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20/20 vision and taste in women

19 April 2005
San Jose, CA
I have 20/20 vision....I find a lot of "hot" girls to be not so hot.

got me thinking If I had bad vision would it be like walking around with beer goggles 24/7? Would I find more girls attractive???

unfortunately i believe you are correct with your theory there sir,

its kind of like when you see a hot girl at the bar or at the grocery store from about 20 feet away, but then when your going in for the kill you abort mission because you noticed that she's actually kind of rough up close :biggrin:
"Hotness" is not is not always appearance. "Hotness" is good for one night or even over a short period. But, if the girl is high maintenance or a bitch the "hotness" doesn't look so hot anymore. :wink:
By no means am I saying settle for a non-hot girl. I am saying one may have to sort through many hot girls before he finds one who is truly and unequivocal hot!
steveny said:
"Hotness" is not is not always appearance. "Hotness" is good for one night or even over a short period. But, if the girl is high maintenance or a bitch the "hotness" doesn't look so hot anymore. :wink:
By no means am I saying settle for a non-hot girl. I am saying one may have to sort through many hot girls before he finds one who is truly and unequivocal hot!

hey hey lets not get off track here. were talking about superficial hotness.
cmon guys let your inner 22 year old out and bond with me. not that im 22

so i was thinking of getting lasik to permanently ruin my vision. whos with me?
davidkimchee said:
hey hey lets not get off track here. were talking about superficial hotness.
cmon guys let your inner 22 year old out and bond with me. not that im 22

so i was thinking of getting lasik to permanently ruin my vision. whos with me?

It is the sorting process which is fun. :biggrin: :biggrin:
maybe i should undergo some plastic surgery to make myself blurry...those girls that are out of my league will surely double take maybe triple take and thats when ill lay it on em.
khappucino said:
unfortunately i believe you are correct with your theory there sir,

its kind of like when you see a hot girl at the bar or at the grocery store from about 20 feet away, but then when your going in for the kill you abort mission because you noticed that she's actually kind of rough up close :biggrin:

I concur.
I believe it is called the "Monet" effect.
davidkimchee said:
maybe i should undergo some plastic surgery to make myself blurry...those girls that are out of my league will surely double take maybe triple take and thats when ill lay it on em.

doesn't tearing around in the NSX cause the same effect? Only down side is that they can never catch up to get that second "take". :tongue:
I always call those girls:

"Good from far, but far from good!"

I also have good vision and when I go out with some of my friends that don't have very good version they are always pointing out girls that aren't very hot to me. I have to tell them to stop looking now or they will be very dissapointed.

This has actually been happening in the last few days because I am in Vegas and there are a lot of butter face girls here.

BTW for those who don't know what butter faces are, She has a great body butter face isn't so great.
haha what would the opposite be called,
here in the midwest where the clothes tend to stay on most of the year, (well ok outside at least) there are alot of really cute girls that are sporting the NOT so small Soroity Girl Gut. :biggrin: its just interesting because most of the girls at my gym are in the 30-35 year old category, and i never see any girls from 20-30 working out at all. anyhow that Dolce and Gabanna vid is priceless, almost as priceless as my picture phone when my buddies decide to go ugly, but dont remember in the morning.... then i show them the great little picture someone snapped of them at the club last night...just for times like this. 20/20 vision 24 hours later is a bad thing :biggrin: :biggrin: