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Man i hate ricers...

6 June 2005
Man i hate idiots....

So im driving my friend home after eating dinner with some buddies, when we come across a modified Sentra, a V6 Mustang, and a WRX at a light. The Sentra and WRX are in the left lane, packed with teenaged idiots btw :mad:, all the passengers in both car are staring at me in the NSX pretty hard (as can be expected) and the mustang and i are in the right lane.

The light goes green and the WRX and Sentra start making all this noise but aren't going anywhere anytime soon. The WRX tries to race the mustang off the light but he isnt having anything to do with it, so they turn their attention on me, great...:frown: I'm trying to be civilized and drive at a normal speed but these guys are matching my speed and staring at me. Ughh.

Still keeping my cool but realizing that i need to be in the left lane to turn a few lights ahead, i try to accelerate normally and signal to get in front of the WRX, no luck. Ok... I try to slow down to get behind him...HE SLOWS DOWN TOO! Geez! This goes on for a while. I speed up - he speeds up. I slow down - he slows down. The street is coming up soon and i'm running out of options. We're going about 40mph, so i throw it in 2nd and i'm GONE :smile:

WRX never knew what hit him. :biggrin: I change lanes, make the turn and the madness is finally over. :smile:

So much BS just to make a left turn! I don't understand what these guys' problems are. Are these people's lives so bankrupt that they need to prove how big/small their nuts are to every car that they come upon?

I'd like to believe that most NSX drivers are of a higher calibre than your average street racing kid. :biggrin:
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I had a very similar thing happen to me....so I rolled down my window and said "HEY I NEED TO BE IN THAT LANE!!....CAN I GET OVER?" they looked at me ..puzzled then drove off! My wife was very happy with me for not drag racing a honda civic HX :biggrin: JZ
<B> We're going about 40mph, so i throw it in 2nd and i'm GONE :) </B>

You may hate ricers, but without them you wouldn't have beautiful moments like this. :D
skynet0419 said:
I'm so glad that most NSX drivers are of a higher caliber than your average street racing kid. :biggrin:
I don't think it is just the ricers. The Camaro, Vette, Firebird, Mustang, and actually all performance car owners, yes including the NSX's, all have their share of bad seeds. I think these guys, who constantly look for cars to challenge, have inferiority complex. They HAVE to prove something to somebody. License plates like "Vtteatr", "NSXeatr", "ENZOWHO", or anything challenging have such subliminal messages all over them. They might as well be open to have plates like "TNYWNNE", "SHRTCMG", or "IMNOBDY" instead. :wink:
yeah, theres nothing to prove when your driving a NSX because driving a car that looks that good is all it takes.
from domestics to imports, I've never encounter that problem yet....people usually stare at the car and give me a thumbs up...that's about it... :biggrin:
whiteNSXs said:
I don't think it is just the ricers. The Camaro, Vette, Firebird, Mustang, and actually all performance car owners, yes including the NSX's, all have their share of bad seeds. I think these guys, who constantly look for cars to challenge, have inferiority complex. They HAVE to prove something to somebody. License plates like "Vtteatr", "NSXeatr", "ENZOWHO", or anything challenging have such subliminal messages all over them. They might as well be open to have plates like "TNYWNNE", "SHRTCMG", or "IMNOBDY" instead. :wink:

i like that license plate Eddie Murphy had on the red Viper he had in "The Nutty Professor"

PNS CAR :biggrin:
djskyy said:
from domestics to imports, I've never encounter that problem yet....people usually stare at the car and give me a thumbs up...that's about it... :biggrin:

it must be the orange color, Dennis :tongue:

Actually this is prolly only an isolated incident, i more often get the "stare and thumbs up" responses on the road.

But this just annoyed the crap outta me :biggrin:
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I guess this is an advantage to living in Sarasota where, at age 48, I am a youngster compared to most of the motoring public.
flashy cars get flash and attention, what do you want? if you dont want the attention, get a normal car.

i like people who drive their performance cars LIKE performance cars. this doesnt mean racing everywhere, especially since the streets are usually over-congested.. but still, play around a bit. the fact is, everyone has a curiousity as to how their car will go against "car x" and this is why people play around. if i am in the mood, i play.. if not, i just wave to the person and friendly pass them by.

it seems the worse situations are always with highschoolers who will follow you for absolute no reason. lucky for me, i usually drive on canyons.. its easy to leave people for dead there.
The other day, I was driving around town and an 05 G35 Coupe pulled next to me and rolled their window down to tell me something...I of course rolled my window down to ask them what they wanted..the Passenger said..."I WANNA HEAR YOUR CAR"?? :confused: :confused: ... I guess they wanted to hear the V-TECH..So I dumped it in 2ND (Around 40MPH)..and I was GONE..I guess the Comptech H/E was pretty impressive as now these kids wanted to RACE....lol

skynet0419 said:
Still keeping my cool but realizing that i need to be in the left lane to turn a few lights ahead, i try to accelerate normally to get in front of the WRX, no luck. Ok... I try to slow down to get behind him...HE SLOWS DOWN TOO! Geez! This goes on for a while. I speed up - he speeds up. I slow down - he slows down. The street is coming up soon and i'm running out of options. We're going about 40mph, so i throw it in 2nd and i'm GONE :smile:

I have to wonder when reading this -- did you try using your signal?
old_S13 said:
flashy cars get flash and attention, what do you want? if you dont want the attention, get a normal car.

i like people who drive their performance cars LIKE performance cars. this doesnt mean racing everywhere, especially since the streets are usually over-congested.. but still, play around a bit. the fact is, everyone has a curiousity as to how their car will go against "car x" and this is why people play around. if i am in the mood, i play.. if not, i just wave to the person and friendly pass them by.

it seems the worse situations are always with highschoolers who will follow you for absolute no reason. lucky for me, i usually drive on canyons.. its easy to leave people for dead there.

I know the car is gonna get attention. I do drive the car "LIKE a performance car." And i do "play around a bit". But i made it clear i didnt wanna race, i just wanted to get in the lane and go about my business. Purposely blocking my car from changing lanes is not racing or seeing "how their car will go against "car x", it's BEING AN ASSHOLE.
rbirling said:
I have to wonder when reading this -- did you try using your signal?

Hand or turn? Here in NM, turn signals are considered as 'giving information to the enemy'. Hand signals are widely used. There seems to be no limit to the number of people who are ready and willing to let somebody else know they are Number 1.
skynet0419 said:
I know the car is gonna get attention. I do drive the car "LIKE a performance car." And i do "play around a bit". But i made it clear i didnt wanna race, i just wanted to get in the lane and go about my business. Purposely blocking my car from changing lanes is not racing or seeing "how their car will go against "car x", it's BEING AN ASSHOLE.


Then that _would_ be annoying. :frown: (Wasn't trying to question your driving etiquette, just asking :smile: )
rbirling said:
Then that _would_ be annoying. :frown: (Wasn't trying to question your driving etiquette, just asking :smile: )

Yes indeedily doddily doo :biggrin:
Yesterday, on my way home on the highway, I'm in the left lane and coming up on an TC'd Eclipse in the right lane. As soon as I pass him, he gives me this BOV (pssssst, pssssst) thing twice to try to impress me. I wasn't impressed but apparently he was impressed by my car. :D
Hehehe, once pulling out of a parking lot a few weeks ago, a couple of guys in a fixed up early '80s domestic Chevy Sedan smile, and said "light 'em up!", while making the spinning motions with their hands. :tongue:
whiteNSXs said:
They might as well be open to have plates like "TNYWNNE", "SHRTCMG", or "IMNOBDY" instead. :wink:

Other people are other people, their ages, and what they drive mean nothing. The Ricer moniker is just another way of saying "Idiot" but putting a unfriendly ethnic twist to refer to Japanese car drivers-

Why not title the Thread "Man i hate Idiots..." That is what you were dealing with, and guess what? You will deal with them again and again so better hope if you are planning the same course of action next time that your idiot opponent isn't quicker on the gas, other wise the next post might be

"Ricer hit my NSX"

The best cure? The pedal in the middle. Your car is fast, but their stupidity may be boundless.
I know you slowed down- maybe you should have stopped, or turned off in the other direction.
I would advocate a polite request, but kids around here carry guns, so maybe even friendly intended confrontation is a bad idea. if they are on your left- turn right- you know three rights make a left, and what? Are you really that pissed about taking the long way home when the car you are driving is such a great machine?

I see people get sooo pissed about the little indignities they recieve when driving their prestige cars- guess what, the guy out there in the Porsche? He gets that shit from idiots too, the guy in the Ferrari- you guessed it.
Learn to deal with it and be mature for the idiot in the next lane if need be. Adapt, or drive a car that doesn't attract so much attention.

I have a beat ass old Lexus that the idiots don't pay attention too, but if I am driving the NSX- my vigilance is ten fold. It has to be. If you have something other people want they will try to take something from you- if not your car, then maybe your pride. Don't be foolish, or fragile ego'd enough to put either of them out there to be taken.

Well stated H-carWizKid.

It seems the NSX attracts more of these idiots than any other exotic I've owned. I just ignore them completely. It's a good opportunity to catch up on calls that need returning.