Connecticut school shooting

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Correct. I was referring to the comment about a "semi automatic military grade weapon"... But you do have a good point regarding the descriptions. Same reason the media, and some in this thread, keep referring to the weapons as a "glock and a pistol"... Like they were two different things.

Yes because glock sounds ominous and is the choice of weapon for law enforcement as it should be because its a damn good gun. Fact is the glock magazine is and has been only offered in a limited round capacity for a very long time. Not just glock but all semi-auto magazine feed pistols and rifles. If you can't take a charging bear down with ten shots you shouldn't be in the woods in the first place. A few more rounds aren't going to help you at that point.
I think the largest issue with the division on guns is that it's very unlike the division on broccoli. With broccoli some people try it and don't like it. Others try it and do like it. With guns I feel most that don't like them have not tried them. People who are pro gun most likely have been around guns their whole lives and see the usefulness in them. People who are against guns IMO most likely have made up their mind with very little knowledge of guns besides what their spoon fed on the news. No news channel is going to do a story about how a family ate well this winter because they had a gun to go hunting. No news channel is going to do a story about how many people died because of the over population of deer and deer being hit by cars killing the driver or passengers. It doesn't fit their agenda.

Most people who don't like guns buy their food at the store since being born. They most likely live in a heavily populated area and have never been hunting or maybe even plinking cans. They just don't see the usefulness of a gun. I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt there are people in this country who would starve to death without a gun, think Alaska now but poorer country areas 30 years ago. Like the show on discovery, Alaska: the last frontier. Believe it or not there are a lot of people in this country who still live like that out of need and choice.

I can tell you this for sure, I personally would have starved to death as a kid it I had to beat the pigs and cows to death with a rock instead of using a gun. And deer well they sure as hell wouldn't have sat down and waited for me to build a gallows.

Someone who has lived in the city their whole life will never understand the need.

I understand people who buy rifles to hunt and eat. That's fine with me. But you don't hunt with handguns or Uzis.
The problem isn't really about the guns. It has nothing to do with Glock vs Sig Sauer.

It's about mentally unstable people getting access to any kind of weapon. A shotgun in a crowded place will do a lot of damage, it doesn't have to be a so-called assault weapon. But no one really wants to really tackle the mental health aspect. Read Liza Long's story here....

This is the problem. We have more and more youth today who fit this bill. Call them loners, goths, troubled, isolated, addicted to violent video games, unable to feel emotions, ADHD - or whatever. I guess we will find out more about Adam Lanza and his particular set of problems, but you can bet that for many people this wasn't a big surprise. Instead of focusing on gun specifics we better learn how to help these ticking time bombs.

My condolences to the American people, parents of murdered children and all my friends NSX Prime, this event is seen as a great misfortune in Europe also, courage and peace to you all
I have to say this debate aside, the entire event has just made me ill. It is so hard to not think about it and everytime I do I see the face of one of those kids... and I feel sick. it's even harder for me because it was kids. It's really difficult.
For those of you wanting to ban semi automatic assault rifles, please be aware when you give up a little freedom for the false perception of safety, the .gov will continue to slowly and surely take more and more of our freedoms. Stupid ass Howard Dean was on CNBC this morning sprouting false information. He stated that the shooters ar15 worked spewing out dozens or hundreds of rounds of ammo with one trigger pull. That's just not true. All semi automatic weapons work 1 trigger pull, one shot. Admittedly a person can certainly pull the trigger rapidly. Fully automatic weapons have been banned for decades.

The fact is banning ar15 or uzi type weapons won't save one life. People will still have access to pump shotguns, semi auto pistols, bolt action rifles and older style 6 shooters. The kid could have walked into the school with multiple .22 revolvers and done almost as much damage. As for buying a Sig at Walmart, each gun purchase requires an FBI background check and Walmart does not sell guns by mail. All new gun purchases in Florida come with a gun lock. Gun owners should use them.

And for those of you that think strict gun laws work, just look at Chicago or DC. They have draconian gun laws but there are more killings there than just about any other major city. Check out this headline from Labor day 2011. A violent Labor Day weekend in New York City, in which a total of 48 67 people were shot, [UPDATE: The NYPD now confirms 67 people were shot in violence this weekend] culminated with a bloody shootout in Brooklyn Monday night that left two cops injured and three two people dead].

16,000 people and most of them innocent die each year from drunk driving. Take away my semi auto guns, take away my ability to buy a turbo, big gulp, happy meal for my boy, shot of whisky at a bar, etc etc. It is truely sad what happened but don't blame the gun, blame the individual or perhaps the general moral decay in the country.

As a side note, I did not watch the media this weekend so I don't know where the shooter got his guns. If they were not his, the fact is, they guns should have been in a safe. It has not been fully confirmed whether the guns actually used were pistols or the AR. Both use very different bullets to that will be an easy questin to answer in the near future.
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It's easy to blame guns or gun control (or lack thereof). But if you really want to discuss the heart of the matter then the discussion really should be a mental health discussion. What do all of these mass killings (guns or no guns) have in common? Clear indications of mental instability and a history of concerning behavior.
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You keep referring to these guns as semiautomatics. You do realize that every gun including old west cowboy black power revolvers are semi automatic., right? The problem with gun control advocates such as yourself is that you don't know anything about guns. There's a dem congressman calling for a ban on automatic guns...they're already illegal. Semiautomatic is a scary way to say every other gun on the planet.

- - - Updated - - -

No he didn't. He was declined an attempted purchase because of his history of mental disorders. Get your facts straight. And just because you put a bunch of scary adjectives in front of gun doesn't make it any more effective at killing than a starts rd revolver
I think we need to study the upbringing of this killer,including his parenting/support system...there may be some lessons to learn.
It is truely sad what happened but don't blame the gun, blame the individual or perhaps the general moral decay in the country.

I totally agree. It's always easier to blame it on something else rather than the sick individual.
Actually, I like blame it on the lax justice system (it's a joke). Criminals have more rights than the poor victims:rolleyes:

Every time I read about the abandoned NSX in Dubai and how no one bats an eye about stealing it, the citizens know the justice system is harsh.

No matter how you try to ban them, bad guys will always find ways to get their hands on them.

As a side note, I did not watch the media this weekend so I don't know where the shooter got his guns. If they were not his, the fact is, they guns should have been in a safe. It has not been fully confirmed whether the guns actually used were pistols or the AR. Both use very different bullets to that will be an easy questin to answer in the near future.

He got them from his mother who owned those guns.
I listened to a speech by my children's principal this morning. Not sure there was a dry eye among the parents. He spoke to the kids and said there is no where safer for the kids to be and that they shouldn't be afraid to come to school to learn and play with their friends.

Ever since they started school, we've walked past 2 to 3 armed security personnel and a few inside the building as well. However, I've just now learned that many of the teachers are CCW holders as well. It's not something they advertise but after finding out, I'm proud of the school and the great lengths they've gone to secure the kiddos.
I listened to a speech by my children's principal this morning. Not sure there was a dry eye among the parents. He spoke to the kids and said there is no where safer for the kids to be and that they shouldn't be afraid to come to school to learn and play with their friends.

Ever since they started school, we've walked past 2 to 3 armed security personnel and a few inside the building as well. However, I've just now learned that many of the teachers are CCW holders as well. It's not something they advertise but after finding out, I'm proud of the school and the great lengths they've gone to secure the kiddos.

That's great. I hope your children know that this probably will never happen to them and that they are safe. It sounds like you live in a good school district. I wish the schools here would at least allow parents carry on school property, however that is not possible. I can't take a short cut home through the local university because of the laws restricting guns on campus. As a licensed permit holder, I'd be committing a felony even having a gun in the trunk unloaded on any school property; private or public.
Who did you want to give nuclear weapons to first?
I never meant that literally. It was meant to open the eyes of those who take the stance that we should arm everyone instead of banning guns all together. No one (including the US) should have nuclear weapons.

With guns I feel most that don't like them have not tried them. People who are pro gun most likely have been around guns their whole lives and see the usefulness in them. People who are against guns IMO most likely have made up their mind with very little knowledge of guns besides what their spoon fed on the news.
Guns are like drugs, you don't need to experiment with them to know how deadly they can be.
However, I've just now learned that many of the teachers are CCW holders as well. It's not something they advertise but after finding out, I'm proud of the school and the great lengths they've gone to secure the kiddos.
Its hilarious to think some do not want children to learn about Evolution in the classroom but arm their teachers and suddenly everyone is a Navy Seal. Goes to show just how bad things have become.
And like drugs if used properly they can save your life.
Yes, the ones prescribed to you by medically trained and certified professionals can help save your life. Those drugs are not readily available to anyone, unlike guns. We have a ban on illegal drugs, yet nothing on guns. How many more children and innocent lives should be taken for the sake of upholding an amendment that was written 200+ years ago, with circumstances that are grossly irrelevant today.
Its hilarious to think some do not want children to learn about Evolution in the classroom but arm their teachers and suddenly everyone is a Navy Seal. Goes to show just how bad things have become.

I fail to see how one has to do with the other unless you are just trying to add another dimension to this arguement or start a fight...
I fail to see how one has to do with the other unless you are just trying to add another dimension to this arguement or start a fight...

seems that after awhile the discussion is turning tword the issues of gun legislation,how different laws are from state to state ect......but I personaly am more interrested in perhaps learning more about the upbringing and parenting of the shooter and what "red flags" friends and family should have keyed in on.
Those drugs are not readily available to anyone, unlike guns. We have a ban on illegal drugs, yet nothing on guns.

1. Didn't know guns were readily available to anyone. Guess that is because they aren't.
2. We have a ban on illegal drugs because they are illegal. We have bans on illegal guns also. Illegal things are banned by definition.
3. Your statements continue to be nonsensical. Maybe that is on purpose...
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People without mental disorders of some type do not engage in mass killings. The weapon of choice is irrelevant. If they are intent on killing others they will find a way.

I graduated law school with someone who had bipolar disorder in the family. One brother was a major league pitcher coping well. Another brother was a well respected district Attorney for many years who suddenly stopped taking his meds. He got in a car and drove into a park running down and killing several people walking along a path. No guns were involved but many lives destroyed due to a mental illness.
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seems that after awhile the discussion is turning tword the issues of gun legislation,how different laws are from state to state ect......but I personaly am more interrested in perhaps learning more about the upbringing and parenting of the shooter and what "red flags" friends and family should have keyed in on.

I was referring to mr sparrow's attempt to bring a religious debate in...
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