Easiest way to own a NSX

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lol someone in Law enforcement please run this fools tag.... I bet a dollar it runs back to the same address.
Holy shit mate, for someone who spent such a large quantity of money, that sure is one hell of a response. Hold up I will get my 5 year old cousin on my PC and you two can play footsies and cry when he calls you a poo poo head.

If you really think 63K is alot of money, then your definetly on the lower end of the bracket, let me guess, you work at McDonalds???
If you really think 63K is alot of money, then your definetly on the lower end of the bracket, let me guess, you work at McDonalds???

Actually yes, I work at Maccas, earning $12.43 an hour, working 20 hours a week, I am 14 years old and I STILL laugh at your immaturity, because my maturity far surpasses yours.

No amount of money can make up for the obvious lack of brains you have.

EDIT: So when do you graduate from elementary school? perhaps then you will figure out how to speak proper English and then, maybe, you can start making up bullshit stories about owning an NSX that you most likely don't, that people will actually believe. But until then, keep on making up these posts, I am laughing my absolute bloody arse of at you.
If you really think 63K is alot of money, then your definetly on the lower end of the bracket, let me guess, you work at McDonalds???

Well, in your original "original" post, you were bragging how you made 100k at a gambling site. Why were you bragging about such pittance?

Among my friends are at least two billionaires, and perhaps a dozen who are worth more than 100 millions. To them, even $100 is a lot of money, because their fortune was built one dollar at a time. Also, they are aware of the power their money has and they use it carefully.
How do you even know I really even HAVE an NSX anymore? I now have a porsche 911 turbo.

Your right. Im a complete idiot. I mean hell here when you get a custom plate it tends to be YOUR tag. or in the hypothetical sense... that owners car's tag.
I was honestly kinda pumped to hear of a s.c. nsx owner..... well untill you decided to be an ass on here and honda tech.
Thats not my car either, mines alot newer then that one...and I also just scooped up a porsche 911 that you will never get to see...

yea a porsche I will never get to see either will you, wait thats right you don't really own one now do you? and even if you did thanks, but no thanks Im pretty satisfied with my 600 awhp Evo ;)
Well, in your original "original" post, you were bragging how you made 100k at a gambling site. Why were you bragging about such pittance?

Among my friends are at least two billionaires, and perhaps a dozen who are worth more than 100 millions. To them, even $100 is a lot of money, because their fortune was built one dollar at a time. Also, they are aware of the power their money has and they use it carefully.

Because normally you don't win that much playing casino games, I took it all and bought the NSX, the car was free...A free NSX is something to brag about.
Actually, that is you. B/c I'm privy to your account info on HT, I can see the birthdate of the listed sex offender and the birthdate on your account there are one and the same.

I dunno. Maybe there are two nick sitkos' in South Carolina born on the same day. 1 in a billion chance, but hey, it's a possibility.

can't forget the whois information, so what are the chances that there are two nick sitkos in the same state, in the same town with the same birthdate?

If the odds are 1 in a billion, MAYBE he did win a bazillion dollars playing online poker, especially with those odds!...... :biggrin: lol
yea a porsche I will never get to see either will you, wait thats right you don't really own one now do you? and even if you did thanks, but no thanks Im pretty satisfied with my 600 awhp Evo ;)

I do have a porsche 911 turbo right now, but I am not going to be uploading any pics of it to these stupid forums.
can't forget the whois information, so what are the chances that there are two nick sitkos in the same state, in the same town with the same birthdate?

If the odds are 1 in a billion, MAYBE he did win a bazillion dollars playing online poker, especially with those odds!...... :biggrin: lol

I wasn't even playing poker there you shithead, and as I said before, thats not my last name. Donkey. All you know and all your gonna know is that my first name is nick.
I do have a porsche 911 turbo right now, but I am not going to be uploading any pics of it to these stupid forums.

If you had done so when first requested we would already be dropping our dacks and hoping for forgiveness, but no instead you prefer to be an attention seeking whore.
Do you not want to upload it because you don't want to get caught posting other people's car pics or because you don't own one?:rolleyes: :confused:
NSXPRIME used to be cool, not anymore. Too many lamers here, posting up wrong info and editing images to try to LOOK cool.
a 911 with a N S X plate.....thats hysterical
Hey guys, his internet must be a bit slow, searching through Google images for 'Porsche 911 Turbo' must bring up a lot of results, heres a tip 'Nicholas', just click on page 15 or so and browse from there on, make sure to get a small photo so we can't see the number plate and point out that it's actually from Australia or some other country and bust you for a billionth time.
roadtrip! Buffton, SC camera in hand! Someone? ANyone? lol

Come on down to bluffton, if thats even where I live :) I will race any of you ricers in the 911 turbo, shit, I will even put $50,000 that I win, very doubtful that any of you even have $50,000 laying around though, and after you lose, you will probably need that money to buy a new engine.
I do have a porsche 911 turbo right now, but I am not going to be uploading any pics of it to these stupid forums.

You know, Dickie Nickie buddy...

For someone of your wealth and style, you seem so insecure. I don't know why you are so bloody defensive. We peons who don't have a 911TT (actually, some of us do) shouldn't matter to you at all. Instead of staying up late lambasting this "lame" board (your words) why don't just have your army of attorneys to take care of us?

I don't need a stinking pictures of your 911. On my street with 10 houses, there are 3 911s, 2 BMW M6es, 2 BMW 7 series, and others. In the neighbourhood, there are a number of Ferraris, Lambos, and of course a handful of NSXes, too. Also, a number of NSXPrimers own these cars in addition to their NSX, too.

So, until you have a Bugatti Veyron, which you could afford quite easily if you actually make 52 times more than I do, we will think you're full of manure.
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