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NSX Only Track Day @ Buttonwillow

To keep it simple (like I wanted to do in the beginning but somehow colors got involved) just let me know if you think you need to run the beginners or with the rest of the group. You have to have at least some track experience to run with the NSX run group.
I'm confused...I thought the blue intermediate group was part of the or a NSX run group...which I'm pretty sure I specified when I signed up with SV. What changed?


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Guys please read thru this thread. All the PMs and questions have been answered before.
Guys, just to be clear. There are no colors. There's just the NSX Group or the Beginners Group.

Right now these are the folks on the beginners group. If you want to be in the beginners group please let me know asap. I'm finalizing this tomorrow.

R, Les
D, Pablo
T, Nguyen

Roman, do you want to run in the beginners with the NSX?
Sorry to do this. I was so looking forward to participating. Hard times at the JC household and we are having to sell the house. The staging of it is killing me. We are going to have to take a pass unfortunately. Between work and everything else, I just can't see participating, time wise or financially.

But next year.......
Sorry to hear that JC. There are certainly more important things in life.

Sorry to do this. I was so looking forward to participating. Hard times at the JC household and we are having to sell the house. The staging of it is killing me. We are going to have to take a pass unfortunately. Between work and everything else, I just can't see participating, time wise or financially.

But next year.......

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I don't plan to do another update. See you guys soon!
Just wanted to let you guys know I won't be at the event.
Lifted a head and blew a head gasket at the final event for NASA-AZ at INDE winning the season championship for 2014.
No time to get it changed out and then drive 1400 miles round trip for 1 day of tracking.
Sorry guys...Hopefully next time.
Just wanted to let you guys know I won't be at the event.
Lifted a head and blew a head gasket at the final event for NASA-AZ at INDE winning the season championship for 2014.
No time to get it changed out and then drive 1400 miles round trip for 1 day of tracking.
Sorry guys...Hopefully next time.

:frown: Was looking forward to some seat time with you.

But glad you won this seasons championship.:smile:
Just wanted to let you guys know I won't be at the event.
Lifted a head and blew a head gasket at the final event for NASA-AZ at INDE winning the season championship for 2014.
No time to get it changed out and then drive 1400 miles round trip for 1 day of tracking.
Sorry guys...Hopefully next time.

bring the daily!
Was looking forward to seeing you as well Les, and Thanks !

:frown: Was looking forward to some seat time with you.

But glad you won this seasons championship.:smile:

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The NSX is my daily !

bring the daily!
Maybe we could take up a collection and fly Jim out for the weekend.
It would be too hard for me to be there without my car, it would be depressing... :-)
Besides, there's a better time for a learning environment with you Les as a driver.
I'd rather see you spend the money and come out to a NASA event where I can actually work with you in a controlled environment of the same skill level.
NASA is going to have a event February 7-8, 2015 at Chuckwalla.
There are a few that have contacted me offline to express the same I want to learn attitude.
I am thinking about putting together a group of 3-4 NSX drivers that are also NASA members and are licensed to instruct with NASA.
3-4 of you sign up for CW that we have enough instructors for, then we have 2 days of instruction for 8 sessions to move you up into group levels you can handle, thats when the learning advances and you really learn how to be faster safely.

Trust me, I'm bummed I can't be there.
Wanted to meet everyone in person, especially since I'm so amazed so many of the guys are bringing their princess out for a track day.
Such Sacrilege !

Have fun guys and drive safe !...you guys have nothing to prove so there's no point in taking chances, the whole idea is to go home with you and your baby intact !
Thats all I ever care about when it comes right down to it in my NSX when on track.

Maybe we could take up a collection and fly Jim out for the weekend.

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Shut up Roger.
You of all people need all the help you can get, trouble maker, LOL
Come down for the CW event, you'll have a blast.

^^ oh oh someone is going to be missing their besty BFF really really bad.............:frown:
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coz said:
Shut up Roger.
You of all people need all the help you can get, trouble maker, LOL
Come down for the CW event, you'll have a blast.

I was going to to do CW on 11/8 but now I have a wedding to go to..........so then I was planning on 11/22 but then I got some JT concert tix.......now maybe 12/27 since I should be in LA for Xmas. Don't you have to pay to join NASA and don't their HPDEs cost more?
Sounds like a whole lot of excuses to me. Are you sure your not just scared ? ;-)

Yes, you have to join NASA, it's 45.00 for the year and good at any NASA event anywhere in the US
Yes, you have to pay for the event, the cost to sign up for DE1 evaluation/instruction is $269.00 for 2 days with instructor. 8 - 20 minute sessions total.
With the 25% discount code I would give you for first time drivers with NASA-AZ, your end cost would be $235.50
Pretty cheap actually for the track time, the track itself and with coaching.

You could camp out at the track with us as many of us do.
I was going to to do CW on 11/8 but now I have a wedding to go to..........so then I was planning on 11/22 but then I got some JT concert tix.......now maybe 12/27 since I should be in LA for Xmas. Don't you have to pay to join NASA and don't their HPDEs cost more?
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As a fellow NASA member with Coz, and there are a few of us (Erik, Ryan, Jawn). I highly recommend if you want to track more than 2X a year. Join NASA and go through their program. I recommend the NASA AZ group over NASA SoCal, but any NASA is better than no NASA.

I've been doing this a few years now and the only group I really feel safe in anymore is running with NASA. I'm not in any way the fastest guy out there, but I'm a skilled enough driver to have achieved my Time Trial license this past weekend. This activity moves you from an "open track day" to competition. It was the most fun I think I can say I've had on track. Running with the "Big Bore" boys from NASA AZ. Vettes, Porches, BMWs, a Skyline and of course our friend Coz. The most important thing? We all know how to drive. That doesn't mean guys don't drop 2 or 4 wheels because they are pushing hard, but it does mean in traffic, there is no fear of anything going to hell unless there is a mechanical, which is simply bad luck.

So, as Coz mentioned, The NASA AZ guys are running CVR in February (7-8 to be exact). So join NASA, go through their HPDE program and become a better driver of your NSX...
Thats what I said, February 7 & 8th 2015...
..and yes, Nick got his TT license this last weekend after his evaluation, made me proud all our work paid off !
He's running with the big boys now and wasn't last in class this past weekend and was actually faster than some in classes above him ;-)
He's spent over a year earning it and he's well deserved of getting it.

As a fellow NASA member with Coz, and there are a few of us (Erik, Ryan, Jawn). I highly recommend if you want to track more than 2X a year. Join NASA and go through their program. I recommend the NASA AZ group over NASA SoCal, but any NASA is better than no NASA.

I've been doing this a few years now and the only group I really feel safe in anymore is running with NASA. I'm not in any way the fastest guy out there, but I'm a skilled enough driver to have achieved my Time Trial license this past weekend. This activity moves you from an "open track day" to competition. It was the most fun I think I can say I've had on track. Running with the "Big Bore" boys from NASA AZ. Vettes, Porches, BMWs, a Skyline and of course our friend Coz. The most important thing? We all know how to drive. That doesn't mean guys don't drop 2 or 4 wheels because they are pushing hard, but it does mean in traffic, there is no fear of anything going to hell unless there is a mechanical, which is simply bad luck.

So, as Coz mentioned, The NASA AZ guys are running CVR in February (7-8 to be exact). So join NASA, go through their HPDE program and become a better driver of your NSX...
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Yes, you would start out in at least one DE 1 classroom session to learn our flags and important safety rules we follow.
After that I would take you out in DE2 for a check ride since you have experience, if you have the ability and I think you are safe and in control, then it becomes my decision where you move to from there after we discuss it.
I have done check rides with 1st timers that have experience and moved them into DE 3 or 4 after the first session.
DE 3 has rules about passing, point bys only. They are starting to become seriously fast.
DE 4 is no joke, they are fast and it's open passing for the most part. Point bys are preffered as a curtsey but not mandatory.
It all just depends on you and your skill level.
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I'm planning on leaving Redlands at ~2:30 in the hopes of arriving ~5:30. I'll have the trailer so it's not a high-speed trip. Guess I'm posting here just for info rather than to join or request a caravan.
Oh, and I know you mentioned it somewhere, but I can't find it... where should I be parking?
I'm leaving OC around noon Friday in hopes of missing some of that sh*tting Friday afternoon traffic.:wink:
Park along side or behind garages 5-8... depending how big your trailer is. It should make more sense once you get there. There is no "designated" trailer parking per say just have to use your best judgement. Feel free to ask at the front desk the keys for the garages if it'll make your life easier to use them. I've booked all of them. I'm not sure if BW will give you keys a day early but I don't see why not. That area is where all the NSXs will be hanging out.

In this picture the garage openings are facing pit lane and facing "down" or South. The back of the garages are facing "up" or North. The green circled area are garages 5-8. I presume it would make sense to park the big trailer along the red area and save the front parking around the garages for the NSXs. If I decide to bring a box trailer I will be parking it out back.

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Damn, sucks having to miss this.:frown:
I've been busy with work and all and nsx wasn't prepped/ready for this.

Thanks for your work RYU. I'll have to get my car ready for next time.

Enjoy every one.
It would be too hard for me to be there without my car, it would be depressing... :-)
Besides, there's a better time for a learning environment with you Les as a driver.
I'd rather see you spend the money and come out to a NASA event where I can actually work with you in a controlled environment of the same skill level.
NASA is going to have a event February 7-8, 2015 at Chuckwalla.
There are a few that have contacted me offline to express the same I want to learn attitude.
I am thinking about putting together a group of 3-4 NSX drivers that are also NASA members and are licensed to instruct with NASA.
3-4 of you sign up for CW that we have enough instructors for, then we have 2 days of instruction for 8 sessions to move you up into group levels you can handle, thats when the learning advances and you really learn how to be faster safely.

Trust me, I'm bummed I can't be there.
Wanted to meet everyone in person, especially since I'm so amazed so many of the guys are bringing their princess out for a track day.
Such Sacrilege !

Have fun guys and drive safe !...you guys have nothing to prove so there's no point in taking chances, the whole idea is to go home with you and your baby intact !
Thats all I ever care about when it comes right down to it in my NSX when on track.

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Yes, you have to join NASA, it's 45.00 for the year and good at any NASA event anywhere in the US
Yes, you have to pay for the event, the cost to sign up for DE1 evaluation/instruction is $269.00 for 2 days with instructor. 8 - 20 minute sessions total.
With the 25% discount code I would give you for first time drivers with NASA-AZ, your end cost would be $235.50
Pretty cheap actually for the track time, the track itself and with coaching.

You could camp out at the track with us as many of us do.

As a fellow NASA member with Coz, and there are a few of us (Erik, Ryan, Jawn). I highly recommend if you want to track more than 2X a year. Join NASA and go through their program. I recommend the NASA AZ group over NASA SoCal, but any NASA is better than no NASA.

I've been doing this a few years now and the only group I really feel safe in anymore is running with NASA. I'm not in any way the fastest guy out there, but I'm a skilled enough driver to have achieved my Time Trial license this past weekend. This activity moves you from an "open track day" to competition. It was the most fun I think I can say I've had on track. Running with the "Big Bore" boys from NASA AZ. Vettes, Porches, BMWs, a Skyline and of course our friend Coz. The most important thing? We all know how to drive. That doesn't mean guys don't drop 2 or 4 wheels because they are pushing hard, but it does mean in traffic, there is no fear of anything going to hell unless there is a mechanical, which is simply bad luck.

So, as Coz mentioned, The NASA AZ guys are running CVR in February (7-8 to be exact). So join NASA, go through their HPDE program and become a better driver of your NSX...

I know where and when my next track event will be:biggrin: The wife is going to be really pissed at me but oh well, such is life being married. LOL