Request: AEM Knock Sensors settings

8 September 2000
SF Bay Area
Hey folks,

If any of you have a bbsc/paxton setup w/ AEM on a 3.0L engine and have your configuration handy, can you either respond to this thread or PM/Email me the following knock sensor settings:

In AEM Pro, go to:
Setup -> Sensors -> Knock Sensor -> Knock Control

What are your options under 'Options Ign Control' and 'Options Fuel Control'? The following fields:

Ign Control
Ign Rtd Max:
Restore Rate:
Spark Advance:

Fuel Control:
Fuel Add Max:
Restore Rate:
Descrease Fuel:

I'm going to try and finish configuring mine tonight and wanted to make sure I was in the general area. I have the settings from the 'stock' aem nsx calibration file, but the knock settings that came configure in my ems (bought used) are way different..

Thanks in advance! :-)
