exhaust stuck to cats

21 July 2011
Westchester, NY
My oil pan gasket is leaking so while I'm there I decided to change the muffler as well. My 91 has the OEM muffler and after 21 years and 130k miles all the nuts are badly rusted. I was able to remove all six nuts, 2 bolts on one of the cats broke. So, it should be easy just to pull the muffler off, right? Wrong:mad:. The muffler is still solidly attached to both cats. I tried banging on the muffler as I won't use it again, no luck.

Any ideas on how to remove the muffler? Also, I want to use the cat with the broken bolts, can I just get two new bolts welded on?

Try spraying some penetrant on the stuck part. Something like PB Blaster might help. If not, maybe heat would do it.
I had to soak in PB blaster overnight to get my cats loose from the headers.
Here are some pics of what I'm talking about. All nuts removed (or broken) yet still stuck tight.

Did you use a breaker bar?

Looks like you broke the bolt heads off living the bolts still screwed in....:eek:

Going to have to drill them out or get a tap and knock them out.
Seriously you just need a real BFH - take the heat shields off and hit it right at the joint between eh two flanges, it'll come off.

Once the card are off you can put them in a vice and knock the studs out and then replace them, not rocket science but not easy either.