Wheel Poll

Wheel Poll

  • BBS LM's

    Votes: 24 37.5%
  • Kinesis K29's

    Votes: 40 62.5%

  • Total voters
27 November 2005
SoCal ✈ Vegas
1. BBS LM 17/18's


2. Kinesis K29 18/19's

I like how the BBS looks, but the Kinesis would look better with a BBK...imo
Both look nice to me. I would flip a coin 3x to choose one. Kinesis 18/19 would look better with BBK.
Kineses FTW

As much as I love the BBS I just have never liked them on that car.. It is almost like they are too boring for it:confused:

That is exactly what I was going to say. The LMs are nice wheels, but they really belong on cars that a bit more bubbly in body. They just dont seem to really make the NSX stand out. The Kinesis wheels look great on your car, and make it look more like a care that deserves to be in the Top End group.

I'll just throw in my opinion in case you're interested.

I voted for the Kinesis K29 because I could see the brakes much better... that's the only reason. Personally, neither are my cup of tea, but that is totally subject and my personal preference. They do look 'good', just not 'great' (to me.)

Also, 18/19's is a setup I would NOT prefer because of the performance aspect of smaller wheels (less rotating mass/smaller overall diameter.) As you probably know, I went with the 17/18' setup. I wanted the looks of larger wheels and sacrificed a little rotating mass in the rear while trying to keep the overall diameter the same as stock. I came very close.

Just my 2 cents. :cool:

As much as I am a fan of the BBS LMs, I think for the over the top look of your car you'll need them in 18/19's to compete with the rest of the the bodywork and performance. I voted for Kinesis (though it pained me to do so).
bbs way too small.........:rolleyes:
Hard to compare due to the different finish on the faces. I like both wheels. I think the BBS w/ a finish similar to K29 would look really good. Depends on what you want: The BBS for a more motorsport/racing look. The K29 for a more "flashy" look.
IMO not a fair poll... two different size wheels... If you had the LM's in 18-19's that would be my choice. But, since you don't, then it's the Kinesis.

Time to ditch the girlie brakes Johnny boy :wink: