thread

An updated shot of my son. He's up to 12.5 lbs from roughly 8.5 lbs at birth...

Hey Frank, how did your littlest break her arm? How did you find out it was broken? Curious because I couldn't imagine my daughter breaking a limb like that. I'd freak bad....... Sometimes it seems like their little bones are so springy from all the tumbles they can take
Hey KoolAid,

Don't worry, it wasn't some horrific accident - it was a fluke thing. She's sometimes a little wobbly walking still and one morning she fell over sideways Normally they fall straight down, or occasionally like trees forward or backward, she did the tree thing straight over her left leg. I saw her but didn't see if she had fallen on her arm or anything, I saw she bonked her head (on the rug). She cried a bit and then recovered - went about her business, using her left arm and everything. Next day I noticed her wrist was swollen and she cried if you took her by her left hand, so I watched her that day to see if it went away. It did get better, but she still was favoring her right hand and guarding her left so I called the doc, and doc said to take her into the ER for X-Ray just to be safe (this was Sunday, no doc office hours, and they don't have an X-Ray anyway). Took her in 11AM, left there 4:30 PM with a cast. The pediatric ortho surgeons there said strange things happen like this sometimes - their bones are flexible, but at this age they are still new and thin as well. When she fell (I assume thats when this happened, nothing else notable happened that day), she completely sheared her radius and partially sheared her ulna (which is likely why she could still use it). Near the wrist, but not through the growth plate so they say this won't affect her development at all. Doctors were amazed that she was as comfortable as she was, and that there were no other signs other than minor swelling! Anyway they had to shift the bones very slightly and she cried then, but she cried more when they had to saw the line down her cast :) Thinking back, I thing she might have fallen on her arm in a strange way that twisted it to the point where one bone broke and the other cracked a bit - I have no other explanation (doctors said her bones looked normal). What I learned from this is:

A) babies are tough

B) babies do not have rubber bones and *can* break them, even in fluke events

C) when in doubt, have them checked out immediately

Apologies for the long story, just thought you other Moms and Dads out there might like to know about the experience. It's tough seeing her hurt, but it's also inspirational to see how cheerful and strong she is :) She'll likely be her old self sans cast in 3 weeks (they heal very quickly).
Gladly she looks like her spirits are great- even with the cast (she is absolutely cute as a button BTW)


Kids are kids- things like this can happen, but there are elements of our society that don't see it that way.
Thankfully you didn't get an anxious ER nurse of anything.

My wife's boss underwent a 3 month investigation by CPS because her little one bonked his head, and they took him in to the hospital to get him checked out "just in case".

Next thing you know the kids (they have 2) have to stay with grandma, and the parents are scrambling to impress a case worker that they are in fact good parents, and this accident was a fluke.

The children were seperated from the parents, and only allowed to visit under supervision. Mom was breastfeeding at the time so that added to the stress of the situation.
After a month of investigation the parents are ARRESTED and hauled downtown for questioning about the incident. No charges are filed.
a few months later the investigation is concluded and the family returns to normal life.

There is nothing more to the story- The kid fell down, and got a bump on his noggin, nothing more. The parents just wanted to be sure he was 100% ok, so they took him in to the ER and the family was stressed to an extreme as a result.

Irony? The couple in question own a high end baby shop that specializes in attachment parenting.

It's enough to scare the $#it out of you.

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That is unbelievable.

My god what a world we live in - well I guess they decided not to investigate us after my wife an I performed extended duo singing versions of Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (and variations Black Sheep and ABC), Row Row Row your boat, etc. while they were putting the cast on (she was briefly in pain when they were manipulating the break :( ). Doc said that was better than any anesthesia (however the surrounding adults may not have agreed :biggrin:)

At any rate, I'm just so happy to see her not in pain and happily coping with that relatively huge cast on her arm! The upside is now she can defend herself vs. her sister with that thing...
Gladly she looks like her spirits are great- even with the cast (she is absolutely cute as a button BTW)


Kids are kids- things like this can happen, but there are elements of our society that don't see it that way.
Thankfully you didn't get an anxious ER nurse of anything.

My wife's boss underwent a 3 month investigation by CPS because her little one bonked his head, and they took him in to the hospital to get him checked out "just in case".

Next thing you know the kids (they have 2) have to stay with grandma, and the parents are scrambling to impress a case worker that they are in fact good parents, and this accident was a fluke.

The children were seperated from the parents, and only allowed to visit under supervision. Mom was breastfeeding at the time so that added to the stress of the situation.
After a month of investigation the parents are ARRESTED and hauled downtown for questioning about the incident. No charges are filed.
a few months later the investigation is concluded and the family returns to normal life.

There is nothing more to the story- The kid fell down, and got a bump on his noggin, nothing more. The parents just wanted to be sure he was 100% ok, so they took him in to the ER and the family was stressed to an extreme as a result.

Irony? The couple in question own a high end baby shop that specializes in attachment parenting.

It's enough to scare the $#it out of you.


As I've said before, my wife worked (until November) with a Child Advocacy Center that worked on child abuse cases. Typically, they looked for bruising and cuts on non-extremities such as the back, buttocks, upper legs, and torso.

Single bruises on a head, arm/hand, or lower leg/foot are very, very common on small children as they naturally end up hitting things if the child falls or hits something. Heck, a child learning to crawl or walk will get a LOT of bruises for the first while.

Sounds like a case of over-reaction by someone in CPS. Thing is, such overreaction is quite rare since they have so many cases and usually only go for "clear cut" situations with abundant proof of abuse.
As I've said before, my wife worked (until November) with a Child Advocacy Center that worked on child abuse cases. Typically, they looked for bruising and cuts on non-extremities such as the back, buttocks, upper legs, and torso.

Single bruises on a head, arm/hand, or lower leg/foot are very, very common on small children as they naturally end up hitting things if the child falls or hits something. Heck, a child learning to crawl or walk will get a LOT of bruises for the first while.

Sounds like a case of over-reaction by someone in CPS. Thing is, such overreaction is quite rare since they have so many cases and usually only go for "clear cut" situations with abundant proof of abuse.

I think I have heard too many of these scenarios. Only 3, but like I said, it scares the crap out of me.

The other scenarios are as follows-

My Step-Brother and sister-in-law spent a night in Jail/questioning in SC the night their daughter succumbed to her birth defect. Candice was born with a rare birth defect to her brain stem. She spent the only year of her life in and out of the NICU, but sadly was never expected to survive long. The baby went home with my Brother and sis in law about two weeks before she passed. Nothing could really be done, and unfortunately her death was inevitable. She experienced kidney failure related to the defect, and passed within minutes

During her short life Candice underwent numerous exploratory procedures as they tried to define the problem, and possibly treat it- this left several marks on and around her head and neck. As you can probably guess there was EXTENSIVE documentation of her issues. She had been treated in the hospital where she was pronounced dead, but apparently the ER staff never bothered to pull her charts when my Brother and Sis brought her in the night she died. The police showed up within minutes of her passing and hauled them away. Apparently the marks on her head were enough to provoke contacting the authorities.

My Brother is a better man than I would have been in that situation- he credits the ER staff and the police for acting as they did. Basically he says that there are children and situations where children are being harmed where those procedures are valid. He says that he wouldn't want the staff to think twice about acting in the same way if that were the case. His clarity in grief was astounding to me.

My brothers feeling on that situation have shaped my opinion of the protective services. My thoughts are that CPS exists for a reason, and it is a good reason. You need to take a test, and get a license to drive a car, but any a--hole can be a parent. People who work in the capacity that your wife works(ed) in have a very tough job to deal with the cases they see.

The last story is just unbelievable.

One of my lifelong friends is going through a complicated divorce. He and his soon to be ex have 3 children aged 9-15.

Last August the police were called to his ex's house because a neighbor had taken a stun gun off his 11 year old. Apparently his middle daughter was chasing the youngest around the house with it. During the police investigation it was discovered that the Mother's boyfriend had recently used the stun gun on the 9yr old, and the mother was threatening to use the stun gun on the kids as a "disciplinary tool". Both Mother and Boyfriend were brought up on charges.


The boyfriend plead guilty to child endangerment and received probation. the Mother was ordered to parenting classes, and somehow she has retained custody of the kids.


Where the hell was CPS on THAT one? It made the evening news!

Sick sad world we live in...

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Sorry for the dramatics-

Back on topic...

Lila and her Grandpa


Grandpa is smiling because he knows she is loading her diaper- he also knows he doesn't have to change it... :tongue:

Here's a picture of my son from a few weeks ago. He'll be 2.5 years old soon.


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My daughter Shayna at Disney last week. She had a great time. :D She's 3 1/2 now.


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