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Yemen men taking photos of GW bridge from a raft!!

19 May 2003
Green, New Jersey
Hey any of you guys hear on the news this morning about the guys from Yemen who were caught on a raft taken pictures of the GW bridge

Somebody on a cell phone called in and reported seeing them. Almost instantly copters, and boats from Coast Guard, NYPD, Port Authority, and other agencies swarmed in.

The strange thing is I heard about this on the radio this morning, and now I can't find any information on this on the web. It's almost like it went hush hush right away.

Does anyone have a link to the story, or at least heard anything else about it???
jadkar said:
Hey any of you guys hear on the news this morning about the guys from Yemen who were caught on a raft taken pictures of the GW bridge

Somebody on a cell phone called in and reported seeing them. Almost instantly copters, and boats from Coast Guard, NYPD, Port Authority, and other agencies swarmed in.

The strange thing is I heard about this on the radio this morning, and now I can't find any information on this on the web. It's almost like it went hush hush right away.

Does anyone have a link to the story, or at least heard anything else about it???

Sorry for the dumb question, but what's the GW bridge? :confused:
Sorry for the dumb question, but what's the GW bridge? :confused:

The two-level George Washington Bridge crosses the Hudson River between upper Manhattan (West 178th Street) and Fort Lee, New Jersey and forms part of Interstate Highway I-95
Its pretty scary nowadays to travel in and out of Nyc considering the events that took place in London. Going through the Holland Tunnel makes u hold your breath if you are sandwhiced between a truck or big car. You just hope that there will be no more attacks on Nyc, they have been through enough.
The terrorists dont need to take photos of the bridge themselves... <B>ANYTIME</B> has just supplied them with photos. :D Though seriously, terrorists who need to take photos are stupid... blueprints and far more detailed photos are available freely in libraries, etc..
NeoNSX said:
... Though seriously, terrorists who need to take photos are stupid... blueprints and far more detailed photos are available freely in libraries, etc..
The guys planting bombs may not be the sharpest tool in the shed - a photo shows how it will look in person.
Just reconfirms how important it is for all of us to keep our eyes open - get involved with the safety of our country as well as our personal safety. This stands true for the prime members in other counties too. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't.
Casper91 said:
Just reconfirms how important it is for all of us to keep our eyes open - get involved with the safety of our country as well as our personal safety. This stands true for the prime members in other counties too. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't.

Absolutely. We all need to stay alert. Unfortunately it's too easy to leave the job up to the police.
liftshard said:
Yes! Anytime you see colored people taking pictures of something, CALL THE POLICE!

Colored people? Isn't everyone colored? :smile: I agree though, while we need to stay alert, I don't think we to be jumpy about everything.
liftshard said:
Yes! Anytime you see colored people taking pictures of something, CALL THE POLICE!

lift - that's some pretty dry humor. Reading between the lines tells me you were making a statement about how something as common as taking pictures has become a source of fear these days (we are living in a new McCarthy era).

Of course you are joking, but some might not find it funny. Try to not get banned from the site.
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mickeylex said:
lift - that's some pretty dry humor. Reading between the lines tells me you were making a statement about how something as common as taking pictures has become a source of fear these days (we are living in a new McCarthy era).

Of course you are joking, but some might not find it funny. Try to not get banned from the site.

Some people might not find anything funny. Loss of sense of humor appears consonant to increase in paranoia.
liftshard said:
Some people might not find anything funny. Loss of sense of humor appears consonant to increase in paranoia.
True. But I think you'll find 2,762 families from Sept. 11 that still don't have much of a sence of humor about the subject.
Same goes for anyone with a family menmber(s) serving in Iraq.
Casper91 said:
True. But I think you'll find 2,762 families from Sept. 11 that still don't have much of a sence of humor about the subject.
Same goes for anyone with a family menmber(s) serving in Iraq.

So, we should let the emotion-driven reactions of victims of a crime dictate our behavior as a nation going forward?

Sorry, but just because men from Yemen are on a raft taking pictures of a bridge, I am not motivated to run the freaking terrorism color level up to "arabiacs are at your door." While I'm certainly sorry for the losses of the 9/11 families, there were 30,000 highway deaths last year. I care no more or less about their families than the almighty 9/11 families, who have been compensated FAR beyond their fair right to have such.
liftshard said:
I am not motivated to run the freaking terrorism color level up to "arabiacs are at your door."

I've never heard of an 'arabiac', but if you are concerned with sensitivity issues on this matter, perhaps it is a good idea to use the proper name to identify Arabs. On the alert level note, was the terror alert level raised as a result of this particular event... I didn't think it was?

liftshard said:
While I'm certainly sorry for the losses of the 9/11 families, there were 30,000 highway deaths last year. I care no more or less about their families than the almighty 9/11 families, who have been compensated FAR beyond their fair right to have such.

Certainly you are not contending that a moral equivalency exists between intentional mass murder and the average car crash victim, or are you?
liftshard said:
So, we should let the emotion-driven reactions of victims of a crime dictate our behavior as a nation going forward?

Sorry, but just because men from Yemen are on a raft taking pictures of a bridge, I am not motivated to run the freaking terrorism color level up to "arabiacs are at your door." While I'm certainly sorry for the losses of the 9/11 families, there were 30,000 highway deaths last year. I care no more or less about their families than the almighty 9/11 families, who have been compensated FAR beyond their fair right to have such.
You have a unique and interesting point of view.:rolleyes:

liftshard said:
almighty 9/11 families, who have been compensated FAR beyond their fair right to have such.
care to explain???

Sig said:
Certainly you are not contending that a moral equivalency exists between intentional mass murder and the average car crash victim, or are you?
Sig, you beat me too it.
Casper91 said:
You have a unique and interesting point of view.:rolleyes:

care to explain???

Sig, you beat me too it.

I will address the issue in this reply.

Um, "moral equivalency"???! WTF? At what point did anybody bring any type of moral issue into this?!?!

The ISSUE, if you can PLEASE stay focused long enough to explore it, is whether the survivors of 3000 murder victims are entitled to lead policy anymore than the survivors of 30,000 accidental death victims.

If Yemeni men taking pictures causes your paranoia to itch, then there is CLEARLY something wrong with you. It's that simple. That was the POINT of the original post I made.

As far as the 911 families, their compensation for loss was FAR in excess of their right to have it. They got more airtime, public money, and "sympathy" than the survivors of ANY other fatal incident and I can see NO rational basis whatsoever for this discrepancy.

And, before you start telling me about how 911 was a "big deal" or "different" or "how can I not feel the pain of 2789.264 families?!?!" remember that I said RATIONAL basis. I do not want to hear EMOTIONAL bases for compensating these people beyond their right to have such.

The federal government paid ZILCH to the survivors of nearly every other fatal incident in 2001.

For you guys to obfuscate the issue and want to argue about "moral equivalency" is absurd. There is no issue of equivalency. It was never brought up and isn't even passingly relevant.

Or, to use YOUR tactics, perhaps you'd like to disucss equivalency with the survivors of the 30,000 road deaths last year and tell them how their losses don't matter and don't rate a squat because they weren't covered on television.
liftshard said:
The ISSUE, if you can PLEASE stay focused long enough to explore it...
Now why do you have to get all pissy? Either you aren’t understanding the replies people are posting, or you aren’t open enough to absorb another opinion.
liftshard said:
If Yemeni men taking pictures causes your paranoia to itch, then there is CLEARLY something wrong with you. It’s that simple. That was the POINT of the original post I made.
We fully undrstand your original point. I’m not sure anyone agrees with you. At least no one has posted that they do. Clearly you don’t see anything out of the ordinary about 4 guys from Yemeni taking pictures beneath a bridge. Cause, that happens all the time.

liftshard said:
The federal government paid ZILCH to the survivors of nearly every other fatal incident in 2001.
So your rational argument would be that how one dies is irrelevant. A drunk driver is equal with a murder victim. Or a suicide bomber should get the same compensation as the people he kills. (?)

Like I said you have a unique point of view.
Casper91 said:
Now why do you have to get all pissy? Either you aren’t understanding the replies people are posting, or you aren’t open enough to absorb another opinion.

No, neither is true. What the problem is is that you continue to change the subject and argue over irrelevancies.

We fully undrstand your original point. I’m not sure anyone agrees with you. At least no one has posted that they do. Clearly you don’t see anything out of the ordinary about 4 guys from Yemeni taking pictures beneath a bridge. Cause, that happens all the time.

Are you some kind of racist?!? Were these Yemenis up to anything? Or should every Yemeni or person of color expect to be subject to paranoia-induced harassment because of this Brave New World you say we are living in?

So your rational argument would be that how one dies is irrelevant. A drunk driver is equal with a murder victim. Or a suicide bomber should get the same compensation as the people he kills. (?)

Huh? I said that the SURVIVORS of the VICTIMS of fatalities are NO DIFFERENT. In fact, I said this SEVERAL times in SEVERAL different ways. Yet you tell me that you understood my post? Apparently, not.

I also said that the federal government compensated the SURVIVORS of fatalities on 911 FAR in excess of anything precedented and far in excess of their just right.

Like I said you have a unique point of view.

And you have a singularly unique way of completely misunderstanding what is being written. Wait, no, it's actually very common.

If you wish to continue this discussion please first understand what it is that I am saying and stop putting words in my mouth.