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Has ebay gone nuts?

Yeah. Or at least force them to become what they were 5 years ago. They have become a textbook example of what happens when you have a (virtual) monopoly.

Really, if a viable alternative came along I'd be on it like a duck on junebug.

eBay is obviously going down the toilet. I too have spent tens of thousands of dollars buying a bunch of motorcycles and my NSXs from there. Their website is getting really, really slow and has had glitches. The eBay Motors has a new webpage which is terribly hard to use. I now get the best deals on Amazon for electronics, power tools, and books. Their customer's services and their merchant's are simply top notch. Shipping charges are very, very reasonable and return policies are great too. Really you can't go wrong with Amazon. I still look at the cars and bikes on eBay but that's about it. Most of the high end cars and bikes don't sell at all since many potential buyers got so turned off.
I now get the best deals on Amazon for electronics, power tools, and books. Their customer's services and their merchant's are simply top notch. Shipping charges are very, very reasonable and return policies are great too. Really you can't go wrong with Amazon.

It's funny you mentioned Amazon. I have in the past bought things from Amazon, and mark it up by 100% and resell it on eBay. The buyer really have to know what other options are out there. Ebay is not always the cheapest even when it's an auction style listing. As a buyer, I check multiple online sites. As a seller, eBay still give you the most exposure; even though they managed to ticked me off a couple of times. Furthermore, I also think PayPal's conflict resolution center hires moron to resolve buyer/seller issues.
It's funny you mentioned Amazon. I have in the past bought things from Amazon, and mark it up by 100% and resell it on eBay. The buyer really have to know what other options are out there. Ebay is not always the cheapest even when it's an auction style listing. As a buyer, I check multiple online sites. As a seller, eBay still give you the most exposure; even though they managed to ticked me off a couple of times. Furthermore, I also think PayPal's conflict resolution center hires morons to resolve buyer/seller issues.

And to write dispute resolution policy.
its nice to see this thread is still thriving with ebay hatred! ive racked up 28 feedback on my account buying worthless junk, but on my biggest purchases ive called directly and used credit card(they where shops) so i could really stick it to ebay, but they do get some money from me every once in a while raping me on paypal fees.

come on, where else am i going to buy a cargo cover for my x5:tongue:
I was going to list my old home theater system on ebay but can't as someone left me neg feedback for something I sold to them...funny part is they left the feedback without a single email AND the reason for the negative was unwarranted as I listed this in the auction, there was a chip or something I can't remember. Anyways now in order for me to list anything on ebay, I have to buy a bunch of shit I don't need to get my feedback to positive. Really bad timing too as I just moved into my new house and had tons of stuff left over out of the old house I didn't want and I couldn't list it. I put some crap on craigslist but hated dealing with people and setting up times and I didn't want people at my house I didn't know. So I threw most of the stuff out after my MIL had a big yard sale. She was so pissed at me, I was giving stuff away to the shoppers. It was fun!
I was going to list my old home theater system on ebay but can't as someone left me neg feedback for something I sold to them...funny part is they left the feedback without a single email AND the reason for the negative was unwarranted as I listed this in the auction, there was a chip or something I can't remember. Anyways now in order for me to list anything on ebay, I have to buy a bunch of shit I don't need to get my feedback to positive. Really bad timing too as I just moved into my new house and had tons of stuff left over out of the old house I didn't want and I couldn't list it. I put some crap on craigslist but hated dealing with people and setting up times and I didn't want people at my house I didn't know. So I threw most of the stuff out after my MIL had a big yard sale. She was so pissed at me, I was giving stuff away to the shoppers. It was fun!

If you need, I can "store" your home theater at my house until you get your feedback rating back up. :wink:
They are just trying to avoid a costly lawsuit, and ending your auction was the simplest/cheapest solution to the problem.