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Why do ppl alway's say the NSX isn't fast?

I've gotten a lot of "that car is slow, My civic can beat it."
One, I'm piss off that ppl don't realize the difference in modified and non-modified cars, you just can't compared two different things to each other. Anything can be this or that, But only ONE come with reliability, Looks, speed, midship, pack in a honda/acura badge... the NSX... O and its a NA V6:eek:

I've ran against many cars from stock to modified... and guess what I always let them have 3 to 4 cars head start. I'm fast and all I have is a stock car.:wink:

I would like to see any stock car run me... Lets see how slow a nsx is

Sorry if I sound harsh
personally, i don't think the nsx is that fast..... it could def use a bigger sack.... BUT

regardless of how fast your mustang, civic, corvette, camaro, sti, evo, integra, supra, skyline, etc. is...... chances are - you want to drive my car more than i want to drive yours. :tongue:
(sorry, can't speak for the higher end exotics....)
Good thread to resurrect!

I have seen a wide variety of feedback to the NSX at car shows. It seems that people who don't know anything about cars are always agape with admiration, they ask questions like "how fast will it go?" and I always say "I haven't seen the top, but I'll tell you it gets to 75 like a mother". This usually illicites a laugh, and then I tell them a little about the car.

The road & trackies are always full of skepticism- such and such (new C6, Porsche, Lamborghini, Ferrari ect ect ect) is faster... Blah blah blah

For those guys, I remember the last time I shifted down to third and dropped the hammer, or the last time I entered a uphill grade right sweeper and rolled on the power, hands at 10 and 2, and a grin so wide I thought my head would split.

The fact remains that the limits of the NSX's potential are beyond my ability to explore. I would say that makes it "fast enough" and the fact is, "fast enough" is fast as all hell. I have ridden shot gun at the track with some great drivers in nearly stock, N/A NSX's and they have done things with the car at speeds so far beyond my limits that it made me shiver in fear and delight. I realized then and there- This car can do amazing things!

I don't care what the bench racing sheeple think.

I LOVE the car, and that is all that matters to me.

When my NSX is pulling hard into the 150's on the California Speedway Roval and I am passing fully stripped race car M3's, I find it hard to say the NSX is slow (HPDE group, not a race). My NSX also seems to pull harder up high (100+) than STI's and EVO's that are modified and supposed to be pushing 400RWHP?

I really don't think the NSX is slow, it isn't as fast as some of the latest sports cars, but it is by no means slow.
To answer the question specifically...

The reason people say it isn't fast is because they haven't been in one. Can other cars beat up ours? Yeah... but saying it's not fast is like saying the guy sprinting in the olympics who comes in last isn't fast. The NSX is probably in the top 3-5% of the cars world-wide in performance and I'd say that's pretty fast.

WingZ said:
Lately I keep getting "why did you get the NSX? it's not fast". Anybody else really tired of hearing how not fast their NSX is? I know you can alway's go the forced induction route , but that's like admiting it's not fast.

Why give a flying shit what other think about your NSX? There are two reasons behind this.

1)Either that idiot who says that, can't afford one.

Or jelous because you are getting more attention and compliments on your NSX.

At the end of the day, whatever said and done, you drive home with your beautiful NSX.
While I hate to make such sweeping generalizations, my take is that the majority of people here in the US simply quantify speed in a different way.

We live in a culture, which at the local level embraces drag, short oval, dirt, sprint and at the national level Nascar. As many know from their parents, each generation instills these perceptions in the next. Move out of the urban coastal areas to rural towns with small home grown tracks across the country and you'll find little has changed with junior nascar and station wagon demolition figure 8 races stronger than ever.

Trying to sell someone on the idea that a 275 rwhp 13 second car is 'fast' that was brought up in an era of big displacement high hp engines, regardless of the fact that modern engines are nearly twice as efficient as ones 30 years ago and advanced in materials having cars weighing half as much- and you'll find yourself still fighting an uphill battle no matter how much tech you talk. I still have trouble explaining what it is that I do to my own step dad, whom grew up around Harley's and 60's vettes, with his interest in any modern vehicle being indirectly proportional to the level of technical detail.

In all cases, the conversation deteriotates from there, as mine did in the parking lot at Starbucks this evening with a 16yr old... quickly finding yourself confronted with some guys $7000 mustang with $5000 under the hood and about 3 seconds flat faster, or talk of those amazing nitro funny cars.

For many, straight line is just the bottom line. Who can say the cause... maybe it's the featureless interstate highway system that is a trademark of America?

Change takes time, and by the way things look in my eco liberal neck of the woods.... ALMS and CART is struggling to draw in a crowd at Portland awhile PRI looks to invest big time to turn themselves into a super speedware to attract NASCAR- then think about all the red areas in the midwest and east which are even that much harder to break into... yeah... I think it's going to be awhile before the average NSX enthusiasts views are widely accepted.
Most 16 year olds think that the STIs and Evos are fast but they actually have less HP at the wheels than a stock NSX does.they do have more TQ because of the turbos but the qtr mile times are very comparable to the NSX .so when people speak without actual experance it really means nothing.
In a world of Taurus's (Taurii?), Accords, Civics, Camrys and the like... when 0-60 is on average in the 8-10 second range.. anyone who says an NSX is slow is just incorrect.

Many cars are fast. How fast is the only dispute. If you an NSX is a slow car you are an idiot. Plain & simple. There isn't a discussion.

Being fast isn't all it's cracked up to be though. A V8 Mustang is fast... but I wouldn't be caught dead in one. Every car is inferior to another when it comes to speed. EVERY ONE except whatever the current fastest car is... so who cares. Comparisons are for magazines, fanboys and poseurs. Just enjoy your car.

I love cars more than anyone I've ever met, but when I hear people whining their $90,000 car needs more power... I can't really sympathize. There are alot of people out there who could use that $6,000 turbocharger money to feed ther kids. Cars aren't really that important... and it seems some of us forget that.

I judge a car based on the total package. That's just me though... I'm aware I AM in the minority.
satx said:
NA2s trap higher than the big block cars of the 60's yet somehow people think those are fast.

Great comment. When I sold Honda's I used to keep a binder full of automotive articles pertaining to my product. One of the articles compared the 0-60 1/4 mile times of a 50's Ford T-bird, and the Honda Odyssey

Guess which is faster.

rickysals said:
In a world of Taurus's (Taurii?), Accords, Civics, Camrys and the like... when 0-60 is on average in the 8-10 second range.. anyone who says an NSX is slow is just incorrect.

Many cars are fast. How fast is the only dispute. If you an NSX is a slow car you are an idiot. Plain & simple. There isn't a discussion.

Being fast isn't all it's cracked up to be though. A V8 Mustang is fast... but I wouldn't be caught dead in one. Every car is inferior to another when it comes to speed. EVERY ONE except whatever the current fastest car is... so who cares. Comparisons are for magazines, fanboys and poseurs. Just enjoy your car.

I love cars more than anyone I've ever met, but when I hear people whining their $90,000 car needs more power... I can't really sympathize. There are alot of people out there who could use that $6,000 turbocharger money to feed ther kids. Cars aren't really that important... and it seems some of us forget that.

I judge a car based on the total package. That's just me though... I'm aware I AM in the minority.

well put...just enjoy your car..as long YOU are happy with it.
NetViper said:
For reference, the 3.0 NSX takes 45 seconds and the 3.2 takes 34 seconds to get to 150. The new Z06 takes 17! :eek:

I don't get it. Car and Driver in their August 1998 issue :
"The 97 NSX managed a 0-60 time of 4.5 seconds and a 1/4 mile time of 12.9 seconds.

The 0-150-0 was 35.9 seconds in 5191 feet"

In the same issue: Acura NSX -35.9, Dodge Viper -31.6, Chevy Corvette -43.7 (1998),1999 Porsche 911 Carrera -45.2

I don't understand how this test's data/results is so far off from what you've stated here. Your 34 seconds for the NSX means only 1.9 seconds more to get down to zero? Something's not right with your claim.

See:http://members.aol.com/jimmylucky/main3.html and click on "0-150-0" to read the results of the C&D test.
My "new" stock '95 is undoubtedly one of the best sportscars I've ever experienced w.r.t. the combination of speed and handling. I know, preaching to the choir here. Straight line fast, very impressive! Fast in the corners... wow! :biggrin: I've had some pretty fast muscle cars, but I mostly get my fast fix on street bikes.

Anyway, I have a big sweeper curve that fronts my farm and I know it like the back of my wife's neck. I've taken it at speed many, many times over the years, mostly on bikes. Yesterday, I gave the NSX my favorite curve test at a speed... well, let's just say it was over the legal limit. :eek: So I kept accelerating, and the car just kept flawlessly tracking. After 16 years, I've never felt so confident taking that curve. Fast is definitely an adjective that comes to mind when driving this beauty.

So, IMHO, anyone who thinks that NSXs aren't fast really ought to expand their definition of fast... or put down the crack pipe!