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Kids' Day Dinner - Tuesday July 15th - RSVP here

28 March 2002
As everyone should be aware, the Annual Kids' Day at the Glen is fast approaching which means it is time to start getting a head count for dinner. We are trying to arrange it at the Glenora Winery again which is only about 10 minutes away from the Longhouse and other local motels and I am waiting for the contact person to let me know if it will be possible again this year.

No matter where we end up, it will be necessary to make a reservation as quickly as possible since we have had 25-35 people in prior years. While I wait for confirmation that sufficient space is available for us, please start rsvp'ing and indicate whether you will be bringing a guest. Further details will be posted as soon as the location is finalilzed.

EDIT: I have confirmed with Veraisons, the restaurant at Glenora (same as last year) that we have a reservation for Tuesday, July 15th at 7:00 pm. Because of the size of our group we will need to set up a limited menu and have everyone select their entree in advance. I have just received the available selections and will post them later to get a feel for preferences. We would have a choice of 3 entrees.

The cost would be approximately $40-55pp plus 8% tax and 19% service charge (gratuity) with the higher price depending upon if we want to add an appetizer in addition to a salad as well as include steak/lamb as a choice. I am still working with our contact there to refine the choices. Also, if anyone other than Roger has any special dietary needs please let me know so we can arrange something in advance.

EDIT 2: Aside from special dietary requests which should be made known to me, the menu will be:

A) Organic greens salad, spring leek vinaigrette and feta cheese

B) Choice of one of the following entrees:

1. Oven roasted stuffed chicken, herbed bread stuffing, baby carrot, asparagus and chicken jus
2. Pan Roasted Atlantic Salmon, lentil ragout, carmelized pearl onions, tomato confit and red wine fish fume
3. Black Angus Rib Eye Steak, mashed potatoes, sauteed swiss chard, cherry tomatoes and English pea sauce

C) Chocolate Molten Cake

D) coffee/decaf/tea

This is wine country so feel free to partake of the local offerings but remember that wine/drinks will be an extra charge that you will need to pay for separately from the group per person charge.

Edit 3: After the winery learned about the reason that we will be up there, they have agreed to waive the customary "package pricing" and charge us for what will be ordered which will lower the usual pricing by approximately $7 per person on the meal. They believe that what we are doing for the kids deserves to be rewarded with a lower cost.

As a result, assuming each person were to order the steak then the cost per person would be $59 which includes tax and gratuities. (Remember that alcohol will be a separate charge that the person ordering would need to pay at the end of the meal.) Whereas I don't anticipate that everyone will be ordering steak, my best estimate would be $55 per person for the menu listed above, including tax and gratuities (which would total 27%). I trust that those of you who dined with us last year enjoyed it and will appeciate that this is a fair price to dine at the Winery.

Edit 4: Thanks to the efforts of Peter Mills, your Northeast NSXCA Representative, the NSXCA will be contributing $20 toward the dinner of each NSXCA member whose dues are paid up as of the time of the dinner. Please note that this will be applied only toward the actual member and not the member's guest so if you bring a date, effectively each person will have $10 off their dinner cost. If you are not an NSXCA member, this would be a great time to join since you would be entitled to the $20 dinner credit thereby resulting in your first year's dues costing you only a net $20 for the year. Thanks Peter!!!!!

1. RSO 34
2. DocJohn
3. Peter Mills
4. The Lovely Sylvia Mills
5. Climberao
6. The Don
7. The Original The Don
8. Pooh
9. RPM217
10. Marisa
11. NSX13
12. Marji
13. Susan Moore
14. My Rat Bastard Son-in-Law Moore
15. Red
16. Tytus
17. Lunchman
18. Ron Witt
19. Ginnie Witt
20. Larry B
21. Sunshine Bastanza
22. Gary Sommer
23. Pbassjo
24. Pbassjanet
Last edited:
Me mon,,,,,that was for Dennis:wink:
I am in and since Pooh is caravaning with me then she is in too and of course TheDon and SrDon

I haven't been to Glenora in over 20 years but I still remember their Seyval Blanc which was always a consistent wine :smile:
I will be attending with my assistant who is currently recovering from her cancer surgery. She is definitely looking forward to meeting all the crazies that I talk about. Her name is Marisa!:biggrin:
1. RSO 34
2. DocJohn
3. Peter Mills
4. The Lovely Sylvia Mills
5. Climberao
6. The Don
7. The Original The Don
8. Pooh
9. RPM217
10. Marisa
11. NSX13
12. Marji
13. Susan Moore
14. My Rat Bastard So-in-Law Moore
15. Red (Stu)

Note addition - Dave (BioBanker) may come too - but won't go fast!:wink:
1. RSO 34
2. DocJohn
3. Peter Mills
4. The Lovely Sylvia Mills
5. Climberao
6. The Don
7. The Original The Don
8. Pooh
9. RPM217
10. Marisa
11. NSX13
12. Marji
13. Susan Moore
14. My Rat Bastard So-in-Law Moore
15. Red

Put me down as well for the feast...



The Menu sounds great! Do we have to prepay at some point as we did in Canada, or are you taking a collection at the door?


As everyone should be aware, the Annual Kids' Day at the Glen is fast approaching which means it is time to start getting a head count for dinner. We are trying to arrange it at the Glenora Winery again which is only about 10 minutes away from the Longhouse and other local motels and I am waiting for the contact person to let me know if it will be possible again this year.

No matter where we end up, it will be necessary to make a reservation as quickly as possible since we have had 25-35 people in prior years. While I wait for confirmation that sufficient space is available for us, please start rsvp'ing and indicate whether you will be bringing a guest. Further details will be posted as soon as the location is finalilzed.

EDIT: I have confirmed with Veraisons, the restaurant at Glenora (same as last year) that we have a reservation for Tuesday, July 15th at 7:00 pm. Because of the size of our group we will need to set up a limited menu and have everyone select their entree in advance. I have just received the available selections and will post them later to get a feel for preferences. We would have a choice of 3 entrees.

The cost would be approximately $40-55pp plus 8% tax and 19% service charge (gratuity) with the higher price depending upon if we want to add an appetizer in addition to a salad as well as include steak/lamb as a choice. I am still working with our contact there to refine the choices. Also, if anyone other than Roger has any special dietary needs please let me know so we can arrange something in advance.

EDIT 2: Aside from special dietary requests which should be made known to me, the menu will be:

A) Organic greens salad, spring leek vinaigrette and feta cheese

B) Choice of one of the following entrees:

1. Oven roasted stuffed chicken, herbed bread stuffing, baby carrot, asparagus and chicken jus
2. Pan Roasted Atlantic Salmon, lentil ragout, carmelized pearl onions, tomato confit and red wine fish fume
3. Black Angus Rib Eye Steak, mashed potatoes, sauteed swiss chard, cherry tomatoes and English pea sauce

C) Chocolate Molten Cake

D) coffee/decaf/tea

This is wine country so feel free to partake of the local offerings but remember that wine/drinks will be an extra charge that you will need to pay for separately from the group per person charge.

Edit 3: After the winery learned about the reason that we will be up there, they have agreed to waive the customary "package pricing" and charge us for what will be ordered which will lower the usual pricing by approximately $7 per person on the meal. They believe that what we are doing for the kids deserves to be rewarded with a lower cost.

As a result, assuming each person were to order the steak then the cost per person would be $59 which includes tax and gratuities. (Remember that alcohol will be a separate charge that the person ordering would need to pay at the end of the meal.) Whereas I don't anticipate that everyone will be ordering steak, my best estimate would be $55 per person for the menu listed above, including tax and gratuities (which would total 27%). I trust that those of you who dined with us last year enjoyed it and will appeciate that this is a fair price to dine at the Winery.

1. RSO 34
2. DocJohn
3. Peter Mills
4. The Lovely Sylvia Mills
5. Climberao
6. The Don
7. The Original The Don
8. Pooh
9. RPM217
10. Marisa
11. NSX13
12. Marji
13. Susan Moore
14. My Rat Bastard Son-in-Law Moore
15. Red
16. Tytus
17. Lunchman
18. Ron
19 Ginnie

The Menu sounds great! Do we have to prepay at some point as we did in Canada, or are you taking a collection at the door?



Because the Winery has agreed to a reduced pricing schedule as a courtesy for our involvement with the kids, I will not know the final per person cost until that night. We will be collecting the money after dinner for the food cost and each person will be responsible for their drinks tab. The NSXCA's contribution toward dinner will be credited before we collect the money.
Because the Winery has agreed to a reduced pricing schedule as a courtesy for our involvement with the kids, I will not know the final per person cost until that night. We will be collecting the money after dinner for the food cost and each person will be responsible for their drinks tab. The NSXCA's contribution toward dinner will be credited before we collect the money.

I'll bring my calculator!:biggrin:
Just a little bump to see if anyone else is going to be joining us. We still have a little time but at some point soon I am going to need to take entree orders so that the winery will know how much of each we will need.

Also, this is going to be charged to my credit card that evening so please have either cash or a check with you since I get the lucky task of collecting. And remember, I know where you all live and I have high friends in low places..........