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Samsung Galexy 2S skyrocket vs iPhone???

2 June 2011
West Chester, Pa
Was wondering what peoples thoughts were on the new Samsung? Was going to get a new iPhone 4s (or wait for the 5) after having been a blackberry user for ever. I am reading great things aout the new droid/Samsung.

I am sure I would like either, but I hear the droid has a faster processor larger screen etc. and some were calling iphone killer. just wondering if anyone here has an opinion lol. Thanks. Jason
I tried both phones last week and I ended up selling my iPhone. The iPhone its a good phone but only runs on 3g speed or hdpa+ which is not as fast as 4 LTE ( REMEMBER that no iPhone was built to run on high speed network, why? Idk ) im not and iPhone hater FYI I had the 3g, 3gs , 4 and 4s ( used to love BB) . The best part of the droids its that they are not restrictive like the iPhone is, you can do whatever you want with it, you paid for it. About the processors both of them are very fast ( its very hard to tell the difference) . Now if you wanna try the best Droid you should wait until mid May and get the Samsung Galaxy S3 Quad core, yes you read right 4 CPUs on the palm of your hand just saying.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
Personally, I would rather have 3g and 8 hours of battery life vs LTE and 4 hours of battery life.
Thanks for the input. I am going to give the Samsung a go. It's a shame rim hasn't kept up. And from I hear BB / rim is all just about finished.

I'm sure it will take some getting use to. What is the best / easiest way to sync the droid with my outlook so that I can get all my contacts and calendar?
Forget the spec. It comes down to the OS. I was using Android before and when the new update came, the phone became very slow. I end up buying Iphone 4S after impressed by my friend who is using Iphone 3 which still runs well even with the new OS. Also you get lots of aftermarket accessories for Iphone e.g. speaker dock etc.
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Depends on what kind of user you are.
I've used both, and for me, Android kills the iPhone.
But I like to play with settings, and tinker with things.
For example, I have ubuntu linux installed on my SD card that I can boot inside of Android. Lets see an iPhone do that...
But if you like it to 'just work', the iPhone wins hands down.
Forget the spec. It comes down to the OS. I was using Android before and when the new update came, the phone became very slow. I end up buying Iphone 4S after impressed by my friend who is using Iphone 3 which still runs well even with the new OS. Also you get lots of aftermarket accessories for Iphone e.g. speaker dock etc.

Unfortunately iOS really sucks. You can't block spam texts, calls. Calendar sucks. User menu looks simple, but is very convoluted, with settings all over the place (Android it's centralized and clean). There are many many user issues with iOS.
Thanks for the input. I am going to give the Samsung a go. It's a shame rim hasn't kept up. And from I hear BB / rim is all just about finished.

I'm sure it will take some getting use to. What is the best / easiest way to sync the droid with my outlook so that I can get all my contacts and calendar?

So how do you like the new SkyRocket?
I just got mine last week and love it. The battery life is the only really bad side of this phone but it's to be expected with the screen size and LTE speed.
When the 4S was introduced I was a little surprised the screen size was not increased. The newer Samsungs have a much bigger screen. I'm sure the I5 will address that. I don't think you can really go wrong either way.
So how do you like the new SkyRocket?
I just got mine last week and love it. The battery life is the only really bad side of this phone but it's to be expected with the screen size and LTE speed.

I really like the phone. Having been a bb guy forever it takes a little getting use to. Friend of mine who had iPhone and now s2 really uses the heck out of it and gmail etc. he really likes that you aren't as restricted as with the iPhone. I found turning the gps off when not using helps battery life. If I'm not in office I'm in car so I have charger in both.
When the 4S was introduced I was a little surprised the screen size was not increased. The newer Samsungs have a much bigger screen. I'm sure the I5 will address that. I don't think you can really go wrong either way.

I suspect the next iPhone will have a slightly larger screen. But keep in mind there are benefits to a compact size. I can use my iPhone with one hand, for example. My thumb can cover the entire screen as I hold the iPhone in my hand. If I had to always use two hands two use my phone, I'm not sure I'd opt for the larger screen size. Then you're getting into iPad territory.

I suspect the next iPhone will have a slightly larger screen. But keep in mind there are benefits to a compact size. I can use my iPhone with one hand, for example. My thumb can cover the entire screen as I hold the iPhone in my hand. If I had to always use two hands two use my phone, I'm not sure I'd opt for the larger screen size. Then you're getting into iPad territory.


I think 4.0 is a good size. These new phones with 4.65 are crazy. How do you fit that in your pocket?
I think 4.0 is a good size. These new phones with 4.65 are crazy. How do you fit that in your pocket?

Yep, or 5.3 inch phones with a stylus. Too big and too much crap. That's like the old Newton Message Pad!

I can pretty much do everything on my iPhone with one hand/thumb. I would hate to lose that freedom.

I think 4.0 is a good size. These new phones with 4.65 are crazy. How do you fit that in your pocket?

I have a Galaxy Nexus with a 4.65 screen. Fits in my pocket just fine. I will say that it seemed insanely huge when I got it, but now its almost impossible for me to go back to a smaller screen. Screen real estate both in resolution and size is big plus. 4.65 is my limit though.
Unfortunately iOS really sucks. You can't block spam texts, calls. Calendar sucks. User menu looks simple, but is very convoluted, with settings all over the place (Android it's centralized and clean). There are many many user issues with iOS.
lolwut? Android has always been known to have the crap UI design, I'd rather take the simplified route than the complex maze that doesn't work properly. Mobile phones should be fast and easy to use in order for them to be effective.

P.S. Congrats to Android, they just doubled their ICS install base. They are no longer just for the 1%.

Never said there wasn't, but as a whole, Android is far superior with what the user can do. This is not just from me, but many CIOs and IT folks I work with who have migrated from iOS to Android.

lolwut? Android has always been known to have the crap UI design, I'd rather take the simplified route than the complex maze that doesn't work properly. Mobile phones should be fast and easy to use in order for them to be effective.

P.S. Congrats to Android, they just doubled their ICS install base. They are no longer just for the 1%.

Woowoo, it's a good thing the iPhone 4 has Siri now...oh wait, it doesn't!! This fragmentation crap has got to stop. iOS is just as fragmented as Android, if not more. Just because the latest iOS can be installed on all iPhone devices, does not mean iPhones all benefit from all the features. Apple picks and chooses what phones get what feature, even if you get the latest OS it's not going to change that.
Never said there wasn't, but as a whole, Android is far superior with what the user can do. This is not just from me, but many CIOs and IT folks I work with who have migrated from iOS to Android.
Sweet anecdotal evidence bro. The data says otherwise:


The mid-October release of the iPhone 4S helped that particular device quickly earn the number one position on the top 10 enterprise activations list, with the iPhone 4 moving into spot #2. The iPad 2, meanwhile, claimed the third position.




I guess that mass exodus from CIO's & IT folk's is really hurting iOS.
Woowoo, it's a good thing the iPhone 4 has Siri now...oh wait, it doesn't!! This fragmentation crap has got to stop. iOS is just as fragmented as Android, if not more. Just because the latest iOS can be installed on all iPhone devices, does not mean iPhones all benefit from all the features. Apple picks and chooses what phones get what feature, even if you get the latest OS it's not going to change that.
lol one feature...care to name another? If you're really going to downplay the fragmentation problem Android has and then make matter worse by claiming:

iOS is just as fragmented as Android, if not more.

Then there is no further need for any discussion or debate because you're delusional.