Imola Orange sighting - Markham this am ?

I saw it a few times at a bubble tea place near Hwy 7 and 404 in Richmond Hill. Should be the same one you are talking about. Looks nice!!! :biggrin:
I saw it a few times at a bubble tea place near Hwy 7 and 404 in Richmond Hill. Should be the same one you are talking about. Looks nice!!! :biggrin:

Not me, esp at bubble tea. This imola is getting a bikini wax here in the states. Go Red Wings! :smile:
A client of my brother's in Waterloo owns one. He ordered it new in 2004. I wonder how many Imolas there are around.
A client of my brother's in Waterloo owns one. He ordered it new in 2004. I wonder how many Imolas there are around.

Yes there is one that I see randomly in town... it has TSW gun metal polished lip wheels on it, and he also get his detailed at the same place I occasionally take mine... not sure if thats who you spotted in Markham? There can't be that many Imola's around.