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So Im gonna serve Uncle Sam

Based upon what I've seen in the Army, officers are kinda like spoiled rich kids and enlisted folk are the ones who get things done.

For example, an officer will say, "That rock is in the way. I want it moved from here to there by such and such time."

And the enlisted advisor will say "Sir, we could just go around the rock, there's a wide open path right there."

lol. i had the same stereotype too.
Just got my Line Scores today, every subject is over 110. That means I qualify to be an Officer..Woot!!! Yes, I know officer and enlist is different big time. Not only is the pay grade much higher but also the way of authority and missions are passed down from rank to rank. Officers are more like managers and enlisty are the workers. You can look at it that way too.

naturalized citizen means im not born in America but have gone over the processes of being a US citizen.

natural born citizen means im born in America.

Nice line scores, those will get you just about any job you want.
I was pointing out that OPM and DOD are very touchy about higher security clearances with naturalized citizens. You most likely will not initially be granted a TS/SCI which is a requirement for SF.
I just want to get in so i can afford an NSX, i know with my computer science degree it will be easy to afford an NSX if i get my job but then again my job would be boring! and another thing is that I like to travel and experience things that i have never experience before; furthurmore, i wanna see how far my potential is. maybe one day when i get my NSX ill park it next to a Blackhawk and send you guys a post card over seas
why the army? everyone has there reasons and i am not going to judge for what branch you want to serve. surely you know that the army deploys for at least 12 monts. actually i think its 15 months now but are going back to 12 months here soon.

i just got back from a deployment in MAy. while i was there we had a group of army arrive. they were sleeping in tents, eating MRE, ridding around in full battle rattle. we, the AF guys, were driving around leased trucks, sleeping in a dorm type room, eating at a chow hall... excuse me dinning facility.

now if you are looking for the military experiance, then by far the army or marines will give you that. my job in the AF is a M-F 0630 - 1630 type job. we are very relaxed, not very military. sometimes that bugs, but at my age, i am not about to go and switch services.

again i am not tyring to tell you to not to join the army, i just want you to make an informed decisssion.

best of luck and keep us posted!
if i remember correctly we had a guy a few years ago who joined the AF to do SF/MP work.

oh yea... base on
I just want to get in so i can afford an NSX
get overseas quick and stay overseas. thats where you can make some nice money. Hawaii and Alaska are considered overseas. My wife and I just moved back to the mainland (48 states) and my pay dropped by almost 1K a month, simply because we are not overseas.

I believe that reference you made was actually to me!

Anyway, I wound up in the Army afterall for a couple of reasons.

First, I wanted to get into the military ASAP, but the AF had a waiting list of like, 6 months. Also, they would not guarantee me a specific MOS (or job). And the ones I was interested in were "full."

Anyway, the AF recruiter basically said I had very little chance of even "getting into" the AF based on certain things, and said I was absolutely not going to get the security clearence I needed for the job I wanted.

The army, on the other hand, let me pick my job, gave me extra money, and I got my security clearance.

If I had it to do over again, I would still have done it the same way (though I do see the benefits of being in the Air Force, and would not turn them down, if I was offered them).

In any case, the army has it's "charms," but for someone who is just looking for a government paycheck and an NSX, might as well go for the Air Force. On the other hand, if you want to do Special Forces... well, that's only available in the Army (not to be confused with special operations forces). Army SF has a unique mission that other special ops forces are not trained/specialized-enough to handle.
Same deal, I picked they Army because they let me chose my job and the bonus was decent.

Now, if you just want to be Special Forces because you think you want to knock doors down and rush into houses at the ready, you're looking in the wrong place.
the AF and i went around and around about jobs. at the time i was working for a college as a computer tech (not making any money though). i was not about to give up that job to load bombs on a plane. thats what the USAF wanted me to do.

i joined when i wsa 23. lived near a meps station (tell you another way around that later) and drove myself to meps. i did not take the recruiter bus to meps. no way was i going to be dependant on someone else for a ride. the USAF recruiter told me that once at meps i could pick my job. ok so i go to meps and they are only offering a few jobs, much like others have mention about jobs being closed. the meps personal got up set with me and told me to go outside (his office) and think about it. he also said you are comming here today to join the military not to get a job. which is true but at 23 it was time to think about a future. so i went out of his office, down the hall way, outside, got into my car and left. a couple of days later my recruiter and his boss, which i believe was an officer called me on a conferance call. they asked me what it would take to get me into the AF. i told them the job i wanted. they ask me to list my top 5 jobs. i have them photographer, teletephone lineman (thats basically what i am) and vech body repair.

i guess i said all that to say, that with the AF you can get the job that you want, it is just a PITA. most people do not know this. i was lucky in the fact that i had an uncle who just retired. he told me that you are not really in until you raise your hand.

i have considered going blue to green just to pick up an officer slot. but i was told that i would have to enlist first and then try for OCS. thats not going to happen.

it does seem like that army is offering a lot cash to recruites right now. i just heard on the radio they are offering 40K to start up a business whne you get out.

what every you decide, Lotus, best of luck to you.
so my lowest line score is 112, and everything is over that. :smile:

Every job is open to me. So i talked to the recruiter today about doing the OCS packet. He said that I would most certainly failed because of my DUI but if people cant see past that like I have 3 years ago then how am I ever gonna live past it?

Besides the point, He said that it was much easier to get into OCS when I enlist and after my AIT then ask for the OCS packet. Anyone agree? I really want to be an officer and work for the government.
It's his job as a recruiter to make you believe the bullshit and hype. Make him put the packet together and submit it. Worst case you get rejected, get a masters and try it again.
It's his job as a recruiter to make you believe the bullshit and hype. Make him put the packet together and submit it. Worst case you get rejected, get a masters and try it again.

even with a master, they will stilll look at that DUI.
Congrats, Lotus!


The AFQT overall score is how your rated against others taking the test, either in your area or that specific classroom. My overall was 96, my Gen 94, Elec 82, Mech 82, Admin 54.

I had zero college education and had to Enlist. To accept a scholarship opportunity, or get into the bootstrap program which was GOOD back then, meant a 7-8 year commitment.

You will be treated like an E1-E3 (like shit) until you reach the rank of Captain which means you have completed one four year term of service. I belive it's different, but in the AF you are a Captain for a minimum of 7 years before you can attain the rank of Major which gives you a total of 11 combined years of service. These are the officers that form the core leadership along with your E7-E9s.

You will be screwed with mercilessly as a butter bar. Some only learn after hard lessons it's not about who salutes who, but the people you serve alongside and surround yourself with that will make or break your career.

Your degree earns you entry, but your decisions/actions are what makes you a good officer.

Leaving and not staying to become an O1-E and above is my ONLY regret in life. I still don't have a degree so re-entry under my terms is not possible.. I envy you! :smile:

Good luck!
Based upon what I've seen in the Army, officers are kinda like spoiled rich kids and enlisted folk are the ones who get things done.

For example, an officer will say, "That rock is in the way. I want it moved from here to there by such and such time."

And the enlisted advisor will say "Sir, we could just go around the rock, there's a wide open path right there."

hey now...that's offensive :biggrin: well...not yet anyway...
I've seen a USMA cadet throw a baby fit because an E-8 with 25 years in wouldn't listen to him. Tell me that's not offensive.
I enlisted a few years back, and intentionally picked infantry despite my lowest line score on the ASVAB being a 146. While we were deployed, I tried to put a flight packet together to go warrant, but my physical got kicked back because of my eyes. Still, there were several people in my company who got warrant and OCS packets accepted, and one guy who actually went home early so he could make it to West Point next fall.

Of course, none of those people enlisted with the intention of stepping up to warrant or getting a commission. They enlisted because they wanted to, and after a few years in, decided they liked it enough to make the commitment. Yes, it will take them a few years longer than if they went in straight to OCS, but I think the experience they gained in their first few years really makes a difference.

Our battalion XO was doing dismount patrols as an E5 in the Korean DMZ when I was born. Of all the officers I've met, he's the least likely to order that the rock in his way be moved rather than to just go around it.

BTW, the base ASVAB score is a percentile ranking. I wouldn't expect the average score to be too far away from 50.

Yeah, our company XO who left a few months ago was an E5 Airborne Infantry prior to getting his commission. He was without doubt the strongest officer in our company. Though, the strongest leaders in the military seem to always be NCOs/Former NCOs.

Officers are like wherhouse (sp?) managers... NCOs are like formen, and lower enlisted are like the workers.

If there was no foreman, nothing would get done, becuase the owner/manager would have no clue how to run the operation. An officer's job is essentially to count beans and make decisions based on "statistics." Which is why every officer has a senior NCO "battle buddy" to critique his ideas.

I was an enlisted man over 30 years ago. You will receive a life experience that most people don't ever get. You learn failure is not an option. If you get a commission, be nice to your NCO's -- they will take care of you if you treat them right, and will prevent you from getting promotions if you don't. Your people must trust you, and you them -- your and their lives may depend upon it. You will also learn discipline to a standard that most people never will -- use it later to become a wealthy man. Read the Millionaire Mind by Danko -- many millionaires attribute their success to the discipline that they received from being in the military.

Remember: Before you use a knife, grenade, or pistol (including a Desert Eagle) put your head between your knees and kiss your ass good bye. (People who have been in the military will know what I mean here.)

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