NSX: Owning a Unicorn

30 June 2014
SF Bay Area
One of the many perks of owning an NSX is experiencing all the attention it attracts. Every time I go for a drive, there are more than a few turned heads and craned necks, not to mention the occasional thumbs up and shouts of "Nice car!", or something similar. Once, a guy driving a brand new Porsche even gave an admiring thumbs up while we were stopped at an intersection. And driving on the freeway, several cars often go out of their way to pull up alongside me for a while, gawking at the car.

This kind of attention has no doubt been experienced by every NSX owner because 1) the car is drop-dead gorgeous; and 2) it's a rare vehicle that is seldom seen on the road. From 1991-2005, only about 9,000 NSXs were sold in the US, and over the years many of those have unfortunately been wrecked or are sequestered away in collections. Compare that to say the Corvette, which in that same 15-year period sold 400,000 vehicles in the US, not to mention all the preceding and succeeding years it's been in production. In most places, you can throw a rock while wearing a blindfold and hit a Corvette, but you might have to wait a year or more to ever see an NSX on the road (blindfold off please).

But numbers don't tell the whole story, because of course, Ferraris, Lambos, and other exotics can be rare too. But cars like Ferraris have a long-standing and well-established legacy. Most people you encounter, even if they aren't into cars, recognize the Ferrari name and expect a flashy sports car.

Not so with the NSX. Most non-car enthusiasts I talk to (friends, family, co-workers, etc.) never heard of it. And when I mention it's an Acura or Honda, I can see confusion form on their faces as they try to figure out why I'm so enthusiastic about a car, that in their minds must be a four-door sedan. That's when I whip out my iPhone and flash some sexy NSX pictures at them, "See, THIS is what I'm talking about..." And nearly every time, the reaction is exactly the same: they stare at the pictures for a few seconds, confusion growing, and finally say, "I never knew Acura made a car like that."

It's a little frustrating, because these folks can't truly appreciate what makes our cars so special. But when you do encounter someone who's familiar with the NSX, it more than makes up for it. My house is in the hills on a twisty little two-lane road with no sidewalks, so there's not a lot of foot traffic in the neighborhood except for local residents walking dogs, jogging, or taking weekend strolls. But even with such few passersby, when the garage door is open and I'm fussing with the car, I've had people (okay, just guys only) stop and exclaim, "An NSX!", then stand there gazing from the street as if they've just seen a unicorn. They're thrilled when I invite them into the garage to get a closer look. Of course we talk at length about the car, but there are also stretches of silent admiration punctuated by low whispers of "Wow", "Beautiful", "Damn", etc.

And that's what it's like to own a unicorn.
Last Friday, I was washing my new RLX in my driveway in Bedford, Nova Scotia. The garbage truck was approaching, as it was a hot day, I opened up my garage door to get a couple of Gatorades for them. They were appreciative of the cold refreshment. As the driver past, he stopped, got out of the garbage truck and yelled "Is that an NSX in your garage". He had only seen the tail lights, but it was the "unicorn" that you speak of. I gave them a tour of the NSX. They were in awe, as am I each time I look at my own car.....
To me, I don't like how much attention the NSX gets when I go out. I prefer to keep it low key and not having strangers approach me randomly, find strangers taking pictures of my car when I return or am away, having strangers follow me, or having strangers hanging out the window taking pictures of me while I'm driving. It gets old QUICK.

Within one hour of buying the car and filling it up at the gas station, I already had some kid start taking pictures of my car while I was filling up. It has never stopped since...
^^ The struggles, Trade er in for an Accord then.

I love the attention.

To me, I don't like how much attention the NSX gets when I go out. I prefer to keep it low key and not having strangers approach me randomly, find strangers taking pictures of my car when I return or am away, having strangers follow me, or having strangers hanging out the window taking pictures of me while I'm driving. It gets old QUICK.

Within one hour of buying the car and filling it up at the gas station, I already had some kid start taking pictures of my car while I was filling up. It has never stopped since...

Bwahahaha.... You really thought you were going to be low key in an NSX???:redface: you should have bought a Porsche...

I live in So Cal, which is pretty much the car Capitol of the World and my 92 still has the camera phones snapping pics as I drive by... I don't mind the attention or the strangers at the gas station asking the usual questions, I expected it when I bought my first one 12 years ago and still get it 12 years later...half the people don't know what it is and the ones that do consider it legendary...
Last Friday, I was washing my new RLX in my driveway in Bedford, Nova Scotia. The garbage truck was approaching, as it was a hot day, I opened up my garage door to get a couple of Gatorades for them. They were appreciative of the cold refreshment. As the driver past, he stopped, got out of the garbage truck and yelled "Is that an NSX in your garage". He had only seen the tail lights, but it was the "unicorn" that you speak of. I gave them a tour of the NSX. They were in awe, as am I each time I look at my own car.....

LOL - I had the same thing happen to me the other day. It surprises me how many people around here know about the NSX.
But even with such few passersby, when the garage door is open and I'm fussing with the car, I've had people (okay, just guys only) stop and exclaim, "An NSX!", then stand there gazing from the street as if they've just seen a unicorn. They're thrilled when I invite them into the garage to get a closer look. Of course we talk at length about the car, but there are also stretches of silent admiration punctuated by low whispers of "Wow", "Beautiful", "Damn", etc.

And that's what it's like to own a unicorn.
This is so true. A young Russian guy that owns a nearby pizza/sandwich shop with his two brothers (Russians, pizza? whatever, they make great food) is a car enthusiast, knows about the NSX but had never seen one "in the wild". When his delivery guy told him I had one he called and asked if he could get a look at it sometime. So I went over to pick up an order instead of having it delivered, and it was exactly what you describe above. Slowly walking around the car, low whispers of "Wow", "Beautiful", "Damn", etc. A little different experience than the random stranger, I know these guys well, and the admiration for the car really feels good.
Last Friday, I was washing my new RLX in my driveway in Bedford, Nova Scotia. The garbage truck was approaching, as it was a hot day, I opened up my garage door to get a couple of Gatorades for them. They were appreciative of the cold refreshment. As the driver past, he stopped, got out of the garbage truck and yelled "Is that an NSX in your garage". He had only seen the tail lights, but it was the "unicorn" that you speak of. I gave them a tour of the NSX. They were in awe, as am I each time I look at my own car.....

Hey ,how's it going? I'm in Kentville. Who do you get to work on your car?
for those of you that get positive attention when driving your NSX, please post where you live

i unfortunately live in charlotte, where it gets more negative attention than positive...
i cant say i didnt expect this, because this is a very ignorant, wana-be city. it claims to be a major city when its barely 10 blocks in diameter and most sub cities in florida are bigger, this is also where people think a new c class mercedes is more expensive than the bentley mulsanne parked next to it, where a jeep cherokee is nicer than the bmw x5M because it has cooler DRLs and where people who go to an event called Honda day have no idea what an NSX is....
I often drive around shirtless but with my race helmet on and roof off........I love the attention....
I had someone follow me home once. They got out and wanted to discuss the car. I played it off but was very annoyed that they had the balls to come to my house.
spinning tassels....
Sometimes I forget just how rare and special our unicorns are because I'm around other NSX owners so often throughout the year. But, sometimes I'll go on a drive by myself or to a car meet or show in the area and the reaction of other people is interesting and most times fun to watch. And if you happen to own one of the rare color unicorns (Imola, LBBP...etc), the reaction is amplified as even other NSX owners will react as well. If you don't like the attention or reaction then the NSX or any other rare exotic is not for you. Yes, a lot of people including other car guys don't realize the significance of our cars but, I look at that as an opportunity to educate them on a car they have never seen or considered. And sometimes, you'll find car enthusiasts that know all about the car but haven't ever seen one in person. Or sometimes, a young person who is just getting interested in the collectable car hobby and you let them sit in your car for a picture. The look on their face is priceless and an unrealized benefit of owning a unicorn.
I absolutely love my NSX...best car I have ever owned.

However, I get waaaaayyyy more attention in my '66 Lincoln Continental Convertible. Thumbs up everywhere I go, people asking for rides, etc. I actually thought it would be the other way around.

photo 1.jpg
I usually Porky Pig it when I go for a drive. I get more attention from people in lifted trucks than anything else.

we should ride together...............
Ok, but don't put any leather conditioner on your passenger seat. I slide around and it irritates my jiggly bits.
I would never want you to shiver......
Let's ride.

yes lets...


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