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Rally Advice Please! NSX In Dustball 2016 - Vegas To Vancouver

26 June 2009
Calgary- Canada
Hi Primers,
After some thought and lots of disucssion, i've done it! My car is entered in the Dustball Rally from Las Vegas NV to Vancouver BC in July 2016: http://dustballrally.com/index.php?...o-vancouver&catid=43:dustball-2000&Itemid=269

As you can see, the Dustball is not a race, but a fun rally over several days, and is more accessible to common folks than other rockstar rallies like the Gumball. I'm not looking to break any speed records, just do some driving, see some places, meet some nice people and have a good time!

I love long drives and am pretty excited about this little adventure, especially to get out and enjoy the NSX on some awesome roads. Never been in a rally before so I'm looking for advice/ideas from the Prime collective on what to do to prepare in the 10 months until the rally. Here is my list so far:
  • Mechanical check (duh)- winter project
  • Arrange transportation from Canada to Vegas before the event
  • Obtain appropriate insurances (vehicle and health)
  • Investigate personal sponsorship, perhaps from some NSX-specific vendors?

Does anyone have anything to add? Any tips or advice? If so, please chime in.

Thanks all.
I have no advice other than to record everything and have fun. Recording is for posting here afterward of course.:wink: Sounds like a great way to meet many folks.
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Thanks. I'm pretty stoked, this promises to be a unique experience.

After chatting via email with the organizers I think my biggest task will be to find some personal sponsorship to help lower the cost- I'm told that fuel, food, tranport, and other costs (the rally covers hotels) are regularly paid for by personal sponsors. I think my next step is to approach select NSX-related manufacturers and vendors [especially those that were involved in my winter respray & body update last year] to try and get some $$ love. Every dollar counts!
UPDATE: Our family has been unexpectedly hit by the economic downturn- my wife has lost her job.

We'll manage for now, but to be safe we are preparing for her to remain unemployed for an extended period of time. This means that for now unessential expenses like the Dustball are suspended; Dustball has a "no refunds" policy so I need to find someone to sell my spot to:

If you are interested in taking part in the 2016 Las Vegas to Vancouver Dustball, I am selling my spot at a significant discount to the cost listed on the website: http://dustballrally.com/index.php?o...000&Itemid=269

My loss is your gain. PM for details.
I will also be posting this to the Prime Owners FB Page.