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  • Thanks for the kind words. Your posts often make threads a lot more interesting. Enjoy the weather while you can still keep the windows down.
    Thanks for your comments. I would have to say the same to you. From your posts, it's obvious you have immense knowledge of what you discuss and that's refreshing. I suspect once we get past November, all the heated political exchanges will fizzle out and we'll all be discussing NSXs again. That will be nice. Take care,
    It's great! Starting to cool off to the low 80's during the day. I love the fall time here! I didn't get to go to the ride and drive for the new TL. The dealership sent 2 people to Denver for it, but I wasn't one of them. I was sent to Phnx for the TSX back in May. We just got the cars late Tuesday night. I spent alot of time in it yesterday. I LOVE this car! I can't wait for the SH-AWD Tech model! How about you?
    Thanks. Vehicle was a demo w/ < 3k miles on it. They were discounting it around $5.5k and gave us more than I was expecting on our trade, so the price came in lower than I could have gotten a used 06 or 07 TL for with much more mileage. The fact that it has 2700 miles on it doesn't bother me in the least. And of course, the bottom line is if my wife is happy.....
    Wouldn't you know... it appears that, once again, a schedule conflict shall prevent me from attending another Minneapolis shindig. These days, it's just one conflict after another... I'm a slave to my profession and my profession dictates, if not every aspect of my life, certainly every aspect of my schedule. Such is the life of a busy futurist, such as myself. Perhaps you will find consolation in the fact that, unlike past events that demanded my attention, causing me to decline your sincere and generous invitations (with regret and even remorse) to previous Minnetonka gatherings, this one is unique in that is a speaking engagement - one where my presence has been specifically requested to share with colleagues in my field the latest findings of my research. It is to be at this event where I shall finally present my vision for a practical, inexpensive alternative to intercontinental transportation (I'm sure you recall this idea in its early stages - the one about drilling evacuated surface-to-surface tunnels [chords] thru the Earth).

    Although, by the standards of most, discountenancing one for being unable to resist the temptation of an outing of this caliber (not to mention, one uniquely situated nearly at the epicenter of the land having the local maxima of lakes per unit area in this hemisphere) would be nearly nil among those receiving the aforementioned speech, it would seem that the social fabric that connects all the inhabitants of this planet is at stake, so I hope you can, once again, accept my placing the needs of the many over the want of the few - at least in this instance.

    I hope you, Prince, Mr. Rogers Nelson, and TAFKAP understand. Please send my warmest regards to my fellow brothers and sisters up north.
    The RTDA was tiny this year... The cigar business is down, and the economy is slow here in S. Cal. My business is more of a hookah lounge than a hybrid store (cigar/hookah).

    Time has been tough, I need to tough it out.
    Thanks. I know not every thing I post is agreeable by people, but I just like express my thoughts without regrets.
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