You might be an NSX owner if...

4 February 2000
Chicago IL
The stand-up comic, Jeff Foxworthy, does a routine about "You might be a redneck if..." In that vein, here are a few similar items for us. Feel free to add more!

You might be an NSX owner if... change your rear tires more often than your oil. get to work early just so that you can get that one perfect parking space that is a little bit bigger than the others, so that you can avoid door dings. spend more than an hour a day on NSXprime. drive through driveways and garage entrances at an angle. know what a "snap ring" is, and how to find out whether a particular car is susceptible to it failing.

...people have asked you what kind of Corvette your car is. know what "fix-it thingies" are. know where the name NSX comes from. think a Zanardi is a car, not just a race car driver. have a vanity license plate that includes the letters NSX. look aghast if anyone slams your trunk lid. know what "short gears" are and what the acronym "R&P" stands for.'ve told people not to call the removable roof version of the NSX a "Targa". think the Forums Nazi is funny. have your timing belt replaced because of the time interval instead of the mileage interval.'ve spent more on an exhaust than other folks spend on a supercharger. never see anyone else with the same wheels as you have on your car. wear a shirt or jacket with your car club logo on it so that people will ask you about your car. think "scam" when someone tells you they saw a great deal on a car like yours on Autotrader. don't mind that you don't see your car all winter long. know why the OEM tires for your car are different from other (aftermarket) tires.'ve told people to look in the FAQ or to use the search. plan your annual vacation so that you can use it to attend NSXPO. know how much it costs to have your clutch replaced, even if you've never had it done yet. know who refurbishes trunk lid struts for your car. smile when a passenger asks you about the noise they hear when you start your car, because you can tell them exactly what it is. know the difference between Monte Carlo Blue and Long Beach Blue. have extra tires in your basement or garage.'ve had your car stereo speakers sent out for repair. know you can pack more stuff in your car's trunk than any non-owner would ever believe. won't take your car to just "any" dealer or mechanic. know the answer if someone asks you which alignment specs your car uses. think of detailing your car as a pleasure. know which year the NSX got a removable roof panel, which year the engine displacement was enlarged, and which year its styling was revised to include HID headlights. know what an aspirator fan is, and how to know when it needs cleaning or replacement.'ve bought a piece of luggage just because it fits so well in the trunk of your car. are smiling every time you get into your car. check the clearance of parking garages etc. to make sure you don't scrape your antenna!!
... you agonize over the drops of water that wait 30 minutes post-drying to streak down your door from the side-view mirror seams.

... you press the tops of the radio preset buttons as to not create wear marks on the front fascia of them. know the difference between "rear-engine" and "mid-engine." prefer stock wheels over most aftermarket varieties. place more emphasis on quality rather than quantity.

...your car may have no front plate or windshield wipers installed. bugs you when someone calls Honda's engineering masterpiece an "NXS" instead of "NSX." least one person has pulled next to you, while driving, in order to photograph your car.

...8000 RPM is not an unreasonable shift point.

...your favorite movie character entrance is from the movie "Pulp Fiction."

...your day is not complete without visiting this website.
you've told people not to call the removable roof version of the NSX a "Targa".

Why don't we call them targas?
avalon96 said:
Why don't we call them targas?
Because that word is a trademark owned by Porsche and is properly used only to refer to that brand of car.

The removable-roof version of the NSX is the NSX-T. Where "T" stands for... removable roof. :)
Autophile said: prefer stock wheels over most aftermarket varieties.
Unless they are the 91-93 wheels. :biggrin:
SoCalDude said:
Unless they are the 91-93 wheels. :biggrin:
You're right. :smile: I was thinking about the post-93 wheels when I wrote that. :wink: know how many and where every rockchip is on your car. have ever replied on an internet forum with "Z****." occasionally hope that a Nazi or Wolf would visit.
...have ever been duped into writing a letter to Honda about wanting to participate in some HSC testing. know what a Smartenna is.
nsxtasy said:
Because that word is a trademark owned by Porsche and is properly used only to refer to that brand of car.

The removable-roof version of the NSX is the NSX-T. Where "T" stands for... removable roof. :)

Then my '05 should have had the NSX-RR designation... :D
ss_md said: know how many and where every rockchip is on your car.

Unless you had a Clear Bra installed!!! In this case, you refused to drive your car anywhere until you had the Clear Bra installed to avoid the need to count rockchips... :D
... You know who is Senna
... You are know of all available options
... You have most or all options
... You"ll walk quarter mile after finding the perfect parking spot
... You know how to close tha hatch
... You have replace a couple of lip spoilers
... you know your car's serial number by heart.

... you've heard of the phrase "an eternal sportsmind for you".

... you know how many cars were sold in the USA
in your model+year+color.

... you know what JH4NA1 means.

... you replace the crush washer at every oil change,
even though you never did that for any of your other cars,
and none of them ever leaked oil.
Sig said:
... you agonize over the drops of water that wait 30 minutes post-drying to streak down your door from the side-view mirror seams.

... you press the tops of the radio preset buttons as to not create wear marks on the front fascia of them.

I thought I was the only one..... :redface:
... you've actually looked for the furthest parking spot when parking at a public space.
... the weatherman dictates what your morning drive will be.
... you've caught yourself wondering "why are all these people looking at me" ?
... you've felt embarrased when teenagers kneel in front of your car at pedestrian crossings.
... people are standing in line to get a ride as passengers at autocross events.
... you've sworn that these magnetic numbers won't work on your car.
... people tell you they had one of these back in 1985.
... you've witnessed younger people knowing more about your car than their dad.
... you've ever heard a 13 year old kid tell you he's got 3 of these in his playstation garage and that he loves the way they handle.
... you've paid $2.89 + tax for a plastic rivet.
... your ABS pump rats you out the next morning on how you drove on your way home the day before.
... you think 15K miles on a set of rear tires is a record.
... you ask tire and rim people how much their products weigh before how much they cost.
... you know more about offsets and how to calculate them that your local tire & rim store guy.
... you've wished someone would actually believe you that it's a 12+ year old vehicle.
... you've answered : "Yes. But they are actually still in production".
... everyday you are thankfull to be the owner of such a fine automobile. have, at least once, played off the ABS noise like it "ain't no thang." know Yokohama A022 tires are better than Bridgestone RE010 because they have more grip and also because they weigh less. have perfected the art of manually pulse-width-modulating your "only-blows-on-high" climate control - maintaining an ideal cabin temperature to such a fine granularity that you have not bothered to have it repaired.

...the hole in your wallet burned by gasoline consistently grows at exactly half the rate as the one by burned by tires.
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.... You can't drive your car because you're waiting for the 1,179th coat of Zaino to dry.