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First time NSX Owner: I have some questions!

29 October 2006
Well, I did it!

I bought my first NSX on Saturday, March 31st, 2007! I bought a 1991 Black NSX with 190k miles on it. I can't believe it! I bought it from Robert Chen (Ron98). He is a real cool guy! Extremely friendly too! I am going to be taking all of my repair work to him. He seems to know a lot about NSXs. I would not have any problem directing business his way. Not only did I gain a car, but I gained a friend! Thanks Robert!


Wow, this thing is low! And seatline is extremely low also! Sort of hard to get in and out of, but I'm getting used to it! The thing that irritates me most about driving the NSX is that you tend to hit the front spoiler whenever there is a dip, speedbump, or parking lot incline at the exit/entrance. I never knew that there were so many "obstacles" where I live. There are just some places that I can't go in the NSX due to these obstacles.

There has been an incredible amount of excitement generated from me buying this car. Everyone around me is really excited about this car! I think a few are envious too! One friend told me, "I have been dreaming about the NSX for years now. And now that I have ridden in one, I am definitely going to get one in the next year!"

The bottomline is that I don't need this car. But I want this car. Wait....it isn't a car. It is a dream. I am 40 now. I have been dreaming about owning an exotic car since the age of 10. This car is the fulfillment of a 30 year dream. This car is about achieving dreams. Living your dreams and not settling. All of my friends said they wanted a car like this, but did they do anything about it? NO! I guess there are talkers and doers! My 2002 Camry does everything that I want.....well. But it isn't a sports car. The Camry is a car. The NSX is a dream! A car that can generate excitement in me and everyone around me, what is that worth. Well.......a lot!

As weird as it sounds, the NSX is imspiring me to do more and be more. I guess you could say that it is inspiring me. The beautiful lines, the engine roar, and the exotic car look are beautiful creations from above. When I start the NSX, I am inspired. When I start a 1991 Nissan Sentra XE, I am not inspired. The NSX inspires me to make more money in real estate and business. To make more money to modify it or to buy a newer NSX! Or to maybe, someday, buy a Ferrari or Lamborghini! The bottomline is that this car is life changing!


1) What do you guys do for car care? I am talking do it yourself. I was looking into Meguiar's Clay Bar system and also Mother's Clay Bar system. I would sort of like a "lazy man's" regimen where the look is good, but easy to do. And then the "no holds barred" regimen. I am stumped as far as car washing/detailing goes. OR......what do you have others do for car wash/wax/detailing? I like convenience.

2) The trunk does not stay open. It has these little hydraulic pistons that are suppose to hold the trunk door open, but it doesn't hold. Can I replace or recharge these?

3)My car is black. It has hard water spots/water spots all over it. What do I do to get it out?

4)The Kenwood head unit is difficult to read because it is at an angle. I may replace it. Ok....don't laugh here. I actually have a large collection of cassettes tapes that would be too costly to buy in any other format. Also, there are some taped off the radio concerts (Billy Idol mostly) that are on cassette. Are there any head units that would have cassette and CD changer like the OEM bose system?

5)What do you guys do for car security? I thought the "Unbreakable Auto Lock" looks good. Any experience with this?

6)What do you recommend as far as radar detectors/jammers/laser whatever? I heard K1 Valentine is good. I want the best.

7)My garage is a single car garage. It is only 7 feet wide, not wide enough for the NSX. So I need a "portable garage" or "car canopy with enclosoures" outside that is essentially sealed. I think of it as a drive in car cover that is much faster to do. It might have a zippered garage door. I like convenience.

8)At times, I will park in on the street. I may want to cover it to protect from the sun/rain/hooligans. I saw this "Amazing Roll Up Car Cover" (on an infomercial a few years back) where you can quickly put a car cover on and off with a "reel". Actually seems like a good idea. Any experience with this? Or should I get a different car cover?

9)The center taillight section where it says "Acura" has water condensing in it. Can I fix this? Or do I need to replace it?

Ok, that should cover it! Answer any questions that you know about. You don't have to answer them all! You can comment also.

Thanks In Advance!
Ok, I thought of a few more questions.

10) I am 5 11 1/2. I still need about 1 inch more headroom. What can I to get more head room? Robert mentioned something about a smaller pad in the seats. I have stock seats. Anyone know anything about this?

11) My Acura hood emblem is all messed up. Can I get a replacement? How much is it?

12) My driver's side seat is splitting in areas and the foam is showing. What have you done to remedy this? Can I have someone sew the leather back togther? On the left front corner of the seat is worn off. Can this be repaired?

congratulations on the car. glad you are enjoying it. before answering any of your questions, did you happen to search this forum for the answers to them? I'd think you'd be well served to do so. if, after reviewing the same, you have questions that haven't been addressed or new questions arise, please post those queries.
This may help.

2. Trunk shocks can be replaced easily by the dealership.

3. Check out the detailers section on this website. There is a lot of good information on there that may help you out a lot.

4. You can always revert back to the stock system. Only issue is that you'll have to get a new console piece (assuming yours is no longer stock).

5. Sorry I have no input on this one but I'm assuming it's personal preference.

6. The electronics section of this website has a lot of information on that too. The debate is still argued today... there is a search button on the top bar of the website... type valentine 1 and i'm sure you'll get some results.

9. There are some people on the website who modify these and could probably fix that for you.

10. Dali-racing.com has some modified seat bottoms that give you approx. 2" more head room.

11. You can get a replacement... just check w/ the dealer

12. In the vendor section of this website there is a vendor who offers new seat covers.

Welcome to the community, browse around.. get used to the website.. there is tons of information for you.... just gotta be adventurous and read randomly.. :)

Hi John,

Welcom to this forum and many congratulations with your car.
Please post some pictures when you have time.

Like you, buying the NSX was the fulfillment of a long dream for me. I was 39 at the time. Now, even after five years of ownership, I still enjoy every single moment in the car and it can still get me excited even just by looking at it.
Many people simply do not understand how this car can make me feel. Previously to owning a NSX, I never ever did anything with any of my previous cars. Now, with the NSX, I am learning a lot about cars and car technology in general, making modifications and such that I never was interested in before.
And the NSX has made me many friends with the same passion for this car.
I am sure you will enjoy it for a long time.
1) What do you guys do for car care? I am talking do it yourself. I was looking into Meguiar's Clay Bar system and also Mother's Clay Bar system. I would sort of like a "lazy man's" regimen where the look is good, but easy to do. And then the "no holds barred" regimen. I am stumped as far as car washing/detailing goes. OR......what do you have others do for car wash/wax/detailing? I like convenience.

There is a detailing section here on NSXPrime that may help. Spend some time reading that section since opinions vary on what products are best. You might also want to check out forums dedicated to car detailing such as autopia.org. Claybar is pretty much the same. People have differing opinions on what polishes/waxes are best.

2) The trunk does not stay open. It has these little hydraulic pistons that are suppose to hold the trunk door open, but it doesn't hold. Can I replace or recharge these?

You can buy new trunk struts from the dealer. Check out www.hondaacuraworld.com and ask to speak with Tim or JR. They give NSX owners a discount on new OEM Acura parts. There is also a person who rebuilds these, but I can't remember the name off the top of my head. You can find it by searching the forums.

5)What do you guys do for car security? I thought the "Unbreakable Auto Lock" looks good. Any experience with this?

If you're talking about the lock that goes under your brake pedal, I don't think it's as unbreakable as they claim. My friend once lost his keys and had to call a locksmith to get autolock off. The locksmith just took a drill and took it apart.

6)What do you recommend as far as radar detectors/jammers/laser whatever? I heard K1 Valentine is good. I want the best.

For radar detectors, I like the Valentine 1. Some others prefer the Escort unit. I'm not sure there is a "best" unit when it comes to radar detectors - more of a preference.

8)At times, I will park in on the street. I may want to cover it to protect from the sun/rain/hooligans. I saw this "Amazing Roll Up Car Cover" (on an infomercial a few years back) where you can quickly put a car cover on and off with a "reel". Actually seems like a good idea. Any experience with this? Or should I get a different car cover?

I've heard good things about the California Car Covers. I'm a bit leery about buying something from an infomercial.

Alot of your questions have already been discussed over and over on this forum. You can find most of your answers by searching the forums and reading the FAQ. When I first purchased my NSX, I spent countless hours just reading and searching to find the answers I needed and learn more about the NSX. Congratulations on your purchase.
