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Speeding ticket in NJ

20 May 2003
Hi guys,

First post, just been lurking around, I recently got a 96 NSX and was taking it home for the first time and lo and behold I get clocked doing 89 on 65 (I78 East). Now this is a 4 point violation however I am a NYC resident. Upon consulting with the NY Dept. Of MV I see that violations incurred outside of NYC except Quebec/Ontario of all places will not count towards my license. Is any of this true? I was under the impression that all states share reciprocity ?

What should I do?

Suggestions would be welcome!

Speeding Ticket

Hi Jon,
I am almost certain that the points will count no matter what state you are in.

As far as getting out of the ticket I could give you some advice. Last year when I had my 3000GT with NOS I got clocked doing 68mph in a 25mph zone near Philadelphia, PA. The cop informed me that the ticket was, if I can recall, 6 points on my liscense. After sweating bullets for the next 3 months I appeared in court. I just told the judge the truth how I was late and needed to get somewhere and he was very understanding. The outcome was 2points and a $140 fine. My advice: Go to the trial.

Good Luck and Safe Speeding,
I have no idea is this works in every state but when I rec'd a substantial speeding ticket in Arizona several years ago my friend in the state police in Michigan suggested that I pay the fine but "forget" to sign the back of the ticket. As he suggested they cashed the check and returned the ticket saying I had failed to "plead guilty" by not signing the ticket. I then signed the ticket and returned it.

The points never appeared on my record.

He indicated that this generally takes them out of their normal ticket posting process.

good luck!

Charlie:D :D

Go to the mid section about out-of-state ticket. I remember this also when I had NY license. I can't remember for sure but I'm pretty sure I received a speeding ticket out of NYS and it did not go on my record. I just paid the fine and that was it. My memory is somewhat unclear but that's what I think happened...

When I had NJ license, I was not so lucky...NJ takes out of state ticket into account. Every state has different rules and regulations.

I think you should be ok but maybe you should consult a lawyer just to be sure??
I cannot confirm this at this time, but I was under the impression that NY, NJ and CT did reciprocate. I know when I got a ticket in NY it did come up on my CT license the time (10 years ago).

Obviously the "computer age" has made the authorities much better at it.

It regard to the "pay it immediately and it won't come up on your record", I have had this happen me within NYState!! Some of the small towns, if they get the money they don't bother to record it.

I have also heard if you overpay a fine, it really make extra work for the court clerk to reconcile, and they may just cash it and forget the hassle. THIS IS PURELY HEARSAY :)


I just found out that the ticket won't count! Wheeew! Now I am def. going to get a V1 and or Lidatek!! This car just begs to be driven fast!!!

My son got pulled over on 178 also-he was clocked at 94mph.
I taught the Boy Well- the trooper gave him a ticket for a cracked windshield.

Don't go cutting in and out and you generally won't get pulled over--except if you are on the A LIST for racial profiling.

ON YOUR WAY HOME WITH THE NEW CAR--this should have been a no-brainer to talk the trooper -- OFFICER, THANK YOU FOR
pulling me over-this is my first day with this and I'm glad I
didn't hurt myself =or worse- someone else!
Is is possible you could give me a break-I sure would appreciate

My son got pulled over on 178 also-he was clocked at 94mph.
I taught the Boy Well- the trooper gave him a ticket for a cracked windshield.

Unfortunately I never got the pep talk from my dad about this nor have I ever had the misfortune of getting pulled over. My previous car which I still own is a Acura Legend (still love to death) but a red nsx doing 90 while everyone is at 65-70 just begs for attention.
NSX=ticket bait

Exotic cars are on every police department's "A" list. The brighter the color, the more likely the ticket, the best investment an exotic owner (or bright color driver) can make is a V-1, properly installed, and a laser jammer. While they're not going to make you either invisible or invincible, they will certainly help put the odds a little more in your favor. An exotic at the speed limit is still likely to be pulled over, it's happened to me in far lesser cars (a yellow C5, a red 328IC for example) for no other reason than to see who was driving and to create anxiety. The good news is that while I was pulled over in the C5 4x while not breaking any traffic laws, I was respectfull, and calm, and didn't receive any tickets. I've been very luck not to have been ticketed for a long time, I take some credit for driving smart, and give a lot of credit to good technology (V-1), you've spent a lot of money to obtain a great car, it would be a shame not to be able to drive it because your insurance company drops you. Good luck and if you need the name of a place in Westchester County that does a great job of installing the V-1 remotely, with the display in the rear view mirror, I'd be happy to supply it to you, just PM me.
Be careful with a laser "jammer". I have had it explained to me by local traffic enforcement officiers(NY) that the ones that "jam" by transmitting a signal are illegal. It was something to do with it being a illegal broadcast because of the frequencies it uses to transmit to the laser gun. Before making the investment I'd talk to a reliable source like a attorney that defends this type of case or a traffic officier. be a tough deal to get a hard nosed officier and have him/her want to impound your car.
There are other type of non-transmitting anti-laser devices but how much real value they have is debatable.
If it really is legal to use this type of device(jamming) in NY I'd like to know.
The V1 is a awesome radar detector and is legal in NY.
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Age of the driver is probably more important than the
vehicle. On the other hand -driving a LEXUS or BENZ is
going to let you get away with a lot more. Of all the
cars I have owned -I felt most "cop secure"in the LEXUS.

In the Benz I always had the feeling the cop wanted to play
a little "POWER POLITICS" I'M 59-driving 42 years-all well above the speed limit and I can only remember 3 speeding tickets!
Can't remember all the pull overs that ended with a warning

Couldn't agree more on the Lexus and the Benz but got to tell ya I think its the gray hair too. The same cop pulled me over in the Lexus and let me off, two days later pulls me over in my company truck and until I remind him of our earlier meeting he's telling me he is going to throw the book at me!

Consult a lawyer.

I've used this guy a few times with good results:

John Kovac 732-247-9990.

YMMV, ususal disclaimers, yadda yadda
fight the ticket....fight the ticket....fight the ticket...The points will definetly show up on your license, as New York and New Jersey do reciprocate. I have been stopped a number of times in New Jersey. On the rare occassion where I have not been able to talk my way out of the ticket, an appearance in court has always led to a reduction in fine or an outright dismissal [in either case no points]. If the cop does not show up and the case is presented by the DA then all you have to do is "question the accurracy of the speed recording device". If the officer is there they will almost always offer you a deal before the case is heard by the judge. Your best move right now is to join the National Motorists Association and get the low down on how to effectively fight a speeding ticket. They used to offer a tape called the "Gorilla Ticket Fighter" which was full of solid info on fighting tickets in court. And please do yourself a favor and get a V-1....even though laser has been reintroduced in New Jersey, the use of X-band radar is overwhelming.