Valet damage

Inventory, flashlight, and no tips. I'm not spending a dime there. My friends have a gig there and I don't wanna ruin their fun. I won't give any business to them.
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Related to this topic, I picked up my 1994 NSX from the body shop today, this car is modified (turbocharged, etc.), and has an aftermarket Stack ST8130 cluster, which features a 'peak hold' function (highest RPM, speed, oil press, temp, etc. since reset)

When I called up the info, this is what I found:


It was reset when I dropped the car off, the car was driven 11 miles, and 2.3 gallons of fuel were used - they were painting a small add on part, so they had no reason to drive the car outside of the parking lot - I am still trying to determine where exactly they went 168MPH, I should have more info tomorrow, when I download the logs from the CarPC.

I am not happy :mad:
Related to this topic, I picked up my 1994 NSX from the body shop today, this car is modified (turbocharged, etc.), and has an aftermarket Stack ST8130 cluster, which features a 'peak hold' function (highest RPM, speed, oil press, temp, etc. since reset)

When I called up the info, this is what I found:


It was reset when I dropped the car off, the car was driven 11 miles, and 2.3 gallons of fuel were used - they were painting a small add on part, so they had no reason to drive the car outside of the parking lot - I am still trying to determine where exactly they went 168MPH, I should have more info tomorrow, when I download the logs from the CarPC.

I am not happy :mad:

Holy crap :eek: I think I'd be headhunting right about now.
That really sucks to hear you lost the claim, I think it's total BS when someone says they don't remember driving you car. When you work at a vallet and have been for awhile, you tend to remember every nice car that comes in.

Also to gt_nfr, people don't talk about P-cars because there so damn common in vallet's. Of course their going to talk about Ferraris and Bentley's because they rarely see them, and NSX's are just as exclusive and rare as they are. I have worked at a vallet almost 2 years, and I have seen 1 NSX park in the vallet and he tipped on the way in and was parked right up front, other NSX's have come in and once they found it was vallet they just took off :biggrin:. The vallet girl that said she can't remember driving it because she drives hundreds of cars a day, is lying to cover up the damage they know they did.

Tips for the future if you ever decide to vallet again, tip a $10-20 as someone said above on the way in and always be nice and not cocky :smile:.
I really can't be nice anymore when I go to Mandalay (when my friends are staying there). I can't condone lying to a customer and then the poor job of covering up. Have the balls to say you f***** up. That's what would have kept me as a customer.
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Call the hotel manager. They may fire the valet company if there are contracted there. You may not get any money, but I will bet that they will comp you a room or something.

I make it a point anymore when I drop mine off what the mileage is down to the .1 of a mile and that I charge $50 a mile if someone drives it.

you need to elevate to the hotel manager and if still no results ask who you can talk to at mgm. (mgm is the company that owns manadalay, the hotel, excalibur, bellagio, monte carlo, luxor amoung others). I find it interesting that someone else already responded that bellagio paid, and you are having trouble with mandalay, both are the same company.

Don't give up just yet. just don't think you are dealing with the right people yet. i do business in vegas frequently and have had issues from time to time .(not valet) but i have always been able to get some satisfactionn from MGM.
I have never valet parked a car except a rental car. I do not even let them valet park my Prius DD. I have the time to park it myself and walk the extra 100 yards; I do not have the time to deal with their damage and the body shop, etc.
Related to this topic, I picked up my 1994 NSX from the body shop today, this car is modified (turbocharged, etc.), and has an aftermarket Stack ST8130 cluster, which features a 'peak hold' function (highest RPM, speed, oil press, temp, etc. since reset)

When I called up the info, this is what I found:


It was reset when I dropped the car off, the car was driven 11 miles, and 2.3 gallons of fuel were used - they were painting a small add on part, so they had no reason to drive the car outside of the parking lot - I am still trying to determine where exactly they went 168MPH, I should have more info tomorrow, when I download the logs from the CarPC.

I am not happy :mad:

They wanted to make sure your car will not come apart at that speed?:biggrin: