You are invited to attend the Open Track Event and Race at Willow Springs Raceway in Rosamund, California on NOVEMBER 3rd. & 4th., located north of Lancaster. This event allows you to run your car at speed on a road racing course. All makes & models of automobiles are eligible(NSX prefered) as long as they meet technical inspection. This event is ideal for the beginner(instructors furnished) and the more experienced driver who wants to improve his or her driving skills. The atmosphere is relaxed with emphasis on having fun. Entry fee(SAME GROUP ONLY!!!) for the 2 DAY event is $175 before Sept. 26th for driver #1(driver #2 add an additional $25), $190 before Oct. 19th for driver #1(driver #2 add an additional $25), After Oct. 19th $210 for driver #1(driver #2 add an additional $35)
Group preferences are:
RED-- Extensive track experience. Five point roll bar required. Driving school, racing license or passing experience required.
BLUE-- Driving shcool, some track experience, and limited passing experience required.
YELLOW--Some track experience and limited passing a plus.
GREEN--Novice to some track experience, Novices MUST attend Driving School at first session.
Please be honest when determining your skill as this is a GROUP event. We will be put into groups, so if you want to be with a friend, same group catagory please.
$15 will be charged for all cars teched at the track, get teched in advance.
Mandatory drivers meeting at 8am sharp!
HELMETS-1985 Snell or later. Open car drivers must wear goggles/face sheild
SEAT BELTS-Good working condition, 5pt. preferred
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS-must be securely mounted in the cockpit with a metal bracket
CAR-Must pass tech inspection
DRIVER-Must be 18 years of age and hold a valid drvers license
TECH INSPECTION-Cars MUST PASS tech inspection or have a signed tech inspection
sheet in order to run the event.
These rules and regs were copied from the sign up sheet.
Questions and comments?
[This message has been edited by ANYTIME (edited 22 August 2001).]
Group preferences are:
RED-- Extensive track experience. Five point roll bar required. Driving school, racing license or passing experience required.
BLUE-- Driving shcool, some track experience, and limited passing experience required.
YELLOW--Some track experience and limited passing a plus.
GREEN--Novice to some track experience, Novices MUST attend Driving School at first session.
Please be honest when determining your skill as this is a GROUP event. We will be put into groups, so if you want to be with a friend, same group catagory please.
$15 will be charged for all cars teched at the track, get teched in advance.
Mandatory drivers meeting at 8am sharp!
HELMETS-1985 Snell or later. Open car drivers must wear goggles/face sheild
SEAT BELTS-Good working condition, 5pt. preferred
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS-must be securely mounted in the cockpit with a metal bracket
CAR-Must pass tech inspection
DRIVER-Must be 18 years of age and hold a valid drvers license
TECH INSPECTION-Cars MUST PASS tech inspection or have a signed tech inspection
sheet in order to run the event.
These rules and regs were copied from the sign up sheet.
Questions and comments?
[This message has been edited by ANYTIME (edited 22 August 2001).]