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The Official 2010 F1 Megathread

Butt-hurt Brawn, indeed. I find it hard to believe that Brawn GP couldn't have ended this whole protracted saga months ago by signing JB to another contract at 6 mill per year, 3x. Now they won't let him do any work w/ McLaren until after the end of the year for no apparent reason other than to be an obstacle in the process.

Butt-hurt Brawn, indeed. I find it hard to believe that Brawn GP couldn't have ended this whole protracted saga months ago by signing JB to another contract at 6 mill per year, 3x. Now they won't let him do any work w/ McLaren until after the end of the year for no apparent reason other than to be an obstacle in the process.


Read about it in the morning today, definitely a Butt-Hurt Brawn (BHB) move.
Re: "Jensen-who" stepped on his you know what

I don't know what you guys have experienced about business and human relations, but regardless that this is F-1 and Mercedes as an outside party was involved, there's absolutely no good reason Jensen what's-his-name could not have concluded negotiations honestly with Ross.

Now, his real but bad reason is probably that he was 1) emotionally down and protecting an image, and 2) got some less than stellar advice and 3) got an emotional BJ from McLaren and 4) probably got used by Macca to get back at Mercedes.

With his history of contractual mind-changing and his problems with pressure a few months ago, I think he might be waking up one of these days holding his head and going "WTF have I done?" :confused::eek:

Now, onto something important, what's the latest USF1 joke?? :tongue:

Edit: shortly after I posted this, James Allen posted:
....Button breached the terms of his contract when he visited the McLaren factory last Friday mid-way through the negotiations over a new deal. At the time it is now being suggested, the deal on the table was for £8 million with a back-end deal based on performance which could have lifted his total take to £12m, just short of what Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso earn. The difference is that their salaries are more fixed, with less performance points.

After Button visited McLaren and made it public, with quotes from his manager Richard Goddard about Button wanting to be ‘”valued”, Ross Brawn made his feelings clear to Button in a phone call on Sunday. He withdrew the offer on the grounds of breach of contract, he told Bob McKenzie in the Express. “I was very disappointed at the way things finished up with Jenson,” said Brawn.

The door was not closed, but positions had been taken and Button then fixed his attentions on McLaren and concluded a deal relatively quickly, certainly in time for it to cast a shadow over Mercedes’ announcement of its takeover of Brawn on Monday. The announcement of that – via a hastily arranged conference call with German and British media on Monday morning – suggests that Brawn and Mercedes felt the Button defection was imminent and wanted to get their positive news in first.

The Button to McLaren rumours were swirling that day, taking the shine off the announcement and McLaren was able to turn its deal with Button around quickly and get it announced so that it dominated the news agenda and cast McLaren as the all British champion team against the German team without a winning driver......

Looks to me like Butt hurt himself more than Brawn.
Last edited:
Now for a little diversion,pasted from LRP Date: Nov 19, 2009 2:04 PM

USF1’s Peter Windsor Gets a Few Laps at Lime Rock

Lime Rock Park has seen more than a few F1 cars take to its sinewy 1.53 miles, albeit in vintage form, while F1’s Charlie Whiting, the FIA race director and safety delegate, comes every few years to complete his track inspection preceding the issuance of Lime Rock’s circuit license. And it goes without saying that literally dozens of former Grand Prix drivers have competed at Lime Rock in other categories.

Yet, one of F1’s most recognizable and well-known – especially to American fans – players had never been to Lime Rock Park.

Until now.

On Saturday, November 14, Peter Windsor came to the famed track at the behest of local legend Sam Posey, a longtime friend. Posey was going to give Windsor some hot laps during one of the Lime Rock Park Drivers Club’s private track days.

Windsor works alongside Posey during the broadcasts of the Formula 1 races on SPEED TV; surprisingly, Windsor had never been to the circuit in all his years covering motorsport.

Posey, driving a Mercedes-Benz CLS 63 sedan provided by his friend Rob Moran, an M-B public relations officer, did a bunch of hot laps with Windsor riding shotgun.

“Of course, I’ve known of Lime Rock forever and had always wanted to visit,” Peter said, “and it truly is a gem. The Downhill is brilliant – you carry a lot of speed through there, so your front straight velocity is much higher than you would think, given its length. I’m glad Sam asked me up here.”

Windsor has been a player in the Grand Prix world since the late 1970s, when he began covering the sport for various U.K.-based racing publications. Throughout his F1 career, Windsor has held numerous influential positions on both the commercial and editorial sides of F1, including management posts with Williams and Ferrari.

Today, Windsor is the Grand Prix editor of F1 Racing Magazine (published by Haymarket Worldwide, which also produces California-based RACER and U.K.-based Autosport) in addition to his broadcast journalism duties with SPEED.

Of course, F1 fans know that earlier this year, Windsor and engineer/designer Ken Anderson announced the formation of their new-from-the-ground-up Grand Prix team, USF1, which is set to hit the season-opening grid March 12-14, 2010, at the Bahrain Grand Prix. Windsor is leading the first American F1 racing team – it’s headquartered in Charlotte, N.C. – since Penske Racing ran a U.K.-based team in 1974, ’75 and ’76.
Re: "Jensen-who" stepped on his you know what

I don't know what you guys have experienced about business and human relations, but regardless that this is F-1 and Mercedes as an outside party was involved, there's absolutely no good reason Jensen what's-his-name could not have concluded negotiations honestly with Ross....

Couldn't disagree more. There's no way Ross can conduct negotiations with both parties in good faith. You don't make major decisions about key personnel when you're negotiating to sell 3/4 of the company to someone else, especially when it looks like the deal is going to close. You wait and let the new owners make those decisions.

Jensen was probably being strung along while the Merc negotiations were ongoing for that reason, and realized that Merc wasn't going to be in his corner long term since he wasn't born in the right country, and therefore set himself up with a 3 year seat at one of the teams who is regularly at the pinnacle of the sport. Yes, it does carry some risks as he will be right alongside Lewis and will be directly compared to him. That aside, he knows he has a team with the resouces, ability, and skill to put him in a car capable of winning. Good on him for having the stones to sign up to a direct comparison to Lewis for the best chance to defend his WDC. I hope McLaren plays it straight and gives him a fair shot against Lewis. I think they will, and apparently, so does JB. Either way it doesn't matter since it appears clear that Merc wasn't in his corner, so what type of future did he really have with them?
Re: "Jensen-who" stepped on his you know what

Couldn't disagree more. There's no way Ross can conduct negotiations with both parties in good faith. You don't make major decisions about key personnel when you're negotiating to sell 3/4 of the company to someone else, especially when it looks like the deal is going to close. You wait and let the new owners make those decisions.

Jensen was probably being strung along while the Merc negotiations were ongoing for that reason, and realized that Merc wasn't going to be in his corner long term since he wasn't born in the right country, and therefore set himself up with a 3 year seat at one of the teams who is regularly at the pinnacle of the sport. Yes, it does carry some risks as he will be right alongside Lewis and will be directly compared to him. That aside, he knows he has a team with the resouces, ability, and skill to put him in a car capable of winning. Good on him for having the stones to sign up to a direct comparison to Lewis for the best chance to defend his WDC. I hope McLaren plays it straight and gives him a fair shot against Lewis. I think they will, and apparently, so does JB. Either way it doesn't matter since it appears clear that Merc wasn't in his corner, so what type of future did he really have with them?

Well said.

Looks as though Kimi might not be leaving F1 just yet...

Re: Not the point at all

Couldn't disagree more. There's no way Ross can conduct negotiations with both parties in good faith. You don't make major decisions about key personnel when you're negotiating to sell 3/4 of the company to someone else, especially when it looks like the deal is going to close. You wait and let the new owners make those decisions.
Ross was not conducting negotiations with both parties; the Merc deal was done and more importantly, he thought he had authority from them to lead the negotiations. He was blindsided by Merc who was apparently talking to and alienating JB without his knowledge. Shame on them.

But that's neither here nor there. The point is that if one has his feces properly compiled, and has or at least believes he has a decent bargaining position, then one will communicate/negotiate openly and completely. Or failing that, he could have at least gave Ross a cordial good-bye and thank you, especially since Ross got him to where he is in the first place. Snubbing Ross was inexcuseable and leads me to believe that JB is easily led, emotionally weak and relatively immature. Shame on him.

.................. Either way it doesn't matter since it appears clear that Merc wasn't in his corner, so what type of future did he really have with them?
Right, Merc was not in his corner. But Ross was and, ironically, is probably the one that was manipulating him the least. Confusing Merc with Ross tells me a lot about JB.
BGP was negotiating with JB well before the Merc deal was finalized. They were likely giving the impression of negotiating but actually were keeping JB in the mix while they focused on the bigger fish: closing the Merc deal.

Ross may be loyal to JB and may have wanted JB to drive for him, but you neglect the principal fact that is critical to JB's decision: Ross doesn't own the team anymore, and the new owner doesn't want JB there long term. Any loyalties he may have had to Ross are moot when that deal closed because the new owners who will be calling the shots aren't in your corner. It's an ugly situation to be in, even if they do offer you more money in 2010.

Instead, you have an opportunity to move to a team who is always a top contender for the title. Granted, it will be for less money, but JB took less in 2009 for a shot at a WDC. I think that's an admirable quality.

It's not bad on Ross that things didn't work out. It was out of his control. The new owner doesn't want JB long term. But it certainly isn't JB's fault for leaving a team where the ownership doesn't want you and going to a top team where you are wanted and (hopefully) will be supported.
I don't think that has even a remote chance of happening. Just journalists keeping the silly season grist mills turning.
Re: The operative word

in the article is "want", not "will".

Just journalists keeping the silly season grist mills turning
Yeah, Eddie's stirring the pot and selling spin. It could happen (just because in F-1, anything can) but the story right now is about what Mercedes wants not really about what MS will do. Besides Schumi and the world knows that whoever drives that car is just keeping the seat warm for Seb V.

Shawn, you reading something else more definitive?
I don't think that has even a remote chance of happening. Just journalists keeping the silly season grist mills turning.

Me as well. But this is F1 where the strangest of strange things happen as a regular course of events.

Shawn, you reading something else more definitive?

Nope, and Eddie Jordan's opinions ever since he started BBC commentary have been bullocks.

That said, BBC isn't F1Live where everything gets reported and thrown into stylistic spin.
Quoting http://www.formula1.com/teams_and_drivers/hall_of_fame/6/

A miniature scramble bike, a gift for his seventh birthday, briefly satisfied his appetite for action until it was replaced in his affections by a 60cc go-kart, a Christmas present the eight-year-old drove to victory in his very first race. The little blond, freckle-faced winner went to sleep hugging his tiny trophy, having informed his indulgent dad that he wanted to be Formula One World Champion.​

Well ... that passage brought tears to my eyes, not only because of Jens, but because I have an 8 year old daughter as well, and she has never driven a cart in her life. She does just fine on her plasma car though, driving it with abandon on the hardwood floor in my house.

And then the following passage from that same page tells me that the Lewis + Jenson pairing at McLaren will win a lot of races in the 2010 season, because their dads get along so well:

John Button coached his son and helped pay for his racing with the proceeds from a kart engine preparation business. Among his customers was Anthony Hamilton, whose son Lewis would become the 2008 World Champion. Though money was always short for the Buttons ...​
Re: this is hilarious

More spin, I love it. OK, it's not too surprising to hear that being "forced out at Merc" (poor baby) suddenly becomes "looking for a new challenge" at Macca. :rolleyes:
Jenson Button is clearly not a man to rest on his laurels. No sooner has he won the world championship than he is changing team specifically to take on the driver whose crown he stole - this time in identical machinery. You certainly can't say Button's not up for a challenge.

It's just one of the qualities shared by that elite group of drivers - those 31 who have made it into the Formula One Hall of Fame......

But Hall of Fame material?? :eek: Winning one season is not automatic Hall of Fame status to people I know or follow. :rolleyes: I'm making a note to check back one year from now to see how JB is looking in the press then.
Looks like 2010 is going to be another crazy year in F1. Nothing can top the soap opera atmosphere of 2009 but 2010 looks promising so far!

So where is Kimi going to end up. I still hope he gets a ride.

Great thread Shawn!
Re: Where's Kimi going? Good question

Ross continues to say that they are in no hurry.


Problem is for the pundits is that no one really knows what Kimi wants. Outside the cockpit, he appears to have few ambitions and sets the bar pretty low, so when they say he's not all that interested in the paycheck, they might be right. If he's motivated to take the Brawn seat, it should be for the right reasons; like kicking Ferrari's ass. :biggrin::wink:

Anyway, anyone think the Schumi idea is still alive? James seems to poo-pooh that one pretty regularly. So I do hope Norberg delivers on his "surprises" promise. And that would not be Heidfield.

My $0.02.
Meh, Mercedes Benz is irrelevent to me now. For some reason, they're not smelling so rosey anymore. Bumbling Nick Fry is a dufus (granted he's a rich one now). I'd rather focus on my beloved Fezza team and their impending battle w/ Macca.

Lewis vs. Caterpillars
Button vs. Lewis
Massa vs. Caterpillars
Ferrari vs. Macca
Massa vs. the world
Hami's dad vs. JB's dad

It reads like a Shakesperian story of epic proportions. 2010 is going to be glorious!
Re: Awwww shucks Shawn........

it ain't that complicated. :confused:

It's just Hamo against Caterpillers & Macca agin' Fezza.

Everything else is just a sideshow.

  • Button & Flippy are just wingmen.

  • And Button's dad in that pink shirt doesn't stand a chance with the "swave and de-bone-er" Anthony. :wink:
Re: Awwww shucks Shawn........

it ain't that complicated. :confused:

It's just Hamo against Caterpillers & Macca agin' Fezza.

Everything else is just a sideshow.

  • Button & Flippy are just wingmen.

  • And Button's dad in that pink shirt doesn't stand a chance with the "swave and de-bone-er" Anthony. :wink:

And don't forget the white capris:eek: