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Kids' Day 2010 - Photos

28 March 2002
The NSXCA continues its support of a very special cause - Kids' Day at Watkins Glen. This year we had the honor of being invited to the Camp Good Days campgrounds to have a bbq with the children and the counselors.

The torrential storms held off long enough for us to drive over to the camp on the lake and watch the children come running over, squeeling with delight just like our tires on the track, and pick out their favorite color NSX. A very noisy "symphony of horns" ensued as they took particular pleasure sitting in the cars and honking more than a pack of canadian geese.......

One of the highlights of the evening was the surprise presentation by LarryB of a check from his employer, Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA, Inc., to the President of the Camp. Thanks to Konica Minolta, and some of it’s close business partners, Equitrac Corporation, Prism Software, Pharos International, Gibbons Law, Sharon Umhoefer, as well as an additional supporting donations from our NSXCA members and Trackmasters, we have made a lot of children very happy. As the Camp President said, "no family affected by cancer should have to decide between making a car payment or sending their child to camp - - - all our campers go for free thanks to donations from very generous and caring individuals and companies."

We will be taking them out on the track today for "parade speed laps" which when it comes to an NSXCA event will involve a very "spirited" triple digit "parade".............

Here are some shots from last night.













And we made this truly a family event by DocJohn and Trish bringing along their two adorable rug rats to accompany our track rats........



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Dense fog socked in the track this morning for several hours but cleared up enough by the time the kids got to the track for laps with us. Another successful day driving the little kids before taking some of our big kids for hot laps when the weather cleared in the afternoon.

Thanks to all who made the trip and brought smiles to the faces of children who often do not have an easy time of smiling.



Thanks so much for bringing the event to us. I'm sorry I missed this one but there is no time with the new unit going live in 10 days :smile:
I can see by the smiles on the kids faces (big kids from the club included) that it was another amazing day :cool:
Great story. Great photos.

Thank you.
Another Great KId's Day!!! For those on the East Coast that have never made it, it's something that you have to do!!! Bob, great pictures as usual!!! Hit some torrential storms on the way home, but was "incident free". Hope that you guys/gals enjoyed the rest of today and tomorrow!!!
A couple of my passengers:


16 and loved every minute of the ride especially when a Z06 blew by all of us going flat out down the straight.


This fellow of eight years was going mad taking photos of every nuance and detail of my car's interior.

God I love this day.
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Bob nice productions and music choices:wink:
Bob, maybe you should throw all that legal BS away (as I did) and chase your talent: Great stuff as always!

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Wonderful shots, as usual. Thanks for sharing. It was a great day after the fog lifted and tons of fun seeing and talking to the kids.

"Who's this guy?" :biggrin::biggrin:

Rich nice seeing you again ,love the sig btw spark nev baby!!!
Each year we do this it just keeps getting better. There is no doubt our members who attend enjoy themselves and get a lot out of it but it is also very important to the kids and their parents. Here is a comment one of the moms left about the video I did:

"awesome video. my son was there - he had an AWESOME time at camp. this was his first year, and is already talking about coming back next year! Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!"

Thanks again to all who took the time to share their cars and themselves with some very special children.

Although we couldn't make it, kudo's to your photography and now videos, which make us feel like we were part of it. Thanks for sharing and hopefully we can be part of the fun next year. Bruce
Wonderful shots, as usual. Thanks for sharing. It was a great day after the fog lifted and tons of fun seeing and talking to the kids.

"Who's this guy?" :biggrin::biggrin:


Why it's ....Rumpelstiltskin!
He's lives under a NSX!
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What a great event for the kids and us!!:smile:

Here's my rides:

TJ from Skaneateles (A Finger Lake)
Peter from Syracuse
Megin from Buffalo
Boy do they love to go fast!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


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