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Thinking of going to Thailand ,,,Again

2 August 2007
Queensland Australia
Jeez , this happens every year around this time of year , I get the travel bug . But instead of traveling somewhere new , I always end up at my favourite place on earth , Patong beach Phuket.

My justification for this I get cheap great dental work and I also need prescription glasses . Quality glasses are around $900 here and maybe around $100 in thailand for the same deal . So the way I figure it , the money I save pays for my total trip :wink: A few years ago I got 6 ceramic dental Crowns at a cost of $1600 AUD as opposed to $8000 AUD .

I would like to see other places like Cambodia or Phillipines but only take short trips ie 10 days . Should I try somewhere new or stay with the devil I know ?? :biggrin:
I understand your need to go on vacation, but I don't understand your need to get cheap healthcare. I don't know what the standards are there, but I can only assume they are not as good as Australia. How do you know that the products used in your mouth are made from reputable companies? If you are having any crown and bridge work done, how do you know if the margins are closed correctly? I've seen a lot of bad dentistry that was done to save money in other countries only to cost twice as much to replace it all over again.
Jeez , this happens every year around this time of year , I get the travel bug . But instead of traveling somewhere new , I always end up at my favourite place on earth , Patong beach Phuket.

My justification for this I get cheap great dental work and I also need prescription glasses . Quality glasses are around $900 here and maybe around $100 in thailand for the same deal . So the way I figure it , the money I save pays for my total trip :wink: A few years ago I got 6 ceramic dental Crowns at a cost of $1600 AUD as opposed to $8000 AUD .

I would like to see other places like Cambodia or Phillipines but only take short trips ie 10 days . Should I try somewhere new or stay with the devil I know ?? :biggrin:

Cambodia is a great place to visit. Awesome beaches, warm people, and much to look at it. The Phillipines are great too, but I would only travel to Manila. If you do go to Manila, then the only place to party (IMHO) is Makati City. There is a good selection of restaurants, clubs, and bars there. In addition, that is where I have always seen the most beautiful Filipino women. The southern part of the country is nice (Mindineao), but since I am American, I dont risk travelling down there anymore. But since you are an Aussie, you can get away with it :biggrin:

Have you though about Vietnam? There beaches are fabulous too. Then again, everything really is second best compared to Phuket. Man that place is so nice.

Might disagree on that. I've been to places better then Phuket for sure. But mine you haven't been to Phuket for quite awhile :biggrin:

Everyone has different tastes. I personally think that before the Tsunami, that Phuket was the best beach get away, for me, around. Now granted, I have not been to Cuba, Vietnam, or some other places. But, I think that Phuket was better than Cambodia, Phillippines, Austrailia, New Zealand, any place in the Mediterranean, HK or southern China, Korea, or Japan.

Which places did you like that you favored? I am curious to hear them.

Besides Phuket (Similan island is the best in my opinion), I've been to Kao Tao, Koh Samui, Chang Island and Phangang Island.

I think the medicial services there are first rate.
The dentistry work I had done was checked by a dentist here and they could not fault it , and 1/5 the price , so makes sense to me . Dentists in aus are very expensive and out of range for most people to get health cover for it , so you have to pay up front . The way I see it , I get a free holiday :smile:

I'd like to see Cuba , looks like a party pad .

I understand your need to go on vacation, but I don't understand your need to get cheap healthcare. I don't know what the standards are there, but I can only assume they are not as good as Australia. How do you know that the products used in your mouth are made from reputable companies? If you are having any crown and bridge work done, how do you know if the margins are closed correctly? I've seen a lot of bad dentistry that was done to save money in other countries only to cost twice as much to replace it all over again.
The dentistry work I had done was checked by a dentist here and they could not fault it , and 1/5 the price , so makes sense to me...

That's good. I was just presenting one risk and trying to look out for a fellow Prime member. :wink:

I'd like to see Cuba , looks like a party pad .

I'd love to visit Cuba also, I hope one day the USofA will end the embargo against Cuba and the travel restrictions. I know a few people who are Canadian citizens who have gone there for vacations and they say that the resorts are fabulous.
That's good. I was just presenting one risk and trying to look out for a fellow Prime member. :wink:

I'd love to visit Cuba also, I hope one day the USofA will end the embargo against Cuba and the travel restrictions. I know a few people who are Canadian citizens who have gone there for vacations and they say that the resorts are fabulous.

Thanks mate , for your concern , it is a valid one .

Are you telling me you can't hop on a plane and visit Cuba from the US when you like ?? That Sucks , looks like a cool place .
Don't forget to visit Phi Phi (don) island while you are at phuket. It is one of my best beaches in Thailand.

Also, +1 for the dentistry work, as well.
Depending on how much time you have, why not go to two places -- Phuket and then somewhere else new?

btw, do you need anyone to babysit your NSX while you're away? :tongue:
Don't forget to visit Phi Phi (don) island while you are at phuket. It is one of my best beaches in Thailand.

Also, +1 for the dentistry work, as well.

Yeah did the Phi Phi tour last time , beautiful . Did you go to that small island the one with only one bar on it ?? , I could have stayed there all day drinking Singahs . I snorkeled around the circumference of that island , much fun .
...Are you telling me you can't hop on a plane and visit Cuba from the US when you like ?? That Sucks , looks like a cool place .

No plane, but I can build a boat out of a 1955 pickup truck and paddle my way there if need be.
Everyone has different tastes. I personally think that before the Tsunami, that Phuket was the best beach get away, for me, around. Now granted, I have not been to Cuba, Vietnam, or some other places. But, I think that Phuket was better than Cambodia, Phillippines, Austrailia, New Zealand, any place in the Mediterranean, HK or southern China, Korea, or Japan.

Which places did you like that you favored? I am curious to hear them.


Agreed, depending on what you're looking for. But for me I like less crowded beaches. Last time I was in Phuket it was a bit too tourist orientated feel to it. Not that other resort doesn't feel the same but bit too much for me in Phuket. But overall it is still a nice resort place to go to. And the night life... well ... that another story.

I like quieter beaches. Been to a beautiful pebble beach in Tioman Island, loved it! No big wave just water rippling onto the shore. Or the sandy beaches of Karambunai both in Malaysia. Not too commercial pretty sure some never even heard of it. Heard good things about Pulau Nelayan(fisherman island). I could go on but those 2 I mentioned are very nice indeed.:smile:

Besides Phuket (Similan island is the best in my opinion), I've been to Kao Tao, Koh Samui, Chang Island and Phangang Island.

I think the medicial services there are first rate.

Been to Phang Nga and Phi Phi, I believe they called it James Bond Island, I believe Man with a Golden Gun was filmed there. Overall not too bad but still a bit too commercial.
I don't go there for their pissweak beach , I live on the biggest Island on Earth :biggrin:

It may sound silly , but what I like most about Thailand ,is I can smoke and drink where I like and not be hassled by do gooders. I'm treated like a leper here cos I smoke :( Big F#in deal
That's good. I was just presenting one risk and trying to look out for a fellow Prime member. :wink:

I'd love to visit Cuba also, I hope one day the USofA will end the embargo against Cuba and the travel restrictions. I know a few people who are Canadian citizens who have gone there for vacations and they say that the resorts are fabulous.
I have never been to Cuba,but i have spoken to a few people who have,and all of them have made the same comments.The resorts are great but the food is poor.
If you've been to Thailand, I'd recommend Cambodia .. Very nice people, great food, not as touristy as Thailand (except maybe Siem Reap and Angkor area).

Travel and accomodation costs are still quite lower than Thailand .. that was my take from traveling around Cambodia for almost 2 weeks last year ..

If interested, you can check my photos from that trip through this link .. :)

Another interesting place nearby Thailand will be Viet Nam .. maybe for next year for me .. ;) .. Was there in '97 and really loved it, .. but I bet it'll be totally different now.

Cheers .. Gus
If you've been to Thailand, I'd recommend Cambodia .. Very nice people, great food, not as touristy as Thailand (except maybe Siem Reap and Angkor area).

Travel and accomodation costs are still quite lower than Thailand .. that was my take from traveling around Cambodia for almost 2 weeks last year ..

If interested, you can check my photos from that trip through this link .. :)

Another interesting place nearby Thailand will be Viet Nam .. maybe for next year for me .. ;) .. Was there in '97 and really loved it, .. but I bet it'll be totally different now.

Cheers .. Gus

One thing I would really like to do in Cambodia is play with some the the ex military weapons like m60 and RPG's , You can even command an armed tank and if your sick in the head , blow up a buffalo with a bazooka for a price (not my cup of tea tho)

Looked for the AK-47 in Thailand ranges , but think their banned now , so had to settle for 45mm and 44 pistols . Still fun :biggrin:
I did go to one of these places where you can shoot different kind of guns when I was in Phnom Penh. They didn't have any RPG kinds of weapons though.


Cheers .. Gus
I don't go there for their pissweak beach , I live on the biggest Island on Earth :biggrin:

It may sound silly , but what I like most about Thailand ,is I can smoke and drink where I like and not be hassled by do gooders. I'm treated like a leper here cos I smoke :( Big F#in deal

This would explain your need for mass dental work :)
Just got Back from trip number 3 at Crazy Town :biggrin::biggrin:
Have to wait for important pics like Twin 225HP HONDA VTEC engines just on my little Phi Phi boat ,I took just for NSXprime :biggrin: Just unimaginable ludicrous fun all round :biggrin:
My Thai dentist finished my work for free . Best dentist on EARTH !!!
Free trips for me .
My friend is staying for 15 days and gets this for $15


He's coming home with 15 haircuts :biggrin:

I love Thailand. The food, mostly. :biggrin:
A life long friend of mine, white guy, went to Thailand for a vacation. He is back here now selling off everything he owns so he can move over there for good. Heres the part that makes me scratch my head. The two of us have the same group of friends, Cambodian and Thailand, who moved to the USA for a better life years ago. If they grew up over there and think the USA is better what is it that my buddy who grew up in the USA sees over there?

I just don't see other countries as safe. I would be in a panic if I HAD TOO, not choose to, get dental work done. HIV test every month for a year before I would calm down.
...I just don't see other countries as safe. I would be in a panic if I HAD TOO, not choose to, get dental work done. HIV test every month for a year before I would calm down.

I feel the same way regarding to safety and health care. Especially now that there are dental products coming out of China and going into a person's mouth whithout them knowing. And I'm talking about crowns, not OTC products, which I've personally seen and thrown in the trash once I learned where they were made.