I have a '94 - I've survived being wacked by a landscapers dumping of crap all along the road and having one of his logs bounce up and hit my antenna and bend it to a 90-degree angle and now my radio has decided that 18 years is much too long to work, properly. It is full of static and has very loud crackles. I went to the local stereo repair and he pointed me to this website: http://www.carstereohelp.com/acura.htm
Upon scrolling nearly all the way down, I get the bad news. It appears I am in need of a new radio. :frown: SO.... if anyone has one around, PLEASE let me know. I have absolutely no desire to install a new ($2600?), or nonstock one or even modify to accommodate one. I know it's going to be difficult to find, please if anyone knows.... please let me know! :biggrin:
Upon scrolling nearly all the way down, I get the bad news. It appears I am in need of a new radio. :frown: SO.... if anyone has one around, PLEASE let me know. I have absolutely no desire to install a new ($2600?), or nonstock one or even modify to accommodate one. I know it's going to be difficult to find, please if anyone knows.... please let me know! :biggrin: