Moving west...

30 April 2001
Hi All,
Just wanted to let you all know that it's been great meeting you all over the last few years as I prepare to move to the Northwest after 20 years in the Northeast.

Please let me know if anyone is interested in any NSX-mobilia. I'm trying to shed some extras before I move - diecasts, brochures and magazines.

Im very interested in the memorabilia... PM ME with what you have and what you want...
what are all these CA guys doing in the northeast forum? Keep the memorabilia in the NE ;)
dawggpie said:
what are all these CA guys doing in the northeast forum? Keep the memorabilia in the NE ;)
I would rather not have to move it... So, NE guys, come on over and take your pick :)
s2ktaxi said:
Seattle area... :)

:biggrin: Have a great life out there :biggrin:

I climbed Mt Rainier with my son this past June. The food, sights and people in and out of Seattle are really fantastic :eek:

I am also interested in NSX memorabilia so please PM me with a list.
Hi All, I've listed most of my NSX books/brochures/press kits etc on the following page.

Please let me know what you want. most items cost me about $15-20. A couple even more. Please let me know what you want. Any total over $100, I'll ship free within the US. Anything over $300 I'll take 10% off in addition.
Ist come first serve.

I also have almost every US (and some Euro and some other foreign) magazine that has had the NSX featured in it. Foreign for $10 and US for $2 flat rate. (I don't have these cataloged yet but let me know what you want). I'll also sell lots of 10 US magazines plus 1 foreign for $30 w/free shipping.

Offer only open till I move. If you're interested in the whole collection, let me know... about 100-150 lbs I would guess.
