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So Im gonna serve Uncle Sam

14 September 2004
Well, I just got back my ASVAB test. My score was 77 so I pass. Haven't recieved my line score yet but will in a few days. College educated, if I enlist I would be a E-4 (Specialist) or I am waiting for OCS (Officer Candidate School) acceptence.

Wish me luck.

I just want to thank all those men and women who served for their country valiantly.
77 is pretty good, I had to work a recruit that we put into OCS despite having to waiver his 14 AFQT. Fucking 14 and he had a Masters. Be careful out there and don't piss off your intel guys, they tend to make friends with the SF and rangers.
77 is pretty good, I had to work a recruit that we put into OCS despite having to waiver his 14 AFQT. Fucking 14 and he had a Masters. Be careful out there and don't piss off your intel guys, they tend to make friends with the SF and rangers.

the national average is 45 (and thats High School!). My recruiter said my chances of OCS acceptence is low because I have a DUI in 2005 (closed case). Is it better to go Enlist then go for OCS or go straight to OCS?

edit: yeah, im applying for MI or Special Forces weapon specialist seargent
I should have added more. First, thank you for being willing to step up and accept this career choice. Second, don't enlist. Third, during BCT, never ever under any circumstances utter the words 'I should have joined the air force'.............I still catch flak over that one and I've been out over a year.
What's your degree? Virtually everything is waiverable at this point. The DUI in '05 will keep you from initially getting a TS/SCI clearance, but I wouldn't be surprised if they can work around it for a 'Secret'. I helped the active recruiter at one time put a kid in for the SF opt. enlistment (requires TS/SCI) that had 3 suspensions of his license including a current one.
at least that gives me hopes because i really want to make the army my career but only as an officer and nothing less.

edit: this is the only way i can afford an NSX..LOL
the national average is 45 (and thats High School!). My recruiter said my chances of OCS acceptence is low because I have a DUI in 2005 (closed case). Is it better to go Enlist then go for OCS or go straight to OCS?

It is far better to get all the tickets punched to go directly to OCS. Not that a recruiter would ever say less than the truth or the system would FUBAR, but if you go in as enlisted with the "possibility" or "just need to fill out the paperwork" to get into OCS, you are getting bamboozled.

Go OCS and don't enlist, I used to be and turned down a scholarship and commission due to the direction the service was being used in. You will have a harder time trying to earn a commission if you enlist rather than being accepted beforehand.

14? That's such shame we need young leaders that badly...
That's weird you didn't get your line scores yet. When I took the asvab a year and a half ago the line scores came with the AFQT on the piece of paper. Good luck in your Military career (I guess you're going Army from what I can figure out.. good luck. I served 29 days in the US Navy. haha 29 days)
they commonly provide the AFQT at the end of the testing session these days if you wait around. The direction the army is going scares me as far as what they will waiver these days. I have no problem with waiving things like a DUI, people make mistakes. Being functionally retarded is not something that should be waived. I have very little tolerance for stupid people unwilling to learn ( 93 AFQT the first time, I took it again as I was nor satisfied and scored a 97) and unfortunately that condition is only growing in the army.
Yes, that DUI was in college..and is the only violation I have in my whole civilian life. I told the recruiter OCS or nothing at all.. I understand that sometimes they say all these things and also at the same time they say NOTHING IS GURANTEE.

I really dont want to go enlist and with a E-4 rank only make $1700 a month..come on while an 0-1 (2nd class lt officer) makes $2700 a month. do the math you know, plus im higher ranking then any enlisty!

im not trying to say im elitist or anything but signing over my rights to the government is something i have to consider the benefits and penalties.
Yup, about half the reason codes for RE-4 are waiverable now as well as a few felony drug convictions. Lazynok: what happened, if you don't mind me asking? not trying to pry or put your business out there, just curious.

Lotus: Play hardball. Is your recruiter an officer or an NCO? If things are still the same, NCO's don't get credit for an OCS recruit so he may be less inclined to do the work for your waivers. I can dig up his tops name for you if it gets to that. There's no elitism in wanting to get paid more money. If I went back in, I would not re-enlist, rather I would probably go WOFT and bail on college. God that urge is strong at times........I just keep muddling through thinking about how I got raped on MGIB because I was in the guard.
yes, if i knew about ROFT i would of signed up for it. Yes, I am playing hardball, the staff s. and his superior first class sergeant keeps pushing me to enlist then join OCS but i said no, im not gonna sign my rights over for enlist without narrowing my chances for Officer. I told them straight up, Officer or nothing at all.

in my civilian job, i can make $3500 start and as a E-4 $1700. (thats about $10.00 a hour, risking neck limbs for $10.00 a hour, no way)

my DUI : it was my uncles wedding, and sad to say i was 20years old when i got a dui. my only violation in my life and to this day i regret so much. but the case is closed and all is good now.

not to mention that enlist signing up are a low right now.
Being underage hurts, but not all that much.

If you don't get anywhere with the SSgt. or Top, let me know and I'll try to dig up their CSMs contact for you. If you go that route, don't expect a particularly warm reception, but shit will get done and done right. Sadly, I found myself resorting to that when the recruiter I worked under decided he just wanted the recruit and didn't care about how bad they got fucked over. We had really shitty numbers when I recruiting assisted, but everyone we put in knew what the fuck they were getting into, maybe that's why they didn't renew my orders.
Being underage hurts, but not all that much.

If you don't get anywhere with the SSgt. or Top, let me know and I'll try to dig up their CSMs contact for you. If you go that route, don't expect a particularly warm reception, but shit will get done and done right. Sadly, I found myself resorting to that when the recruiter I worked under decided he just wanted the recruit and didn't care about how bad they got fucked over. We had really shitty numbers when I recruiting assisted, but everyone we put in knew what the fuck they were getting into, maybe that's why they didn't renew my orders.

thats good, because i know sometimes its just about the numbers man. ive been very careful with the words i choose to say to them and the way i structured my sentences to say what i mean in a precise and orderly manner. Well I will keep you in mind for sure because i am focusing really hard right now making the army my career as a MI officer or if possible SF Officer.

I left my career at age 21 in Electrical Engineering, because I got bored to join the air force. I don't know if all the asvab tests are the same through the branches but i scored a 96, not bad for being out of school for 4 years. 77 is definitely a great score when the HIGHEST score needed for the top jobs is only 67. It's funny hearing some of the young guys talking about their asvab scores .... "I got a 37"..... " I got a 56"...... "I got a 42".... and I walked away from that conversation.

I left the air force 2 years ago. I'm kicking myself in the ass now. Wish I was still in.

As for pay, I was making $4500/month as a civillian. First year in the air force starting from the bottom I was making a whooping $1000/month after taxes. That was hard to get used to. When I left as an E4 (intentionally failed the test to go up another pay scale that I had to take a month before I left), I was making $3000/month.

I'm gonna be done with my bachelors in 2 years. I'm hoping to go back in as an O-1E, think for me in my last career field, that would put me at about $66,000/year starting.
at least that gives me hopes because i really want to make the army my career but only as an officer and nothing less.

edit: this is the only way i can afford an NSX..LOL

Dude... SF is DEFINITELY the way to go. As far as affording an NSX, you don't have to be an officer. I'm still a PFC and almost have enough for my down payment + loan.

In the "conventional" army, there is SO MUCH stupid stuff that you have to deal with (officer or not) that it gets very frustrating. With SF, you're still enlisted, but as soon as you finish training, you are promoted to SGT... no hassals. You will also make rank quite fast and you actually get to shoot guns all the time.

Normal army, you shoot maybe.... twice a year. The first thing I'm going to do when I get back home is submit my packet for SF. Completely different life style. Way better training than any officer will ever get (unless you go SF as an officer)... honestly: all of the officers I've worked with (save for those that were previously experienced soldiers/NCOs) have no clue how to get anything done. They seem to be trained to make decisions, and then give orders to enlisted personnel who actually come up with the means of achieving the goal.

If you want to really be a warrior, enlist for SF. If you want to do SF as an officer, you'll have to wait until you make Captain (O3). But in that case, you'll actually be in command of a Special Forces detachment (11 other high ranking soldiers), and all the guys under you will be the best soldiers you can have (but it's not exactly a vertical chain of command in SF... on paper, it is, but in reality, everyone is on a first name basis).

Read the book Chosen Soldier by Dick Couch. It will tell you exacly what SF training is like. Dick Couch is a retired Navy SEAL and he follows a class of SF recruits through their entire training course. What he says about Army Special Forces means a lot considering the reputation of the SEALs.
yes, its hard to comprehend when the national average is 45. I was a little dissapointed in my score. English is my second language so understand the words was harder for me then the rest. I know for sure i score very high on all Math and paragraph comprehension.
Ummmm, shoulda asked this earlier though it doesn't affect being an officer.
Are you a natural born citizen?
yes, im a naturalized citizen since i was born in thailand. maybe today ill get my line scores.
Naturalized and Natural Born are quite different. I don't know the specific standards OPM holds these days, but getting a TS/SCI will be much more of a challenge.

Count on a few more days for line scores, they have to send your scores to a trillion different offices before you see them. Ahhhhh, government efficiency at it's finest.
USAF Active Duty E5, Just finished College last year (only took me 11yrs), been enlisted since June 2001.

listen to the adivce of the others... DO NOT GO ENLISTED. The army is begging for people, hold out for the OCS. The Quality of life in Enlisted vs Officer is very diffrent. I am trying to get picked up for OCS, but my degree is generic and the AF loves tech degrees.

does the Army have a medical service corps? its more administration of the hospital then medical.
USAF Active Duty E5, Just finished College last year (only took me 11yrs), been enlisted since June 2001.

listen to the adivce of the others... DO NOT GO ENLISTED. The army is begging for people, hold out for the OCS. The Quality of life in Enlisted vs Officer is very diffrent. I am trying to get picked up for OCS, but my degree is generic and the AF loves tech degrees.

does the Army have a medical service corps? its more administration of the hospital then medical.

Just got my Line Scores today, every subject is over 110. That means I qualify to be an Officer..Woot!!! Yes, I know officer and enlist is different big time. Not only is the pay grade much higher but also the way of authority and missions are passed down from rank to rank. Officers are more like managers and enlisty are the workers. You can look at it that way too.

naturalized citizen means im not born in America but have gone over the processes of being a US citizen.

natural born citizen means im born in America.
Based upon what I've seen in the Army, officers are kinda like spoiled rich kids and enlisted folk are the ones who get things done.

For example, an officer will say, "That rock is in the way. I want it moved from here to there by such and such time."

And the enlisted advisor will say "Sir, we could just go around the rock, there's a wide open path right there."