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Iran: High-speed underwater missile test-fired

10 April 2000
Silicon Valley
boy-howdy, ain't the next 5 years going to be fun :(

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran announced its second major new missile test within days, saying Sunday it has successfully fired a high-speed underwater missile capable of destroying huge warships and submarines.

The tests came during war games that Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards have been holding in the Gulf and the Arabian Sea since Friday at a time of increased tensions with the United States over Tehran's nuclear program.

The Iranian-made underwater missile has a speed of 223 miles per hour, said Gen. Ali Fadavi, deputy head of the Revolutionary Guards' Navy.

That would make it about three or four times faster than a torpedo and as fast as the world's fastest known underwater missile, the Russian-made VA-111 Shkval, developed in 1995. It was not immediately known if the Iranian missile, which has not yet been named, was based on the Shkval.

"It has a very powerful warhead designed to hit big submarines. Even if enemy warship sensors identify the missile, no warship can escape from this missile because of its high speed," Fadavi told state-run television.

It was not immediately clear whether the ship-fired missile can carry a nuclear warhead.

The new weapon could raise concerns over Iran's naval power in the Gulf, where during the war with Iraq in the 1980s Iranian forces attacked oil tankers from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, prompting a massive U.S. naval operation to protect them. The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet is based on the tiny Arab island nation of Bahrain in the Gulf.

Cmdr. Jeff Breslau of the 5th Fleet said no special measures were taken by U.S. forces based on Bahrain in reaction to the Iranian war games, even after the latest missile test.

"They can conduct excercises whenever they want and they frequently do, just as we do. We conduct excercises throughout this region," he told The Associated Press by telephone.

On Friday, the first day of the war games, Iran test-fired the Fajr-3 missile, which can avoid radars and hit several targets simultaneously using multiple warheads. The Guards said the test was successful.

More than 17,000 Revolutionary Guards forces are taking part in the weeklong maneuvers. On Sunday, paratroops practiced a drop in an attack on a mock enemy position, and warships, jet fighters, helicopters and sophisticated electronic equipment were used in other exercises.

Iran, which views the United States as an arch foe and is concerned about the U.S. military presence in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan, says the maneuvers aim to develop the Guards' defensive capabilities.

Iran has routinely held war games over the past two decades to improve its combat readiness and test locally made equipment such as missiles, tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The missile tests and war games coincide with increasing tension between Iran and the West over Tehran's controversial nuclear program.

The United States and its allies believe Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, but Tehran denies that, saying its program is for generating electricity.

The U.N. Security Council is demanding that Iran halt its uranium enrichment activities. But an Iranian envoy said its activities are "not reversible."

Iran launched an arms development program during its 1980-88 war with Iraq to compensate for a U.S. weapons embargo. Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, missiles and a fighter plane.
Scary stuff...
NsXMas said:
not too worried.

Iranians ain't the most technically elite. I'm sure either the missile's capabilities are highly exaggerated, or simple counter-measures can reduce its effectiveness.

Plus, if they do blow up a US warship, the steel rain won't be stopping from the sky.

To me, it not that they are technically elite or not. It's just that their leaders are nuts. These are the people that stated that their neighbors, Israel, should not be allowed to exist, and also the people that have stated if they are not allowed to proceed with their nuclear projects, they will attack American and European interest in America and Europe.

That is scary stuff.:eek:
Dtrigg said:
These are the people that stated that their neighbors, Israel, should not be allowed to exist, and also the people that have stated if they are not allowed to proceed with their nuclear projects, they will attack American and European interest in America and Europe.

I hope you are just talking about the "crazy" leaders and not the people :) Pretty sure the people do not have the same stupid ideas as the leaders of the country.
i think it's all pretty scary stuff - there's no upside in this series of events.
|Adeel said:
I hope you are just talking about the "crazy" leaders and not the people :) Pretty sure the people do not have the same stupid ideas as the leaders of the country.

Sorry. I didn't mean the people of the country. I was referring those lunatic leaders of the country. I don't see anything good coming out of this. It's a very frightening situation.
NsXMas said:
not too worried.

Iranians ain't the most technically elite. I'm sure either the missile's capabilities are highly exaggerated, or simple counter-measures can reduce its effectiveness.

Plus, if they do blow up a US warship, the steel rain won't be stopping from the sky.
I agree, in a way... It's not like they are all of a sudden a huge threat. But make no mistake, they are positioning themselves for an encounter that will cost the free world - the U.S. in particular. They need to be dealt with. How is the question.
KGP said:
They need to be dealt with. How is the question.

Turn em into a giant glass parking lot?:biggrin: I am just kidding so please reserve your flames:smile:

I honestly can't imagine any other way of removing or dealing with the threat that Iran now poses other than through military action. Call me a war mongerer(?) but imo, you cannot reason with fanatics who are willing to die for their religious jihad:rolleyes:

We've all seen how effective the sanctions placed on Iraq was: USELESS. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians "helped" the iranians in their devolopment of an underwater missile and in their nuclear pursuit. For example: Iraq.


maybe the allegations against the russians are true, but that remains to be proven, though i personally believe that the russians cannot be trusted.
war is stupid my parents are from Iran and we dont like war,
what about other contrys that have nuclear??
if you gonna take away nuclear from a country ,why not take it from all countrys?
why does for Exampel US need nuclear ,?? you guys living in the richis country but you love guns , why some of you guys so scared of your nighbors,,its sad really to need have guns in the homes,, i feel sorry for you guys,,here in sweden we dont have guns, its not even leagel to sell gun to enyone , the only one that have guns are militeri or hunters and they have to show there guns to the polis enery year to test shooting and stuff, allso when they buy bullits the have to save the emty magasine ,,
but what do i know about politic, i just love cars :smile:
don mean to effend enybody but if something should bee right then it should be the same for every one and every country not diffrent for US just because they are bigger;
and about Iraq , What a meningless war , a lots of young americans ,swededish and europian and allso iraqi died for what??peace?? i dont think so, even today peopel die for meningless war ,
I say STOP this SHIT and terminate all wapens:smile: :smile:

thats my oppinion
and yes the leader in my country are crasy thats why peopel whant to get out of the country

HAVE a Lovely life:smile:
sorry for my english ,i speek better than i wright
In this day and age it's almost popular to be anti-USA, and countries like-minded may help each other. Wouldn't be hard for a couple of russian made missiles being delivered to Iran "by accident". :frown:
NeoNSX said:
In this day and age it's almost popular to be anti-USA, and countries like-minded may help each other. Wouldn't be hard for a couple of russian made missiles being delivered to Iran "by accident". :frown:

They may be also recieving help from our friend France:biggrin:
sounds like propaganda to me. in a period of two or three days they announced two types of magical missiles that i seriously doubt their ass-backwards country has the technical capability to produce. they're just trying to scare the world into thinking twice about messing with their nuclear program.
Hot-Dang, how can I resist!:biggrin:

Iran armed and nuclear:
OK, I know I’m going to get roasted for this, but it’s time for your reality check.
You can ban me, but I’ll just come back as 711!

Try looking at the other point of view, guys.
The Iranians are scared sh*tl*ss of all the heavily armed and nuclear countries out there that verbally threaten them (like the US for example). They read your posts here, for example. Just what would you do if you were them? Disarm? Ja, right.

On one side of them is a US ally, a nook-U-ler country. Pakistan. On the other side is Israel. Nook-U-ler Israel. And aggressive too. The US gave Israel nukes, they weren’t too happy about that. Would you be happy if Iran gave Cuba nukes? Sure you would.

Then, just to top everything off, the US takes over (well, tried to take over) a country RIGHT next door to them. Like what would the US think if Iran went into Mexico and set up a “democracy” (read semi puppet government)?
Remember, most countries in the world regard democracy with suspicion. It causes extreme instability and chaos, something they definitely don’t need right now.
Don’t forget that the US is the only country in the world that blindly believes in democracy. Just like they ("they") blindly believe in Allah. Think about that for a moment.

Anyway, that same Iraq next door attacked them a few years ago. News to you guys I guess. They lost about a million people, including those family members dying of heartbreak. About a twelfth of their population, that’s like the US losing 5 million. Somewhat more than happened on 911 and look how everybody reacted to that.

They know/believe nuclear is the ONLY way to hold of an aggressor (guess who that might be). Just like their friends Israel showed them.
Like Korea knows (but personally, I’m with you in the change Korea debate, ok).

Just what do you think they should do? You should be proud that Iran is learning to be a Kick Ass Country. Like the other one.

Disclaimer: I don’t like this trend either. But it’s going to happen sure as the sun comes up tomorrow.

What good can come of Iran going Nuclear? Well maybe this:
Iran will join the club of respectable countries, now that it is nuclear (speaking in the future here) it will feel safe in its security.
It will put on a suit and tie (so to speak) and join the other nations in condemning the other upstart non-nuclear radical nations.
It will be the leader in the Islamic World and have a calming influence over the other radical Islamic states. Because it has respect from everybody, something they really really want.
It will crack down on terrorists because, like Saddam, it hates terrorists. It exterminates them because terrorists threaten the status quo. Terrorists threaten “respectable” states, right?
When Iran goes nuclear, other radicals will expect them to use their power, and the radicals will get pissed off at Iran for not throwing it’s weight around.
After a while they will start having problems with terrorists too.

“Join the Club” will have new meaning to them, hehe.
a couple of quick nits:

1. the US is not a democracy, no matter what propaganda the govt continues to spout.

2. Iran become respectable.... this is the same government that goes nuts over cartoons, thinks women aren't much better than pets, and says that if someone says 'divorced' three times in their sleep it constitutes a legal divorce and the woman has to sleep with another man before the couple can be remarried. These kind of people live in the friggin DARK AGES!!! I realize it's just a subset of people that are the problem but it always appears this subset are the ones in control of the government.
robr said:
[Iran] thinks ...that if someone says 'divorced' three times in their sleep it constitutes a legal divorce... These kind of people live in the friggin DARK AGES!!!
I dunno - sounds pretty progressive to me!:biggrin:
You gotta have nukes to keep us ( U.S ) out nowadays especially if you have oil!
nchopp said:
Um, America never WAS a true democracy. We're a Republic. Skip Social Studies in grade school? :)

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands..."

I guess kids these days don't start their mornings in school like I did.
WingZ said:
You gotta have nukes to keep us ( U.S ) out nowadays especially if you have oil!


710: I was waiting for your view on this case, knew you couldn't resist :D:D
Dtrigg said:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands..."

I guess kids these days don't start their mornings in school like I did.

Unfortunately I think they stopped saying that ,because of the "one nation under God" part.
WingZ said:
Unfortunately I think they stopped saying that ,because of the "one nation under God" part.

Unfortunately, I think you are correct. Thanks.
From what I have seen on the internet, the US finished stockpiling weapons for the Iran war in Israel on June 5, 2005. The only question now is if Israel will start it alone. Last time with Iraq, they waited until the reactor was about to be filled. BTW- the isreali pilot that blew the reactor was killed on the space shuttle 22 years later.
BTW- the isreali pilot that blew the reactor was killed on the space shuttle 22 years later.
NO KIDDING??? :eek: Weird.
Man, there really IS something to this pyramid thing. :biggrin: