Track Event Sign-Ups for NSXPO 2001!

4 February 2000
Chicago IL
I would like to announce a change in the policy of the NSX Club of America for the registration for the drivers school (track event) at NSXPO 2001, which will take place at Road America in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, October 17-21.

Previously, anyone who signed up for the drivers school (for $365/$350 regular/discount price) was also required to sign up for the social activities and meals (for $290/275). Because there is still space available in the drivers school, we are changing this policy. We are now offering a track event only registration, for $410 per driver if paying by credit card or Paypal, or $395 per driver with cash discount if paying by check or money order.

Because of this change in policy, we are also waiving the late penalty for all registrations which we receive by this Monday morning, October 8. To ensure that your registration is received by Monday morning, please consider faxing your registration form if paying by credit card or Paypal, or allowing sufficient time for post office delivery (using Priority Mail or Express Mail if needed) if sending a check or money order. Call me at 847-581-5865 for instructions if you would like to use overnight delivery services such as FedEx or UPS for your registration.

We will also permit refunds with no cancellation fee for those who have already submitted a registration for the track event and would now like to switch to a track-only registration and cancel the social/meals portion of their registration as a result of this change in policy. Requests for such refunds must be submitted by Monday morning, October 8, either via e-mail ( [email protected]), or telephone (847-581-5865), and refund checks will be mailed after the event.

The $410/$395 rate for the track-only registration applies only for those not registering for the social activities and meals; the original $365/$350 rate was calculated as a "package price" and will continue to apply to those also registering for the social activities and meals along with the track event.

The track event registration fee of $410/$395 is competitive with events held by other marque clubs and organizations. We also expect to offer each run group considerably more actual track time than most other groups, with over 3.5 hours expected during the two-day event. Of course, our event is also special because it is limited to students driving only NSX's.

The track-only registration does not include any of the activities on Wednesday through Friday or any of the meals that are part of the event. Lunch will be available for purchase at the concession stand at the track on Saturday and Sunday. Other event meals can only be purchased as part of the social/meals registration package, and unfortunately we cannot permit the purchase of individual meals that are part of the event.

Even though we are offering this additional option, we still encourage everyone to consider registering for the entire event, with the group photographs, museum tours, vintage aircraft rides, lunches, dinners, entertainment, mementos, and NSXcitement. Every year, many people regret afterwards that they missed such a thrilling experience.

Hotel registrations are your responsibility. The Osthoff is continuing to offer our group rates (even though their original deadline has passed), so those interested may still be able to stay there if desired.

Information about the event was mailed to all members of the NSX Club of America and is also available on the event's website at The registration form can be downloaded from Although the website and form have not been updated for this sudden change, just enter the proper amount ($410 credit card or Paypal, $395 check or money order) on the registration form when signing up for the track event. Membership in the NSX Club of America is still required for all participants.

If you have questions, feel free to e-mail at [email protected]

See you in Wisconsin!

Ken Sax
Registrar, NSXPO 2001