We've added a new sub-forum in DIY for video repairs specifically, hoping it can be a time saver if you've got a job to do, & Primers can look here first. Thanks in advance to all of you who have content to contribute. Some suggestions:
- Threads with inappropriate/derogatory content cannot be accepted.
- Please keep in mind the purpose of the DIY video sub-forum when making your videos. It is to assist other NSX owners with maintenance, not to increase video views, or as a marketing exercise.
- Please limit congratulatory posts to avoid clogging the threads, but experience/suggestions with the demonstrated repair is appreciated. OP’s, there is no need to acknowledge every post.
- We encourage all Prime members to submit video content to help other Prime members with DIY maintenance:
- Videos should be edited with final users in mind.
- Please post DIY instructional videos only. Videos talking about maintenance, the importance of maintenance, talking about your “NSX experience”, commenting on mods, explaining NSX history etc. should be placed in the general forum.
- For longer videos, a table of contents in the text would be helpful.
- Keep in mind that not all viewers will speak English as their primary language. Try to speak slowly and clearly; avoid shouting/ranting that may be difficult for others to understand. Present audio in a professional manner.
- It should be expected that other prime users will comment, potentially critically, on these posted videos. Posters/commenters - try to disagree without being disagreeable. We're all in this together.
- Feel free to re-edit the video to correct mistakes and/or add corrective text overlay. If a critical oversight must be corrected, it is acceptable to edit, or delete the thread and repost a corrected video thread.
- If you’ve made a video and are specifically looking for feedback prior to posting a final cut, append “- DRAFT” in the title. This draft thread can be deleted and a new thread posted when the final video is posted, or the "draft" can be removed from the title if no significant suggestions arise.
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