need help removing aftermarket steering wheel hub..

7 August 2006
I bought nsx that had grant steering wheel on it and now I am not sure how to remove the hub.. I tried to use steering wheel puller tool from autozone but the holes don't line up. This one is 3 hole type which look like simmetrically positioned. The steering wheel puller is only from straight holes. Any suggestions?
i would open up the 6 botls to remove the aftermarket steering wheel and take the center nut on the hub off and reattach the aftermarket steering wheel back to the hub and pull straight towards you. works every time for me. you dont need a steering wheel puller.
i would open up the 6 botls to remove the aftermarket steering wheel and take the center nut on the hub off and reattach the aftermarket steering wheel back to the hub and pull straight towards you. works every time for me. you dont need a steering wheel puller.
thanks I will try that!