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Got Pulled Over Doing 105 MPH

darcon said:
Suddenly, in my rear view mirror, I see the headlights of a car hell bent on catching up to me. Well, I said to myself, that's either a cop, or somebody that wants to race. I slowed down a bit to see just who, or what it was. When they got close enough I could see that the headlights belonged to a Crown Vic.

If there was an exit or side road I would have been long gone. Worlds wildest police chases never shows the ones who get away. I bet more get away than are caught.
steveny said:
If there was an exit or side road I would have been long gone. Worlds wildest police chases never shows the ones who get away. I bet more get away than are caught.

That's a very good point! I've never seen them catch a fast car yet! It's always the truck thats running on the sparking rims :wink:
brahtw8 said:
You missed the point.

I love driving my NSX over 100 MPH, just not in 2nd gear.

No, I did not miss the point. I was not talking about being in the wrong gear, I was saying that I for one like driving my NSX above 100 mph.
John McCain Racing said:
That's a very good point! I've never seen them catch a fast car yet! It's always the truck thats running on the sparking rims :wink:

The show, worlds worse police chases, is all about propaganda. Better pull over or you will get caught. I have a "friend" who has outrun the police on several different occasions over the period of his lifetime. :wink: If you are far enough ahead and know the roads well enough there is a pretty good chance of evading. Headlights off, only use the handbrake to slow down.
Meeyatch1 said:
No, I did not miss the point. I was not talking about being in the wrong gear, I was saying that I for one like driving my NSX above 100 mph.

Your partial quote of my statement implied otherwise. In any event, with some good weather we both might be able to enjoy our cars today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the clouds break.
darcon said:
Wish I had found this thread sooner.....About 2 months after I got my NSX, (this was back in '98). I was pulled over for doing 125mph in New Jersey. It was very early in the morning and no there were no other cars in sight. Suddenly, in my rear view mirror, I see the headlights of a car hell bent on catching up to me. Well, I said to myself, that's either a cop, or somebody that wants to race. I slowed down a bit to see just who, or what it was. When they got close enough I could see that the headlights belonged to a Crown Vic. After he pulled me over the trooper asked if I knew how fast I was going. I told him that I did'nt know. He stated that he was doing 110mph and that I was pulling away from him. When he told me that the fine was over $700, I was not a happy camper. He asked what was I doing going that fast. I replied quite honestly that I wanted to drive the car like it was meant to be driven, and I thought I could do it at that time of the day WITHOUT BEING A DANGER TO ANYBODY BUT MYSELF. He was taken by my candor and surprised me with a ticket for 74 in a 55; no points and a comparatively small fine. As he pulled away after giving me the ticket. I found that the horseshoe under my butt was rusted from sweat, the rabbit's foot on my keychain was arthritic, the 4 leaf clover on the rear view mirror had turned to dust, and St Christopher on the dash was sporting horns & hooves and singing, "Gin and Juice?" by Snoop Dogg..... :tongue:

HAHAHAHA!!!! Yes, I would say that you used up every bit of good luck that you had in that one incident. The honesty probably helped you though. Something similar happened to me when I passed a State Policeman in my NSX at over 110 mph. He asked why I was driving so fast and I just explained it was for no real reason whatsoever except that I just wanted to get home. He must have been expecting some terribly bad excuse because he wrote me a ticket for far less than what I was doing and I was back on my way. Very lucky. :smile:
brahtw8 said:
Your partial quote of my statement implied otherwise. In any event, with some good weather we both might be able to enjoy our cars today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the clouds break.

Yes, I am hoping for good weather also. It has been nonstop rain around here. Not very good for driving the NSX...hopefully the weather clears up for you as well. Have a good day!! :smile:
The last time I was pulled over in the NSX I was caught doing 73 in a 70. I had the V1 and I knew he was up ahead. When he came to my car, I asked what I had done wrong. He informed me that someone had called in and reported that a car that looked like mine was doing over 120mph down the interstate. I explained to him that I wouldn't go that fast unless I was on a race track and was wearing a helmet. He check my license, etc and let me ride with no ticket. When I was about to leave he leaned over and looked at my speedo and commented "try and keep it down" I responed I will and THANK YOU. I think that was my lucky day and don't travel so fast anymore, except for the track:)

p.s. I was going just a bit over 120mph and still had another gear to go!

Meeyatch1 said:
Posts about speeding are always heated discussions....between the people that think you are a time bomb on wheels if you speed, to the people that think if you are not speeding you are are just blocking the road.....well, lets just say those two sides never really see eye to eye. :biggrin:

Just put me on the side of the line which believes that, "when you are doing it right, you'll be at your safest in a focused, energized driving mode."
steveny said:
If there was an exit or side road I would have been long gone. Worlds wildest police chases never shows the ones who get away. I bet more get away than are caught.

HAHAH lol, that really does work. After getting some "special attention" from our local law enforcement, I've started to run when I notice that they notice me.BUT ONLY when I'm at least somewhat familar with the area and before they hit the lights. Like when they're in oncoming traffic and "suddenly" slow as they pass me or slow as I'm coming up, or they turn around at the end of median, then I just gun it, and take the first turn I can and really let it rip until I can hide in a neighborhood, apartment complex, business complex, ect. And if you have a car cover it would be a great idea to cover it up fast and take a walk cause they may just come lookin for ya. I really need to get a V1 :). And one of those sherrifs/pd sheild stickers, I don't think they ticket you as long as you donate to them. Anyone know if this is true??????
Dan Ciesniewski said:
I really need to get a V1 :). And one of those sherrifs/pd sheild stickers, I don't think they ticket you as long as you donate to them. Anyone know if this is true??????

Not always. I have passport SRX concealed radar and laser jammers installed on all my vehicles. My girlfriend was nailed less than a week ago for speeding. By the time the radar went off there was no time to slow down. Too many hills and bends in NY roads for a radar unit to be effective at distance. She talked her way out of speeding and received a Unlawful speedometer ticket. The important thing, no points.

I have all the stickers and id cards which define me as a high dollar donor to local and state police organizations. I can not say without doubt these stickers and id's have saved me but I think they sure have helped. Sometimes you get an officer who sees these stickers and believes you put them on to be "invisible" to radar. If you are pulled over by that type of officer get ready for the ticket. IMO this type of officer will be the one who speeds regularly and unnecessarily in the patrol car more so than other officers.
steveny said:
IMO this type of officer will be the one who speeds regularly and unnecessarily in the patrol car more so than other officers.

Where I live here, there are local PD patrol cars that speed and waive through traffic without signaling and most importantly with their rooflight offs (as in: no appearent emergency). If anyone else would drive like this, s/he would get a ticket and rightfully so. But this is the PD's cars we are talking about... is there anything we can do to point out to them that road rules apply to them too ? :confused:
apapada said:
Where I live here, there are local PD patrol cars that speed and waive through traffic without signaling and most importantly with their rooflight offs (as in: no appearent emergency). If anyone else would drive like this, s/he would get a ticket and rightfully so. But this is the PD's cars we are talking about... is there anything we can do to point out to them that road rules apply to them too ? :confused:

There really needs to be an organization which moniters the driving of police officers while on duty.
could you make a citizens arrest on one of these guys. I know they like to use the b.s. answer that you don't know if they are responding to something and it's too dangerious to use there lights and sirens because it would allert there presence, but if you followed them and video recorded them, what could you do about it? Citizens arrest, isseue somekind of ticket, of maybe just report it to the local news with about 50 of them doing this and then see what happens, but then you'll be a huge target of them. Wouldn't be surprised if they did a backround search if you tried turing them in on YOU. something similar happened here when undercover reporters tried to get public info that they were required to give out when asked, a local sherrif refused and did a check on the persons licence plate and looked for any warants....a$$hole!!!!!
bump, dammit I make 2 posts and this topic comes to a dead haut grrr lol
let the record show, that the dentist from nj nailed this outcome..... precog by experience!!!!

did you get a court surcharge for dealing with the prosecutor, a revenue enhancement-disguised TAX...

come back soon!!!

jalnjr said:
welcome to joisey!!!!!

in this neck of the woods, we "plea bargin" tix outa the picture.
you're prob gonna get spankd' on the speeding, but the other two may drop.
a lawyer may work, you gotta know someone!!!

btw, nearly 200k tix in this state were plea bargined/reduced, and thus they implimented a court surcharge[ 250 bucks ] to deal with a prosecutor, on any matter. heck, why do something nice, when you can get PAID to do it??!!!!

nj WILL let your state know about the outcome, but prob won't enforce a suspension of some other state's license.

i'm not a lawyer, but have had to play this game for 25 yrs in nj.
i'll try to get the straight dope from my people.

my 2 cents, keep smiling ol' Pb foot.
Dan Ciesniewski said:
could you make a citizens arrest on one of these guys. I know they like to use the b.s. answer that you don't know if they are responding to something and it's too dangerious to use there lights and sirens because it would allert there presence, but if you followed them and video recorded them, what could you do about it? Citizens arrest, isseue somekind of ticket, of maybe just report it to the local news with about 50 of them doing this and then see what happens, but then you'll be a huge target of them. Wouldn't be surprised if they did a backround search if you tried turing them in on YOU. something similar happened here when undercover reporters tried to get public info that they were required to give out when asked, a local sherrif refused and did a check on the persons licence plate and looked for any warants....a$$hole!!!!!


No offense, but I find it a little hard to swallow that on one post you espouse the virtues of dodging cops through neighborhoods and even hiding the car under a car cover, and in the next post you call cops a$$holes for driving irresponibly and want to turn them in! Isn't that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black? :confused: IMO, you can't have it both ways.

After going back and reading your profile, I see that you're 21 yrs. old and own a fast car. Many on this site frown upon the type of behavior that you're describing. I hope you change your driving style soon before you hurt or kill yourself or someone close to you. :mad:
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ChopsJazz said:

No offense, but I find it a little hard to swallow that on one post you espouse the virtues of dodging cops through neighborhoods and even hiding the car under a car cover, and in the next post you call cops a$$holes for driving irresponibly and want to turn them in! Isn't that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black? :confused: IMO, you can't have it both ways.

After going back and reading your profile, I see that you're 21 yrs. old and own a fast car. Many on this site frown upon the type of behavior that you're describing. I hope you change your driving style soon before you hurt or kill yourself or someone close to you. :mad:

True, true...but I only dodge them now cause they always follow me and do u turns to follow me. When I first got it I sped alot, but over the last 6 months I usually stay within 10-15 mph of the limit..like in a 40 I do 50-55 if traffic permits (hell it's an NSX). I had one cop follow me for over 4 miles in an unmarked car on my ass the hole way, until he pulled me over and yelled at me and said that I didn't deserve a car like that (NSX), btw the tow truck guy that towed it told me that he does this alot, and he hears from alot of people about him...this is why I run, if I can. And i don;t speed down neighborhood streets either...I don't want to kill someone.

More relevant though, I also have 2 trucks, and only once have been pulled over in them, had one for a lil while now and drive both most of the time....about 10-12k a year for them, my NSX sees about 4-5K a year, wish it was more. I get 1000 times more attention from cops in the NSX and pulled over 5 times in the first 6 months....and followed all the time, so I usually just pull into a parking lot so they stop.....if I'm speeding by just 1 mph, then I run.....if permitted to do so safely.....if they ever hit the lights though I'll pull over.
ohhh, and I'm 20...not 21...... yet lol

But I'm careful when I do drive fast, and NEVER take anyone with me when I do...if I kill myself do to my stupidity that's fine, just don't want to hurt any innocient people.
Dan Ciesniewski said:
But I'm careful when I do drive fast, and NEVER take anyone with me when I do...if I kill myself do to my stupidity that's fine, just don't want to hurt any innocient people.

I can "understand" your statement about any potential passengers, but what about if you end up in oncoming traffic ? what about these people?
Coming from someone who is looking to buy an nsx, I wish I had one when I was 20. The only toy I could afford was an R6. Lotsa Fun but I've scared myself way too many times in the last five years. Anyone wanna trade a 98Contour svt and A 99 R6 For an NSX? :rolleyes: (That'll be the day)
apapada said:
I can "understand" your statement about any potential passengers, but what about if you end up in oncoming traffic ? what about these people?

I only "really" push it when I all alone and have plenty of room for error. If there's ANY traffic, I use caution and don't push, speed yes, but the NSX can easily handle it. Oh, and I only push in area's I'm familiar with. I know I'm not as good as I think I am. I do need to goto a track to get better, till then there's GT3 :)
Im in Souther NJ too.
You need to get an attorney. If the ticket is over 2 points (In your case, it is), get an attorney. They can get you no point offense. Its called 98.7 plea I think. Its penalty without points. However, recently, the default fee is raised to $250 PLUS 175 for 2 points I think. Im not exactly sure, but you should speak to your attorney. It may end up costing you 1g for the fine and an attorney, but Im sure its better then that big fat ticket going to your insurance company which may end up jacking uo your rates over 1g per year.
Good luck,
Dan Ciesniewski said:
like in a 40 I do 50-55 if traffic permits (hell it's an NSX).
I get 1000 times more attention from cops in the NSX
I guess, given your age, you're not yet used to hiding your own hypocrisy the way the rest of us are.

You do realize that, in the same post, you explained that you do 55 in a 40, because, hell, it's an NSX, and then complained that you get more attention from cops in an NSX... right?

You consider the NSX to be a lawbreaking car. Why shouldn't the police feel the same way?