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Storm-relief money spent at strip clubs

liftshard said:
They can and do, because they are allowed to.

Earlier in the thread someone said something like "you can take the person out of the ghetto..." and some other guy was like "boy, I'm glad you said that." Well, that ain't REALLY the actual quote, now is it?

But, you're afraid to say what you're really thinking. Remember that next time you are joining in to rail against someone voicing an unpopular opinion. Group dynamics are very interesting.

The problem with the refugees from NO is that they are inescapably stupid. No amount of "good examples" can elevate them from the morass they're in. They had violent, stupid parents who begat violent, stupid children. There are no end of people waiting to con them. Out of their gov't cheese, or into misconceptions, like that everybody else got their wealth from "the man." Literally, that is the popular notion amongst this class of individual. They conceive of society and government as a sort of king and this king doles out money according to his whimsy. They receive and so they assume everyone else receives. They are envious because they believe that you have received far more than they have. It does not occur to them that you may have skills beyond theirs or education beyond theirs or that you work harder than they do. These types of concepts really only stick to those with the mental wattage to grasp abstract reasoning about a time (the future) which is not here, neither present nor tangible. There are a variety of studies out there, even regarding predeliction to choose one lollipop now versus 3 tomorrow, among different classes of children.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that there is at least one other person reading here who was a "smart kid" in school. And, smart kids routinely got asked "how can you know that?" The other kids could not *grasp* how it was possible for someone to be able to deduce such and such a thing given the available information. And, their ability to comprehend defied even detailed instruction. It was a matter of intelligence. Ghetto refugees are amongst the literally dumbest of the dumb and it is unrealistic to expect them to compete and succeed in our society, or even to fully appreciate the danger posed by a gigantic Category 4 hurricane. All they know is their own present, superficial wants. They are ill-equipped to even care for their own children in what we regard as an adequate fashion. Societies of similar people have drastically higher infant mortality, lower levels of technical achievement, higher rates of interpersonal violence, etc. Most, if left alone, would even lack the written word. As an aside, about 40% of DC reads at a 4th grade level or below. And, this is not because they were poorly TAUGHT, it is because they lack the faculties to perform and DC's dysfunctional government and entitlements system serves as a magnet/refuse dump for people so situated.

Beggars CAN be choosers, if you let them. If you don't, you have to be willing to allow people like this to DIE in vast numbers. Because, without the rest of US, the productive majority of the USA, that is exactly what would happen. We have allowed a class of persons to arise which cannot adequately provide for themselves nor contribute productively to our society. If left alone, they would implode, starve, suffer from disease, just like any 3rd world nation would containing similar persons. So, if one isn't willing to allow that, then you are going to have to put up with being called a cracker, and you shouldn't expect any gratitude. These beggars will be choosers.

And, for those donating...the refugees don't want diapers and canned goods. They want Louis Vuitton, Prada, and liquor. Send that and you might get a thankyou card.

"These beggars will be choosers."

Well they won't get an opportunity to choose from my dollars because I knew from the start what the situation was, and it is everything you typed above. No I won't donate to the masses. I might directly give my money to a single individual.
Had I been there handing out water and someone snapped at me and said I want soda I would have poured the water out on his F&*KING head, and said beggars can't be choosers!
liftshard said:
They can and do, because they are allowed to.

Earlier in the thread someone said something like "you can take the person out of the ghetto..." and some other guy was like "boy, I'm glad you said that." Well, that ain't REALLY the actual quote, now is it?

But, you're afraid to say what you're really thinking. Remember that next time you are joining in to rail against someone voicing an unpopular opinion. Group dynamics are very interesting.

The problem with the refugees from NO is that they are inescapably stupid. No amount of "good examples" can elevate them from the morass they're in. They had violent, stupid parents who begat violent, stupid children. There are no end of people waiting to con them. Out of their gov't cheese, or into misconceptions, like that everybody else got their wealth from "the man." Literally, that is the popular notion amongst this class of individual. They conceive of society and government as a sort of king and this king doles out money according to his whimsy. They receive and so they assume everyone else receives. They are envious because they believe that you have received far more than they have. It does not occur to them that you may have skills beyond theirs or education beyond theirs or that you work harder than they do. These types of concepts really only stick to those with the mental wattage to grasp abstract reasoning about a time (the future) which is not here, neither present nor tangible. There are a variety of studies out there, even regarding predeliction to choose one lollipop now versus 3 tomorrow, among different classes of children.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that there is at least one other person reading here who was a "smart kid" in school. And, smart kids routinely got asked "how can you know that?" The other kids could not *grasp* how it was possible for someone to be able to deduce such and such a thing given the available information. And, their ability to comprehend defied even detailed instruction. It was a matter of intelligence. Ghetto refugees are amongst the literally dumbest of the dumb and it is unrealistic to expect them to compete and succeed in our society, or even to fully appreciate the danger posed by a gigantic Category 4 hurricane. All they know is their own present, superficial wants. They are ill-equipped to even care for their own children in what we regard as an adequate fashion. Societies of similar people have drastically higher infant mortality, lower levels of technical achievement, higher rates of interpersonal violence, etc. Most, if left alone, would even lack the written word. As an aside, about 40% of DC reads at a 4th grade level or below. And, this is not because they were poorly TAUGHT, it is because they lack the faculties to perform and DC's dysfunctional government and entitlements system serves as a magnet/refuse dump for people so situated.

Beggars CAN be choosers, if you let them. If you don't, you have to be willing to allow people like this to DIE in vast numbers. Because, without the rest of US, the productive majority of the USA, that is exactly what would happen. We have allowed a class of persons to arise which cannot adequately provide for themselves nor contribute productively to our society. If left alone, they would implode, starve, suffer from disease, just like any 3rd world nation would containing similar persons. So, if one isn't willing to allow that, then you are going to have to put up with being called a cracker, and you shouldn't expect any gratitude. These beggars will be choosers.

And, for those donating...the refugees don't want diapers and canned goods. They want Louis Vuitton, Prada, and liquor. Send that and you might get a thankyou card.

I am impressed.. real thought provoking... Generally I agree with some of the things you say, maybe would say them a little differently. but it would be hard for someone to argue against your points if they were not in the know..

I wish you would go further and explain why there are differences in the way that those people live, why there are differences in the educational system that they are given. I really think the "Cycle theory" (My label) that you put out there is pretty accurate. The ignorance is rampant, it would seem. I jave never been to New Orleans, I have however been in the Hood/Ghetto/Economically run down communities, whatever you want to call them. I agree that the education levels are not where they should be. I also know to some degree what has limited those education levels.. I think that ignorance does begat ignorance. Failure to thrive has resulted into such a destructive nature, that it has divided into a sub culture... Conditioning is one of the hardest things to erase... It will take a long time....

As far as the LV and other designer stuff... I have never gotten why anyone just has to have it... All the Bling Bling, and other mas produced products that are designer and coveted by so many people, is just plain crazy to me...
Having it will not change you situation.. It may be such a momentary gratification which in fact literally feels like a high...

I also believe that if someone is thinking something about a person, then they should probably tell that person their views, instead of coming to a forum and reporting what they wish they would have said or what they really thought...

The MD from MS that volunteered... You should have been prompted at what to expect before you were asked to help with the serving..
No excuses, they were rude if you are correct with all that you have accused.. However, the fact that you could not think of anything else to call them except N*****S, kind of defines you as one as well.
steveny said:
"These beggars will be choosers."

Well they won't get an opportunity to choose from my dollars because I knew from the start what the situation was, and it is everything you typed above. No I won't donate to the masses. I might directly give my money to a single individual.
Had I been there handing out water and someone snapped at me and said I want soda I would have poured the water out on his F&*KING head, and said beggars can't be choosers!

And you would have been beaten into oblivion for being stupid...
more to it than meets the eyes...

2Dobes said:
An e-mail I received...
Subject: A Doctor's Report from Houston

Something interesting fwd'd to me from a friend regarding the email that's apparently circulating the internet... :redface:


My name is Richard L. Johnston. I'm the physician who allegedly wrote the long email about my experience at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston where Katrina evacuees from New Orleans were housed.

I've never been to the George R. Brown Convention Center, and I have not been to Houston in more than 10 years. During the crisis of the last two weeks, I've been here in Jackson, Mississippi, taking care of evacuees from the Gulf Coast transferred to our VA Medical Center here where I'm the chief medical resident.

I did not write the email about the Brown Convention Center, but I did receive it and did forward it to several friends. The forwarded message included my signature block and that's why it was assumed that I wrote the email. However, in forwarding the message, I made a very bad error in judgment, and I deeply apologize for any hurt or discomfort I've caused others by doing so.

I've learned a hard and difficult lesson and I hope those of you who read this have also. Too much of what we all mindlessly forward through cyberspace can only be termed fictious, unsubstantiated trash. The appropriate receptacle is a garbage can.
Re: more to it than meets the eyes...

Osiris_x11 said:
Something interesting fwd'd to me from a friend regarding the email that's apparently circulating the internet... :redface:


My name is Richard L. Johnston. I'm the physician who allegedly wrote the long email about my experience at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston where Katrina evacuees from New Orleans were housed.

I've never been to the George R. Brown Convention Center, and I have not been to Houston in more than 10 years. During the crisis of the last two weeks, I've been here in Jackson, Mississippi, taking care of evacuees from the Gulf Coast transferred to our VA Medical Center here where I'm the chief medical resident.

I did not write the email about the Brown Convention Center, but I did receive it and did forward it to several friends. The forwarded message included my signature block and that's why it was assumed that I wrote the email. However, in forwarding the message, I made a very bad error in judgment, and I deeply apologize for any hurt or discomfort I've caused others by doing so.

I've learned a hard and difficult lesson and I hope those of you who read this have also. Too much of what we all mindlessly forward through cyberspace can only be termed fictious, unsubstantiated trash. The appropriate receptacle is a garbage can.

O---- Man I wish you had waited another 10 or so threads before you posted that. I wanted to see what masses fell in line...
len3.8 said:
And you would have been beaten into oblivion for being stupid...

Yeah I know people hate to hear the truth. These people would have used the only thing they know as a come back, violence.
steveny said:
Yeah I know people hate to hear the truth. These people would have used the only thing they know as a come back, violence.

Your pouring water over someones head would be the promotion of that violence.
Yes people hate to hear the truth, it is so rarely told because of it. That is part of the problem.. As well as burrying thy head in the sand or looking the other way.
Remember last year or so when Bill Cosby got all that crap for saying this same stuff? I wish I could find a link to what he said specifically, but I can't find one. He said it perfectly in my mind and his own race hated him for stating the obvious.
White92 said:
Remember last year or so when Bill Cosby got all that crap for saying this same stuff? I wish I could find a link to what he said specifically, but I can't find one. He said it perfectly in my mind and his own race hated him for stating the obvious.

Not to be General, but those that felt he was talking about them felt the disdain for Mr. Cosby. Some of them voiced it.

A lot of people voiced their support for what he had/continues to say.
Others simply listened and reacted in different ways. I would think that it's safe to say that his own race hated him for what he said.

However, I think I know what poimt you were trying to make.
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len3.8 said:
Your pouring water over someones head would be the promotion of that violence.
Yes people hate to hear the truth, it is so rarely told because of it. That is part of the problem.. As well as burrying thy head in the sand or looking the other way.

I call people out all the time. A lot of people despise me because I say what everyone else is afraid to. The crooks depend on people being polite. Most people won't stand up and say what they believe or feel. By doing this I also surround myself with people who tell the truth.
len3.8 said:
Conditioning is one of the hardest things to erase... It will take a long time....

I know from my perspective there are things I will never be able to overcome.

I grew up poor, poorer than most people in NO. We did not have electricity, running water, a car, a phone. We raised cows and chickens to eat. Our family never received one nickel in handouts, charity, or government assistance. I was able to rise up out of that because of good parenting. Now having more money than I could ever spend I still worry about money, because I always had too. I never knew where my next meal was coming from. I will never have that well feed never worried look on my face.

Interestingly enough when I was in high school I was visiting a friend at his house. His mother made us lunch and set some sprite down on the table. I said I would rather have a coke. She said "beggars can't be choosers." Was it wrong for her to say this? I don't think so. She told the truth I was asking for her to accommodate me when I had no right to. From that moment on I said to myself I will work as hard as I have to so no one ever considers me a beggar.
steveny said:
I know from my perspective there are things I will never be able to overcome.

I grew up poor, poorer than most people in NO. We did not have electricity, running water, a car, a phone. We raised cows and chickens to eat. Our family never received one nickel in handouts, charity, or government assistance. I was able to rise up out of that because of good parenting. Now having more money than I could ever spend I still worry about money, because I always had too. I never knew where my next meal was coming from. I will never have that well feed never worried look on my face.

Interestingly enough when I was in high school I was visiting a friend at his house. His mother made us lunch and set some sprite down on the table. I said I would rather have a coke. She said "beggars can't be choosers." Was it wrong for her to say this? I don't think so. She told the truth I was asking for her to accommodate me when I had no right to. From that moment on I said to myself I will work as hard as I have to so no one ever considers me a beggar.

So what is your point? I often hear of you and how much $$$$$s you have.
I hear you post what you would do to someone if....
I simply pointed out that you would have caused yourself the harm by Pouring water on someone... You respond that they would respond with violence the only way they know...:confused: Pour water on me and I will most likely respond with something more than a stern look.

Where did you grow up? What timeline? What were the demographics?
steveny said:
I call people out all the time. A lot of people despise me because I say what everyone else is afraid to. The crooks depend on people being polite. Most people won't stand up and say what they believe or feel. By doing this I also surround myself with people who tell the truth.

Yes the crooks depend on people being polite and ignorant. If more people were kept ignorant, or not allowed to educate or not allowed to invest or thrive there would be fewer victims to prey upon, to serve you, to do the work that you don't want to do or not want to pay much to have done...

I truly am the person that will stand up and say something..
It is alienating me on his board, but oh well..I think I can survive that.
I am still waiting for people to actually come up with some real suggestions...
Other than a statement... I mean I know what I and my wife does on an everyday basis.. I am just curious and eager to hear a new suggestion..

Fact: No one is obligated to help anyone but themselves. Problem: that is why a lot of things are as they are.
len3.8 said:
I wish you would go further and explain why there are differences in the way that those people live, why there are differences in the educational system that they are given. I really think the "Cycle theory" (My label) that you put out there is pretty accurate.

The differences appear to be genetics-based. There are now a multitude of separated identical twins studies which compare IQ, crime rates, education levels, income levels, standardized test scores, etc., and find that such separated twins tend to do about the same regardless of the socioeconomics of their adopted families. Also, similar studies exist which account for mixed-race adoptions, etc., and do correlations between biological siblings and/or parents and adopted siblings and/or parents. In both behavioral tendencies and "performance," the strongest components are genetic.

Therefore, I would conclude that people in such straits are victims of their own biology. Poverty does not cause crime. There are a zillion poor nations which do not have these types of behavioral defects. The causation is the reverse...crime causes poverty. Violent crime is ultimately self-defeating because it precludes long-term endeavors. In Africa, school construction is halted often because people steal the copper piping, telephone systems construction suffers from people stealing the wiring, etc. It's a matter of criminality preventing the type of collective moving forward necessary for a people to thrive. But, this all stems from lack of ability to grasp abstracts such as the future. Stealing wire now helps one now but hurts all putative future students, the next generation, etc.

The ignorance is rampant, it would seem.

Ignorance is usually caused by low intelligence. I have never met a smart person who didn't know a lot. In fact, one of the ways we spot smart people is by how much they know and dumb people by how little they know. The ability to know lots of things is one of the side effects of being smart.

I agree that the education levels are not where they should be.

I went to a blue-collar, rural school. Some kids were smart. Some were dumb. Those who were the latter tended to have less "education," to know less, and were able to do less. It's all a matter of innate attributes, really. You cannot teach a retarded kid to be smart. There's a lot that can be done which isn't, but the fundamental things are still the case. If you aren't 6'6" you probably won't play in the NBA no matter how much you're coached.

I also know to some degree what has limited those education levels.. I think that ignorance does begat ignorance. Failure to thrive has resulted into such a destructive nature, that it has divided into a sub culture... Conditioning is one of the hardest things to erase... It will take a long time....

I disagree. Culture is a reflection of the average attributes of a population. Stupid is as stupid does. One cannot "condition out" lack of intelligence or hereditary diabetes or shortness. These maladies exist and are passed through genes. People look like their parents, are similarly sized and shaped as their parents, and tend to behave like their parents. It is not so much because of examples, rather, it is innate attributes which lead to specific decisionmaking paths. There are many examples of ghetto children who are adopted into rich families. Suffice it to say that, no matter what age they are adopted at, they tend to underperform their adopted siblings.

Smart people born into ghettos get out, become successful, and never look back.

As for "failure to thrive," I think it is a bit unrealistic to expect someone who cannot ultimately learn to read at beyond a 4th grade level to be able to "thrive" in competition with someone who reads at a 12th grade level. Laziness could be blamed, certainly, but industriousness is another hereditary quality. There are animals which could be deemed "lazy" because evolution has led them to it. But, a really dumb person who doesn't see any real "reason" to work would be hard to convince to be other than lazy even if such a rationale were readily obvious to one of higher perspicacity. I do not blame people in some sort of judgmental fashion for supposedly voluntary vices. I think what we have here is an accident of biology which is causing a lot of suffering. And all the finger-pointing and "N-word" dropping in the world isn't going to change what IS. Bloodhounds don't usually win races against greyhounds because the latter are biologically faster. If we assumed that intelligence had something to do with the amount of money a person could expect to make, it would not be hard to conceive of the possibility that those of lesser capability would end up pooled together and those of greater capability would be elsewhere with far larger houses.

Let's also recall that the wealth gap here has defied ALL attempts to remedy it, even with direct cash payments to the poor. Also, look at things like lotteries. They are the government ITSELF preying on poor people, on the relatively less intelligent. The poor smoke, drink, play lotteries, and engage in other self-destructive vices at FAR higher rates than the rich, and this is typically because those who had the brains to realized that playing the lottery was a waste of money. Saving for the future, delaying gratification, taking the three lollipops tomorrow, etc., are things that only make themselves apparent when you have a firm grasp of the abstract.

I notice that you also ask about the education system "given" these classes of persons.

I say to that, well, the school is only as good as the students, isn't it? The teachers, also, but if you filled a school with kids of lower intelligence who were also very violent, you would not tend to outperform the state average on tests, would you? The truly intelligent ghetto children are all in magnet schools, thankfully kept AWAY from their peers. The rest are left to daycare. Most are virtually ineducable. So, their teachers don't even bother trying. And, what teacher would WANT employment in such an environment. Sorry, but these schools are NOT filled with children who are just misunderstood and who really need a white knight savior to come in and "get it" like you see in the movies. That's a ridiculous and racist conceit. The problem is that good teachers, who CAN, go elsewhere rather than endure the threat of violence and the gauntlet of students who are unwilling and incapable of learning. So, you have less qualified teachers teaching less qualified students, who collectively underperform no matter HOW MUCH money you spend. DC should know, we are #1 in the nation in per capita spending on public schools, exceeding $10,000 per student per year, yet turning out a city 40% of which is at 4th grade or below. You could spend $100,000 and not make a difference. The violent kids come to school and be violent and the dumb kids come and be dumb. It's just how they are and you ain't gonna spank it out of them. Their violent dads are in jail, often, because of how THEY were. It'd be nice to believe that this could be taught out, that these things could be squashed, but the movies are just twisted fantasies. Reality is far harsher. And, reality is why people who SHOULD be grateful, peaceful, and thankful are the EXACT OPPOSITE.

They were SHOOTING at those who came to rescue them. What does this sound like to you? What is the first adjective that pops into your head? Driving away someone there to save you? What word sums that up? Sorry, but this behavior is so extremely self-destructive that I do not believe that it could be counseled out. It's just so OVERTLY self-defeating. Think about the parable of the scorpion and the frog.
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liftshard said:
The differences appear to be genetics-based. There are now a multitude of separated identical twins studies which compare IQ, crime rates, education levels, income levels, standardized test scores, etc., and find that such separated twins tend to do about the same regardless of the socioeconomics of their adopted families. Also, similar studies exist which account for mixed-race adoptions, etc., and do correlations between biological siblings and/or parents and adopted siblings and/or parents. In both behavioral tendencies and "performance," the strongest components are genetic.
Post some links.
Truncated for the extent and context of the contents...

Who is the we that spot the smart people? Just curious.
len3.8 said:
Post some links.
Truncated for the extent and context of the contents...

Who is the we that spot the smart people? Just curious.

Who is the "we"? Huh? I certainly hope you are not going to now claim that there are no testable criteria of intelligence. Please tell me that you aren't going to go and do that. Besides, I mentioned no "we," nor did I purport to claim membership of any particular class. I merely state facts.

If you want to read the base research, you are going to have to go old-school. That means, do some research in a library, in scientific publications, or on your own.
len3.8 said:
I truly am the person that will stand up and say something..
It is alienating me on his board, but oh well..I think I can survive that.
I am still waiting for people to actually come up with some real suggestions...
Other than a statement... I mean I know what I and my wife does on an everyday basis.. I am just curious and eager to hear a new suggestion..

I respect you for saying what is on your mind without sugarcoating your statement.
What is the topic you are hoping people will come up with suggestions to address the problem? Are you looking for new suggestions because you don't like the ones already offered?
liftshard said:
Who is the "we"? Huh? I certainly hope you are not going to now claim that there are no testable criteria of intelligence. Please tell me that you aren't going to go and do that. Besides, I mentioned no "we," nor did I purport to claim membership of any particular class. I merely state facts.

If you want to read the base research, you are going to have to go old-school. That means, do some research in a library, in scientific publications, or on your own.

Your passage.

Ignorance is usually caused by low intelligence. I have never met a smart person who didn't know a lot. In fact, one of the ways we spot smart people is by how much they know and dumb people by how little they know. The ability to know lots of things is one of the side effects of being smart.

Were you speaking of we as in a professional nature? Or were you talking in General, like I know he is smart because he can quote Rhetoric and questionably supported Data?

You may have stated what you feel are facts, NIMHO, but the testing and ways that those facts were attained are in question.

I have researched a lot, in doing that research , I have come accross a lot of BS.. unsubstantiated, underdocumented, skewed, and just plain made up statistics.

I know that there are testable criterias for intelligence, unfortunately there are no ways to determine the biaseness of the tester and the person making up the tests. Not to mention the politics that are involved with those tests and their results... Seeing some of the students, BLACK, WHITE, AND ALL THAT ARE DEEMED IN BETWEEN, that fall into the wrong categories of these same tests, leeds me to belive that most of the criteria could probably be taken aprt very easily...

What are the Basis for intelligent people being labled as such?
Am I intelligent if I am a College graduate?
If I live in a 4000sqr ft home?
If I own a NSX?
What are the Basis for intelligent people being labled as such?
Am I intelligent if I am a College graduate?
If I live in a 4000sqr ft home?
If I own a NSX?

O.K. Now you're just bragging. :biggrin:
len3.8 said:
What are the Basis for intelligent people being labled as such?

Using what they know to better themselves and the people around them.

I am sure a safe cracker could also be a great locksmith.
steveny said:
Using what they know to better themselves and the people around them.

I am sure a safe cracker could also be a great locksmith.

Yeah, but would he be considered intelligent?

And a slumlord could be a viable developer, if he weren't so intelligent.
His intelligence tells him that he doesn't really have to work so hard as a slum lord.
steveny said:
Using what they know to better themselves and the people around them.

I am sure a safe cracker could also be a great locksmith.

What do prudent white people have to do with being a locksmith?
White92 said:
O.K. Now you're just bragging. :biggrin:

Funny white...:smile:
I was using examples, not my situation... Anyone from the St. Louis area can tell you that I don't live in a 4000 sqr ft. house...
I really was not talking about me.