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Cheesiest line to Pick up Alix with

Your right Doc!

Hey guys let's just have fun with it Alix is one of our own. We can ( have been ) funny w/o being vulgar so let's stay on course. We want to keep her around after all and not have her feel uncomfortable.

So let's now make with the sad cheesy polyester jogging suit greasy hair pick ups.

Also Ski did you tell her to take a look yet? Be great if she commented.
Here's mine, walk up to the girl...

Guy: Girl you give me the fever
Girl: Huh??
Guy: You give me that pac man fever, na, na, na, na, na!!!!! (mouth opening and closing like pac man)

Sad I know:biggrin:
Here's mine, walk up to the girl...

Guy: Girl you give me the fever
Girl: Huh??
Guy: You give me that pac man fever, na, na, na, na, na!!!!! (mouth opening and closing like pac man)

Sad I know:biggrin:

Do you were glasses to keep the alcohol from burning your eyes:biggrin:
Your right Doc!

Hey guys let's just have fun with it Alix is one of our own. We can ( have been ) funny w/o being vulgar so let's stay on course. We want to keep her around after all and not have her feel uncomfortable.
I agree 100%. It would be very disheartening not to get the PM I'm waiting for :tongue: !

I'm kidding, I'm a kidder,
Do you were glasses to keep the alcohol from burning your eyes:biggrin:

Actually, you'd be surprised how well it works. They think your nuts for a minute but, laugh their a$$ off. :biggrin: Plus it beets the usual "is your dad in jail, he must be, because he stole all the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes" kind of thing!!
Your right Doc!

Hey guys let's just have fun with it Alix is one of our own. We can ( have been ) funny w/o being vulgar so let's stay on course. We want to keep her around after all and not have her feel uncomfortable.

So let's now make with the sad cheesy polyester jogging suit greasy hair pick ups.

Also Ski did you tell her to take a look yet? Be great if she commented.

This thread turned vulgar with its first reply (see post #2)
Your right Doc!

Hey guys let's just have fun with it Alix is one of our own. We can ( have been ) funny w/o being vulgar so let's stay on course. We want to keep her around after all and not have her feel uncomfortable.

So let's now make with the sad cheesy polyester jogging suit greasy hair pick ups.

Also Ski did you tell her to take a look yet? Be great if she commented.

She'll be back. I mean... I HOPE she'll be back! Bunch of vulgar wolverines here...sheesh!!! :tongue:
"hey! someone farted... LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!"

You have to look really serious and hold your hand out.
"hey! someone farted... LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!"

You have to look really serious and hold your hand out.

Yeah but what if it was the girl who farted. Hey older you get you realize this stuff. Prettier the girl the more silent and deadly I've found:eek:
Should we be starting a best line to pick up Armondo thread? I see he is jealous!:tongue:
Thank you for that valentine treat!!!!
So.... Come here often?

The only thing gay are your contributions.

Should we be starting a best line to pick up Armondo thread? I see he is jealous!:tongue:

I think your onto something and I can't believe you clicked on his links .. LOL

Seriously though I've been noticing that lately instead of seeing a thread they don't like and moving on you get these guys posting gay picks or links in a thread:confused: If Armando likes taking dick so be it! Grosses me out ,but he's apparently comfortable with that lifestyle. These guys apparently need a "hottest guy they have ever seen thread" or something so they can relieve their tension or something.

See I'm a heterosexual male which means I find the "opposite" sex attractive. I imagine just about every guy who posted a cheesy line is as well as to a heterosexual man this is funny stuff. Now a GAY man wouldn't find this funny because he's interested in men and maybe they don't use cheesy p/u lines on each other. I don't know and never will as two men is just "nasty" and I can't think of any good coming out of it. Two chicks is different though ... that's hot!

Now being a heterosexual on my computer hd and book marks you'll find car stuff , female pics ( mostly Tyra Banks and Keeley Hazel ) , business stuff and games. I have no gay ( homosexual ) links or pics because as stated above it's not in the slightest bit attractive to me so why would I have something that turns my stomach.

I think it's unfair that gay guys go on straight guys threads and start posting their stuff. If I saw a gay thread I wouldn't click on it as it's nothing I would want to see or read. If Armando started a "Hottest guys" thread I would never click on it. I also wouldn't be rude and immature and start posting pics and links of big breasted women thinking I would "change" he and others by showing them these things.

If myself and other "straight" guys want to joke about cheesy p/u lines on one of the prime hotties as long as it's not offensive to her we should be allowed to do so in peace w/o threat of being blasted by "Homosexual" images. If homosexuals find this offensive they have the ability to just click out of the link. I guess the reason why they're here in the first place is because they were hoping Alix was a dude:biggrin:

so how many roses did ya send her Wing?

Send who:confused:

The word of the day is "legs". Let's go home and spread the word.

No, she doesnt, LOL

"i love this site so much omg its so great"

weeks later......
no log ins LOL

sorry im in a laughing mood after i just saw the 15,000 dollars for 4corners of ceramic brakes on here from the guy in the vender forum:tongue:

Yeah I asked Ski to contact her and he said she'd be back. She mentioned something about military work so maybe she's on call or something.

Yeah that's more than the dealer charges you at Porsche for ceramics. Some guys have that kinda loot though.
The only thing gay are your contributions.

I think your onto something and I can't believe you clicked on his links .. LOL

Seriously though I've been noticing that lately instead of seeing a thread they don't like and moving on you get these guys posting gay picks or links in a thread:confused: If Armando likes taking dick so be it! Grosses me out ,but he's apparently comfortable with that lifestyle. These guys apparently need a "hottest guy they have ever seen thread" or something so they can relieve their tension or something.

See I'm a heterosexual male which means I find the "opposite" sex attractive. I imagine just about every guy who posted a cheesy line is as well as to a heterosexual man this is funny stuff. Now a GAY man wouldn't find this funny because he's interested in men and maybe they don't use cheesy p/u lines on each other. I don't know and never will as two men is just "nasty" and I can't think of any good coming out of it. Two chicks is different though ... that's hot!

Now being a heterosexual on my computer hd and book marks you'll find car stuff , female pics ( mostly Tyra Banks and Keeley Hazel ) , business stuff and games. I have no gay ( homosexual ) links or pics because as stated above it's not in the slightest bit attractive to me so why would I have something that turns my stomach.

I think it's unfair that gay guys go on straight guys threads and start posting their stuff. If I saw a gay thread I wouldn't click on it as it's nothing I would want to see or read. If Armando started a "Hottest guys" thread I would never click on it. I also wouldn't be rude and immature and start posting pics and links of big breasted women thinking I would "change" he and others by showing them these things.

If myself and other "straight" guys want to joke about cheesy p/u lines on one of the prime hotties as long as it's not offensive to her we should be allowed to do so in peace w/o threat of being blasted by "Homosexual" images. If homosexuals find this offensive they have the ability to just click out of the link. I guess the reason why they're here in the first place is because they were hoping Alix was a dude:biggrin:

Send who:confused:


Yeah I asked Ski to contact her and he said she'd be back. She mentioned something about military work so maybe she's on call or something.

Yeah that's more than the dealer charges you at Porsche for ceramics. Some guys have that kinda loot though.

Non of what I have posted was directed at you personally, it was directed at the thread content.

I think before you question my preferences you might first look in the mirror. It wasnt me who went onto a car forum and asked from a bunch of gear heads how to pick up a woman. If there was humor in it, I for one failed to see it. If you posted it to boost your masculinity (or lack there of) then most I feel are laughing at you and not with you. Whatever it may be, you posted in a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions wether they agree with yours or not. I suggest you put your dick back in pants and stop the personal attacks it wont help your cause, as tough typing tends to shrink your dick in front of the ladies.

Oh Armando... I wouldn't sweat it buddy. This whole thread should be called "testimate to how pathetic guys have become". Lol. I think the funniest thing isn't the pick up lines, but that they're directed toward a specific girl that isn't even taking part in the thread. :tongue:

This thread will keep going until somebody else posts a picture of (insert any random girl with obvious boob job) and it will then shift gears to her

Commence the douchebaggery. :rolleyes:
WingZ, Here you go. Want my pick up line?

Why don't you pop those things and put a shirt on? Then maybe I could take you home to my family and friends without them thinking I've been sluming around in strip clubs. Classy! :rolleyes:
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Non of what I have posted was directed at you personally, it was directed at the thread content.

I think before you question my preferences you might first look in the mirror. It wasnt me who went onto a car forum and asked from a bunch of gear heads how to pick up a woman. If there was humor in it, I for one failed to see it. If you posted it to boost your masculinity (or lack there of) then most I feel are laughing at you and not with you. Whatever it may be, you posted in a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions wether they agree with yours or not. I suggest you put your dick back in pants and stop the personal attacks it wont help your cause, as tough typing tends to shrink your dick in front of the ladies.


Hey Armando

Nothing taken personally. Why should I take it personally that you can't read. This was all done in good fun with nothing to be taken seriously. I even told guys who tried to make it more that this was all about jokes. If you failed to see it then why post? When I see something that doesn't interest me I just move on. I don't have to find everything funny and I respect others enough to keep my mouth shut and let them have their fun if it isn't hurting me. If we hurt you I apologize their was no intent.

My comment seems to have struck a nerve ,but again none of this would've come about if since you didn't find any humor in the thread you kept going. You try to tell me to look in the mirror ,but I look in the mirror and am just find with what I see because I don't go out of my way in a juvenile attempt to belittle others.

Also I've no question about your preferences their plain to see. I told you your lifestyle is your own I make no judgement about it. Why you think my dick is out I've no clue ,but again you imaginations are your own feel free. No personal attacks just observations. If you feel people are laughing at me perhaps you feel that way because of your own experiences. People on this thread were just having a good time with the exception of you and some others who have plenty of other threads with things you may actually find interesting and funny to comment on. Yes it is a public forum ,but you don't need that to defend anything. You posted you though the thread was gay and I said nothing ,but then you came back and as the one who started the thread I can comment on that and how suspect it's seems when guys post gay pics.

Only person trying to do tough typing is you because you don't like being called out.

Oh Armando... I wouldn't sweat it buddy. This whole thread should be called "testimate to how pathetic guys have become". Lol. I think the funniest thing isn't the pick up lines, but that they're directed toward a specific girl that isn't even taking part in the thread. :tongue:

This thread will keep going until somebody else posts a picture of (insert any random girl with obvious boob job) and it will then shift gears to her

Commence the douchebaggery. :rolleyes:

Wow yet again you jump on the band wagon of anyone saying something negative. Nice!
WingZ, Here you go. Want my pick up line?

Why don't you pop those things and put a shirt on? Then maybe I could take you home to my family and friends without them thinking I've been sluming around in strip clubs. Classy! :rolleyes:


Also why not go with what you originally sent out? Armando was a man at least in his response and didn't b*tch out like a little punk

For the rest of you philly said this

---End Quote---
Wow bro. That was harsh as hell. I think the only thing "gay" here is how a dumbass thread like this correlates into screaming "look how hetero I am" from the mountain tops to the point it almost looks like they're covering for something. :wink:

I don't know who is gay or straight on this site, nor do I care... but that has nothing to do with guys looking straight pathetic when it comes to plastic girls. Sometimes I'll be in a club and look at how STUPID girls act for guys and I think "god, what a pathetic girl". And I just now realized that it's the GUYS that are the idiots, the girls do it because IT WORKS!

If you don't care why post?