"Best" Alarm?

16 June 2008
what would you guys recommend to put on a 97 nsx??

im looking for the "best" (using that term loosely) alarm that most of you guys are using on your own nsxs?
Trunk Monkey


I have a Clifford Avantguard 5.1 installed on my 95. Terrific alarm, no problems whatsoever. Added a few modules that make it real nice like Proximity Sensor. With the targa off and windows down, it will sound a warning beep if someone gets close enough to look inside the car. If they reach inside, the alarm goes off full blast.
Personally, I would stick with Clifford over anything out there. I installed alarm systems for years and at the time they were far Superior to any other system on the market. I'm not sure if the quality is still there after DEI took them over but they would still be my first choice. :cool:

The most important thing with any alarm system is finding the right installer.
Clifford alarms are the same as any other DEI alarm now. Sometimes the colors are just a bit different on the transmitters.

Compustar I have little experience with but have heard good things about.

im sorry but i have to disagree there. i install viper every day, and just did an avantguard 5.1 for a local s2k member and it was absolutely nothing like any model viper in function or install short of being an alarm with remotes. clifford is one line they didnt rearrange too much.

not that its bad, they just aren't the same like every other dei system.(python, sidewinder, hornet)
im sorry but i have to disagree there. i install viper every day, and just did an avantguard 5.1 for a local s2k member and it was absolutely nothing like any model viper in function or install short of being an alarm with remotes. clifford is one line they didnt rearrange too much.

not that its bad, they just aren't the same like every other dei system.(python, sidewinder, hornet)

That is good to hear, because I'm looking to put a system in myself. :cool:
im sorry but i have to disagree there. i install viper every day, and just did an avantguard 5.1 for a local s2k member and it was absolutely nothing like any model viper in function or install short of being an alarm with remotes. clifford is one line they didnt rearrange too much.

not that its bad, they just aren't the same like every other dei system.(python, sidewinder, hornet)

Looks like they started differentiating the alarms again. I just looked at the Avant Guard and indeed it looks different now. Prior to this, DEI was making all the alarms the same. Just like Hornet=Python=Viper. Remember the Clifford Matrix 10.5x was the same as the Viper 2 way counterpart i think the 791xv. The 70.5x was the same as the Viper 2 way color. But I stand corrected now as I didn't see the new Clifford products, looks like they are trying to make Clifford the high end brand again.

Alarms are so 80's ...just like the "CLUB" and detachable face radios and pagers. These days anyone can drive by and just tow your car away or simply steal it from your garage when you're away (IF THEY REALLY WANT IT.)

Get a quick-release aftermarket steering wheel (if you don't mind losing the airbag) or better auto insurance. If some high school kid from Best Buys installs your cool alarm, then expect the starter kill to get you stranded.
Alarms are so 80's ...just like the "CLUB" and detachable face radios and pagers.

There's a guy that lives in my condo complex that has a Club on his (completely stock looking) Scion TC. It cracks me up because there's always a new Acura RL parked next to it. I suppose it would do the trick of making someone steal any other car before yours, which is really the goal of any home or auto security system.
Alarms don't just serve to prevent theft of the car. They serve as deterrents and I think that's where they are most effective. Like in the case of smash and grabs, tilt sensors can sound off if they want to put your car on blocks and steal your wheels. Autolocking your doors in case you forget. Helping you find your car in a crowded parking lot. Rolling down your windows. Popping your trunk. Starting your car and cooling it down with the AC or heating it up during winter. That's just a few of the bonuses. Don't write them off because a thief can tow your car away if he wanted to.
im sorry but i have to disagree there. i install viper every day, and just did an avantguard 5.1 for a local s2k member and it was absolutely nothing like any model viper in function or install short of being an alarm with remotes. clifford is one line they didnt rearrange too much.

not that its bad, they just aren't the same like every other dei system.(python, sidewinder, hornet)

Just so you guys know...there are 2 different versions of Clifford being produced and manufactured. There is the Matrix line that is identical to Viper, Python, and Sidewinder. Then they offer the "G" series that uses the original Clifford concepts (coded valet button/Dual immobilizers/Blackjax/etc.) I still prefer the G4/G5 Clifford products...they are definately better than the competition when it comes down to making it much more difficult for someone to steal your car.
Alarms don't just serve to prevent theft of the car. They serve as deterrents and I think that's where they are most effective. Like in the case of smash and grabs, tilt sensors can sound off if they want to put your car on blocks and steal your wheels. Autolocking your doors in case you forget. Helping you find your car in a crowded parking lot. Rolling down your windows. Popping your trunk. Starting your car and cooling it down with the AC or heating it up during winter. That's just a few of the bonuses. Don't write them off because a thief can tow your car away if he wanted to.


but i do agree that you should steer clear of the majority of the "big box" chains for something like this.
my clifford is the best i have owned on my nsx. it also has a car jacking system. any door opens u must input a code or it will not drive after a 2 block radius. as said above i go with the clifford.
just leave the doors open and a few dollars in the center console for kids on the prowl. If they are after it, they will come with a flatbed.

As my NSX is on its way, I'm starting to do some research on the best alarm to get and of course a shop worthy of working on my car for me.

I've had Compustar on two cars now, both systems were fairly reliable but my issue with them were the way the remotes interfaced with the car. They were slow to react. The alarm could be going off and I could be standing right next to the car and I'd have to push the disarm button several times before the car would react to it. It would flash the antenna button as though it couldn't find the car.

I'm not sure if that could be an issue with the way it was installed or not, but they were both done at compustar authorized dealers. This wasn't an isolated incident as it was a common characteristic when it was on my TSX and is also a common characteristic on my Prelude.

As a result I think I want to go with the Clifford. Via google search i see the best of the best is the Matrix 70.5 with color lcd remote. However I dont see that particular model on the Clifford website. Why is that?

Does anyone have any suggestions? Whats the best Clifford model out there?

The one benefit to the compustar was the ability to have remote start with a manual transmission. It had a cool feature where you take the key out of the ignition when you park and the car would remain running, in that way the car would know that it wasn't left in gear. Then once the last remaining open door is closed, the car would shut off and automatically arm the alarm with the remote start feature turned on. If any doors open again without it being remote started, the system wouldn't allow for remote start (beacuse theres a possibility that anyone who entered the car could put it into gear)

Does anyone know if clifford offers a similar feature for remote start in a manual transmission?

It doesn't really make a difference to me beacuse I never plan on leaving this thing anywhere where it would be hot enough (or cold enough) for me to need remote start. So its a feature that I dont really care for either way, just curious if the feature was available with anyone other than compustar.
you dont see that model anymore because its a discontinued line. thats also the clifford that is the "same as the other" dei alarms. not to mention that of the 10 of that alarm i installed last year EVERY one went bad. those were recalled and discontinued because they were junk.

if you want clifford then you want the g5. otherwise the new viper LC# is a great alarm and the transmit/recieve is very quick. i have it on my car and am very pleased with it.
you dont see that model anymore because its a discontinued line. thats also the clifford that is the "same as the other" dei alarms. not to mention that of the 10 of that alarm i installed last year EVERY one went bad. those were recalled and discontinued because they were junk.

if you want clifford then you want the g5. otherwise the new viper LC# is a great alarm and the transmit/recieve is very quick. i have it on my car and am very pleased with it.

I really wanted a 2way alarm, and it looks like the G5 isn't available with it. I mean its not a life or death feature, but its something I'd feel a lot more comfortable with having.
look @ the new LC3 viper.


the new version of the one you posted is due out this year as well with the color lcd.

I was checkeing that LC3 one out last night, looks great.

The one that you're talking about thats coming out this year any idea when? approximately?

And is there any thing to worry about when purchasing a new to market alarm? Think it would be safer to wait a year or so for reviews?