• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho

NSX BBQ @ My House Next Saturday May 24th @ 11:30am to ? NSXCA Membership Drive!

Terry...check you text messages.


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Terry...check you text messages.

Terry...check you text messages.


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Terry...check you text messages.


Just texted you back .. parking is getting packed .. see you both soon bro!
Had an awesome time today.. burgers were great.. too bad I didn't stay long enough was really tired. Got home and passed out on the couch.. haha didn't even make it to the room..
I was coming west on 407 in the afternoon and saw someone in a red NSX near 407/35 continuing east on 407. Couldn't quite make out who it was.

I finally got everything settled with the new car, a birthday my kid had to go to, etc. around 7pm last night and *bam* dead battery. I really need to drive her more. :(
So Glad all of you could make it!

My Pleasure Guys, such a Blast! Glad that you all could make it... I'll be starting
a thread tomorrow in the Pics Forum so that Ian & I can share them there.
Waldorf, there will be another one in the next couple of months! Yes! You need
to drive it more often!:tongue:

Here's a little tease!

VERY awesome time...!

To those that didn't make it out...you missed out...but we also missed you.

Terry: THANK YOU (again) for hosting such a fun time!


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PS: at average values, we had over $750,000 worth of toys in the driveway at once! :)
Stellar time!!!!

@ stormrider, GOT TO MAKE IT UP HERE FOR NSteXpo Brother!

@ GBL1, My Pleasure Brother .... Such a Blast seeing all of these NSX's together for just a weekend BBQ!

@ Vanishing Point, Indeed Priceless!

@ IlyNsX, Great Time and Glad you're Back in the NSX Saddle!

By the way .... ALL Of My Pics are Posted (Link Below), I'm sure Speed6's Pics will blow mine away when he adds them to the thread!

Pics have been added to the thread! Thanks again Terry!
Looks like great time fellas, wish I got to join yall. I will definitely be at the next one!
Great party Terry! Good to see all you guys again!
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Those pictures look unreal! Haha nice job.

Why did everyone have their tops on? :confused:
I would like to see more pictures of the red NSX that is parked behind the buckwild lime green car in the first picture.