My Brooklands Green NSX

30 January 2005
Sarasota, FL
I just got my car day before yesterday so my photo opportunities have been limited, but I just took this one a couple hours ago.


Pulling around in the back yard for a picture by the pool has become sort of an in-joke tradition with us and our friends so of course the NSX had to take its turn. Damn, that green is hard to capture in most lighting.

Other Brooklands Green cars feel free to pile in with your pics. I'm a digital goof so I'll have a steady flow as time goes by.
very nice that color
Dirty as hell from a day of driving in the rain but still looking good. This is day before yesterday in Virginia on the Skyline Drive.

I love the pics!! The Brooklands Green NSX by the pool is pretty darn sweet!! I think I may spend some time in that hammock as well.... :)
This picture is a reflection of the eastern sky which was itself reflecting the sunset last night. I think we can thank hurricane Katrina for the pretty colors. It's kind of grainy because it was getting dark but I had to surpress the flash to keep from washing out the glow.

Some days it's wash day for the car, this was wash day for the covers. Here we are drying them after a visit to the laundromat.

Top off weather is finally here. :)

Adieu for now!