installed a new battery reversed polarity!!!

18 April 2003
i noticed something strange after driving my '91 nsx a few days ago. after a few hours had passed i came out of the house and noticed my front left and rear left parking lamps were noticeably on for some reason. no other lights were on. i'm sure i didn't leave my headlights turned on or anything since it was broad daylight when it happened. so i get in the car and turn the ignition just to see if the battery was drained and i got nothing. couldn't even move the power seats, no dome light, no dash lights, no power windows etc. very strange since it started up immediately just a few hours previously. so i take the battery out, hook it up to my battery minder plus to recharge/recondition. the red led comes on indicating power, the green led comes on meaning charging but when i press the button it's supposed to blink indicating the "desulfication" process is taking effect. this time i get nothing which probably means the battery is gone. so i let it charge overnight just in case, re-install the next morning and sure enough NOTHING. no lights, power, cranking etc. so i remove again and get it replaced with another interstate battery. when i reinstalled i guess i was half asleep because i hooked up the positive terminal to the negative terminal on the battery with disastrous results as expected. i got a loud honk like the keyless entry alarm got activated and then i smelled something burning(alternator? starter? main fuse? battery itself?) so i disconnected immediately, reversed the cables got in the car, turn the ignition key and NOTHING! although this time every dashboard warning light comes on meaning there is some power going to the car which i didn't have before. i'm afraid now i'm in for a HUGE repair bill to all my electrical system all because i did this stupid thing. i'm hoping it's just a fuse or a re-set condition that needs to be done but then again i have a bad feeling it's something very serious. any techies out there that can diagnose this or have any opinions? thanks cuz this really has me tied up in knots.
At this point you need to start checking fuses. Start in the engine bay fuse box. Also if you smell something burning try to pin the location down.

Keep us posted.

ok. i now see a similar post from a few years back on a similar situation. in his case it seems all that got blown was a "120 amp main fuse"($3.99) and a cheap "stereo"? fuse. i'm hoping my situation is the same. any quick pointers on the location and install procedure for this? does the battery need to be disconnected? main concern is if any other damage was done other than electrical.
did you see the staypuff marshmallow man....:eek:
Proof that Honda engineers are smarter than us :)
Good! Make sure the fuse is inserted the correct way around! Just kidding.. Glad you didn't fry the car..

Yup, what a relief! And don't think I didn't double check the picture under the fusebox cover because there are 2 side by side slots. Really didn't pay much attention when I unscrewed it what slot it was in. I don't think fuses are polarized, nevertheless shouldn't all the amp ratings line up? Just wondering.
Bringing this post back but we were bringing the car out of winter storage today and my dad accidentally put the battery in incorrect as well. Sparked, horn blew, engine will not start. Plenty of crank in the battery once installed right and the car wants to dire but no go. Checked the 120 fuse in the engine bay and sure enough it is brown inside and smells burned. Ordered a new one today and will install next week. I am sure the new fuse will do it since all other fuses looked good.