hot lap in a BMW M3 GTR at Nurburgring in Germany (Broad Band Only)

20 February 2004
Los Alamitos, CA
Hope this isn't a repost.

This link is to a huge (54 MB) WMV file that shows
Hans Stuck doing a hot lap in a BMW M3 GTR at Nurburgring in Germany.
It is worth the download.
Have to watch it again....starts off with cold tires and eases into
it. Funny, seems pretty fast from the start, but watch carefully, he is
really taking it easy for the first minute or so...notice how high the
low gears are...he passes that red Porsche in 2nd gear, and is still
going probably 50+....6 speed transmission and uses all 6 of
them.....4th gear down the hill and around the corners (where the
camera goes crazy) so that tells you he is going incredibly fast
through that section.....that's first gear around that striped banked the nice floating and twitching over and around some of
the hills and corners.....and the little sideways kick out of the other
small semi-banked corner - doesn't spend much time out of line.....the
closing speed on that car on the back straight is awesome, and so is
the "no lift", top of 6th gear corner right after that....I'd be
shaking my fist too after a lap like that!

It is a huge file, but 8+minutes of great fun! Enjoy! (Think I'll
watch it again....)Hans Stuck M3 Video
There are people who are talented and there are people who are gifted. The driver is both. I would love to take a lap in the passengers seat with him driving.
Yep, that looks really fast. But there's another often-reposted video of an NSX-R doing a lap of the ring (the one where the driver sets the e-brake hard immediately after finishing the hot lap) that is apparently faster. If you time the M3-GTR video, it's about 8:19 for a lap. The NSX does it about 25 seconds faster - down in the 7 minute range. It's got the time shown in the video, as well as his feet.

Not sure if it's valid to time the video, as it may not be running at the true original speed, but the time is not displayed in the video.

Jeff A said:
Yep, that looks really fast. But there's another often-reposted video of an NSX-R doing a lap of the ring (the one where the driver sets the e-brake hard immediately after finishing the hot lap) that is apparently faster. If you time the M3-GTR video, it's about 8:19 for a lap. The NSX does it about 25 seconds faster - down in the 7 minute range. It's got the time shown in the video, as well as his feet.

Not sure if it's valid to time the video, as it may not be running at the true original speed, but the time is not displayed in the video.



I have commented on this before. The clip you are talking about is this one.

In the clip posted at the top here, he drives about 1.30 minutes on the GP track before he enters the Northsleufe. So he sets a crazy time that the NSX-R can not beat.

I can only dream of driving that well. Holy smokes... it was exciting just watching it on video!