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group buy on RHD double din center consoles

15 April 2011
Melbourne Australia
Hi Guys,
I was chatting to Adnan of AS Motorsport and if we can get 10 people interested in RHD double din consoles he could get a mould made up and produce them in carbon fibre and fibreglass.
I will also be putting up a thread in nsxcb uk forum.
So if you ever wanted a double din dvd/gps but could'nt bring yourself to cutting up your original console and painting it, this could be the answer.
Let me know if anyones interested.

how about as an option putting the A/C below the double din this would be inline with most modern cars and be easier to see, just a thought
Definitely count me in....,. My console was butchered and I was about to strip and rebuild to repair my original!!!
Any thoughts on cost?.... I would expect it to be similar to LHD versions?
Definitely count me in....,. My console was butchered and I was about to strip and rebuild to repair my original!!!
Any thoughts on cost?.... I would expect it to be similar to LHD versions?
Not sure about price.
I would think it would be similar to the LHD consoles.
I will find out more as we gather more interest.
we have two interested so far.
8 to go.

- - - Updated - - -

Not sure about that scammy.
I will chat to adnan about it.
Maybe send this out to the NSX mailing list?

What other options are there currently for a center console trim, apart from the $800+ OEM one?

The JDM aftermarket consoles seem to have been largely discounted or not available at this time (probably not enough demand for a production run)
If we reach enough buyers I'd start the production run, I do need to first have the molds made which takes time.
I nearly did that a few years ago but there wasn't enough interest so i didn't go ahead on the mold back then.
Bloody poms!
I share your frustration at our dismal efforts in the Ashes series and I'm sure their nil response is because they are all just a bit too pre-occupied with their celebrations over the once in a life-time thrashing of us in the cricket!

So for those that may be offended by the Australian sense of humour, I shall now post that which I received today at work from an English colleague which is reflective of the friendly banter that goes on between those of us from a nation that stands on it's own two independant feet, and the other that refers to us as colonials:

Aussie Cricket
What do you call an Aussie with a bottle of Champagne?
A waiter.

What do you call a world-class Australian cricketer?

What do you call an Australian who can hold a catch?
A fisherman.

Why can no-one drink wine in Australia at the moment?
They haven't got any openers .

What is the difference between Cinderella and the Aussies?
Cinderella knew when to leave the ball.

What does an Australian batsman who is playing in The Ashes have in common with Michael Jackson?
They both wore gloves for no apparent reason.

Who spends the most time on the crease of anyone on the Australian cricket team?
The woman who irons their cricket whites.

What's the height of optimism?
An Aussie batsman putting on sunscreen.

What do you call a cricket field full of Australians ?
A vacant lot.

What's the difference between an Aussie batsman and a Formula 1 car?
Nothing! If you blink you'll miss them both

What's the difference between Michael Clarke and a funeral director?
A funeral director doesn't keep losing the ashes

The Australian bobsleigh team have asked the Aussie cricket team for a meeting.
They want to ask their advice about going downhill so fast!
haha, its not often you see those jokes about your team, thats normally associated with the useless lot over here.
i dont need a console guys but if you do firm up some figures we are starting to get some owner details together over here theyre just not on Prime yet.
although i have been contemplating putting the AC unit lower and putting the DD above it so its easier to see the nav etc, i dont really touch the ac much once its on so having it lower than the stereo makes sense to me if it can fit, i hav the nav pod and did not install it as it doesnt look right to me but having the screen higher does
Hello, my name is john bell and I am the very proud owner of a '98 Targa NSX with 90,000 km.

I am seeking advice to upgrade the centre console, so I can upgrade the radio and add a GPS.

I would also like to repair/upgrade the woofer speak between the seats that is not working, but I don't know how to remove it.

I would be very grateful for some experienced advice and guidance.

Best wishes John Bell (Perth, Western Australia)
I have now refurbished my car with paint, wheels, engine , gearbox , supercharger, interior and finally the console...... sorry, but couldn't wait so rebuilt original and deleted ashtray and made double din.
Guess I won't be needing this group buy now.
From experience a double din will not suit T owners when they have roof off because of angle of console thus causing glare.
Good luck with group buy. Can't believe there wasnt one made from Japan.