Where is the old FAQ page?

All the information is still there. If you click on Wiki, FAQ -> Wiki Migration, and then the section of the old FAQ you want to see (FAQ Information, Resources, etc.) it's all still there. Just not quite as easy to find.
Man.....am I the only one who is WIKI challenged??? I hate that thing. Can't find anything. I need some serious WIKI training.
The wiki needs people to spend time categorizing / organizing information so it is easy to find. People were yelling for me to set it up, so I remain optimistic some of them will sit down and spend some time to learn the system and help build it into a useful resource. It will be 10 times better than the FAQ ever was, but only if people are willing to contribute.

I am currently paying someone out of my own pocket to migrate FAQ content into the wiki system since nobody seemed willing and I do not have the time to do it all myself. Once that is done the old static FAQ pages will be changed to redirect links to the corresponding wiki entry and it will function basically the same as the FAQ. It won't be better, it won't be worse - it will basically just be the FAQ in a new format.

But after that is done, it will still need community effort to turn it into a resource better than the FAQ. I am not the community. People need to step up and help to make something better a reality.

One example of a cool new thing that could be done with the wiki is to create collaborative registry system. Start by adding a wiki entry for a bunch of NSX VINs. Then add tags for color, transmission, year, etc. Then you could then create pages that would automatically generate a list of all cars by year, color, transmission, etc. entered into the system. You could store owner / registration / title history info. Any time the car was listed for sale someone could add the date, place it was seen for sale, mileage and asking price. Owners could add maintenance and modification history. Etc.

Certainly I can't do all that - no one person can. But if one or two people built the structure it would be pretty trivial for a group of hundreds of people to add cars and keep the entries updated. The value of this for future owners of the cars would be immense. This is the power of a collaborative system. That is just one idea - the potential is enormous, but it needs community effort to become reality.
Man.....am I the only one who is WIKI challenged??? I hate that thing. Can't find anything. I need some serious WIKI training.

I hear you.

Fortunately, I downloaded a local copy when the migration started. I have it on my HDD. Drop a line or give me a call and I'll stick it on a disc for you.
I am currently paying someone out of my own pocket to migrate FAQ content into the wiki system since nobody seemed willing and I do not have the time to do it all myself. Once that is done the old static FAQ pages will be changed to redirect links to the corresponding wiki entry and it will function basically the same as the FAQ. It won't be better, it won't be worse - it will basically just be the FAQ in a new format.


FAQ page for DIY on replacing trunk struts: http://nsxprime.com/FAQ/DIY/trunk.htm (soon to be removed)

Wiki page for DIY on replacing trunk struts: http://www.nsxprime.com/wiki/Replacing_Trunk_Struts

The migration is about 75% done. It will become more "usable" once the category pages are put in place so you can easily navigate to the content pages. This should all be done in the next several weeks. At that point I will have spent an enormous amount of time and a fair amount of money to basically duplicate the FAQ. Hopefully some people will spend a little time getting familiar with the wiki system and start building / updating the wiki so the community gets some actual return on this investment. The potential benefits are enormous.
I used to be Wiki challenged, but then I found the only link you need.

It seems like the intended function of the wiki (current, up to date, information) is already being provided by searching the nsxprime forums; the FAQ serves as a reference for simple information, such as stock wheel offsets, fluid capacities, etc., and in this role, it does not need constant updating. Certain sections of the FAQ, eg wheel options, body kits, etc., were outdated, but if you wanted information on the current selection of body kits, I don't think the first place you're going to look is the FAQ, or even a fully updated wiki, it would be the forums.

I understand the concept of the wiki, and I use other wiki's frequently, but for nsxprime, it seems cumbersome, and unnecessary. If you have already spent a great deal of time (and it seems expense) trying to get the wiki off the ground, it is difficult to simply scrap the system, but from a hassle/benefit point of view, it doesn't seem like a priority. I still prefer the simplicity of the old FAQ section for quick reference over the wiki, which is difficult to navigate, and packed with features which are probably never going to be fully utilized.
It seems like the intended function of the wiki (current, up to date, information) is already being provided by searching the nsxprime forums; the FAQ serves as a reference for simple information, such as stock wheel offsets, fluid capacities, etc., and in this role, it does not need constant updating.

Actually it does need updating. Quite a lot of the old FAQ info needs to be updated or expanded. For example you mentioned wheels -- the 2002+ stock wheel info in the FAQ doesn't even list the wheel weight!

Certain sections of the FAQ, eg wheel options, body kits, etc., were outdated, but if you wanted information on the current selection of body kits, I don't think the first place you're going to look is the FAQ, or even a fully updated wiki, it would be the forums.

On this I strongly disagree. Trying to find all the current body kits, or tubo setups, or anything like that, by searching the forum is a real pain and takes way more time than it should. A well maintained list with links to details would be a vast improvement.

I understand the concept of the wiki, and I use other wiki's frequently, but for nsxprime, it seems cumbersome, and unnecessary. If you have already spent a great deal of time (and it seems expense) trying to get the wiki off the ground, it is difficult to simply scrap the system, but from a hassle/benefit point of view, it doesn't seem like a priority. I still prefer the simplicity of the old FAQ section for quick reference over the wiki, which is difficult to navigate, and packed with features which are probably never going to be fully utilized.

As I said above, the FAQ is moving to the wiki and will not be any harder or easier to use, nor any better or worse than the old FAQ once that migration is complete.

Whether people are willing to spend some time learning the wiki system in order to build something better... well I have faith that they will eventually, but I guess we will see.
Seems to me the main difference between old and new is how easy it is to casually browse. The Wiki structure might be great for searching and great for group collaboration, but when I first found NSXPrime I spent a while browsing the old FAQ structure from one end to the other. I read it all.

The organization that it had, dated as it may be, lent itself to browsing.