2017 River Run

Bob, it's a little over an hour drive from me, so if we meet at the usual spot on Westchester Ave. in White Plains to depart at a few minutes before 8AM, we should be there a few minutes after 9AM. I'm up for that if you are!!!

It sounds like a plan.
Gary (@Gadgetman) and I will meet you at the normal spot in White Plans.

We will have all the major generations covered, a 1992, 2002 and a 2017.
That should get some attention.
It sounds like a plan.
Gary (@Gadgetman) and I will meet you at the normal spot in White Plans.

We will have all the major generations covered, a 1992, 2002 and a 2017.
That should get some attention.
Nancy and I will be there, look forward to seeing you!!!! (and Gary)
Just spoke to the "Big E" this morning and he and Vicki won't be able to make it this year.
This is going to be MEGA - almost everyone is going to show up!
Thursday night my motorcycle club put on an event for the residents of Matheny School in Gladstone and as we drove past The Stable, Ltd. I noticed 2 Red Gen. 1 NSX's on display in front of the store!

Nancy and I will be there, look forward to seeing you!!!! (and Gary)

Looking forward to meeting you both, and others, in this new (for me) NSX family. I've been into Nissan Z's for many years, and still am. But I've drooled over NSX's since they were born. And then more so when the Gen 2 concept approached being a reality. So those dreams coming together last year have been a new and refreshing added passion. I was planning to bring the '02 to "The Run", but Bob (RJD1022) has convinced me to take the new Gen2. Being pretty anal about my precious Toys, I just hope weather and roads cooperate.
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Did they tell you that the ride leader gets his pick of the cars that show to drive around the route??? lol
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sadly I'm once again out due to work conflicts:mad:........have a fun safe drive...
It's been a while since I've attended River Run and I really miss it. I have a babysitter for Saturday so I will joining lunch with Andrea. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

sadly I'm once again out due to work conflicts:mad:........have a fun safe drive...
Boo, hiss!!! :(

It's been a while since I've attended River Run and I really miss it. I have a babysitter for Saturday so I will joining lunch with Andrea. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

Sorry you won't be joining us for the "Run", but glad that you and Andrea will be there for lunch!!!
Did they tell you that the ride leader gets his pick of the cars that show to drive around the route??? lol

Picking is more than acceptable and even a great idea! Unfortunately for him... follow-up/results may be a bit disappointing, requiring me to be explain the meaning of FAT CHANCE!
But, a nice try just the same.
Perhaps there can be a trophy for the pick? !!!LOL!!!

Looking forward to a Fun Time and meeting new friends.
Picking is more than acceptable and even a great idea! Unfortunately for him... follow-up/results may be a bit disappointing, requiring me to be explain the meaning of FAT CHANCE!
But, a nice try just the same.
Perhaps there can be a trophy for the pick? !!!LOL!!!

Looking forward to a Fun Time and meeting new friends.

I think rather than a trophy, I will give $100 to the owner of the car that the ride leader chooses - surely you would approve of that... lol
Then he can even get a picture of himself next to the car (he had wanted to drive:mad:) while the owner of wining car gets out (with fob or key in pocket) to grab the cash:biggrin:. Then after the pic, the owner can get back in the car to drive away:eek:!
You guys are getting a great turnout (I counted 29 NSXs last time I checked) - sorry I have to miss it (other commitments plus my mom in the hospital keeps me away from the Run this year.....)

I know Roger will be talking with everyone but I wanted to remind all about the most important event we do each year - Kids' Day at Watkins Glen. We are the only car club permitted to do this event for these amazing children afflicted and affected by cancer so we need to keep having a good turnout to keep the event scheduled each year. Plus, we get sponsored by Konica Minolta so if they see a good turnout the checkbook stays open for the next year and so on, and so on........
This is a must do event and the starting spot is so convenient! Count me in for the both the drive and the grub.

Gadgetman, no one wants to see the old junk. :tongue: Bring out the newness. :biggrin:
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Ouch ... old junk:frown:
My '02 was not mine till June last year so still pretty new. (After many years of searching/shopping)
But the '17 arrival in mid Oct so is technaclly newer (for me).

However, I do tend to over pamper my Toys so the forecast needs to improve so I don't consider dropping out.:confused:
I do not wish to spend most of the day driving in the rain... with oldie or newbie as its no longer a Fun Run. I could deal with a partial rain ride if needed.
Wish there was a rain date be rain or shine. Tough I can appreciate the scheduling isssues... especially at the final sto with food.
Hopfully forecast will get better vs raise questions of ....
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Just a reminder to bring a clipboard to hold the ride sheets...
I think the weather will just clear our area about the time we start the ride and should improve rapidly - but still keep a weather eye out because it is always subject to change.
These cars perform very well in rainy conditions provided you are running decent tyres ................. and besides, its not like they are going to "rust!" Rain or shine, it will be a fun drive.

I'm with you - besides it about the people not the cars... ;>)
Can't say as I'm a fan of driving my toys in the rain, that being said, looks like "passing" showers early in the morning, and we should be in the clear (hopefully) after that. I plan on attending with my NSX regardless, it won't be the first (or the last) time it gets rained on!!!
As said, I can deal with partial rain, which for me/us may be essentially the entire 190 mile ride just to the meeting point and then what ever is left in the beginning of the run. However, the more major concern I did not want to mention is the "H" word. This morning's forecast still says that hail may fall in some of the areas in S/W CT + on our route to NJ during the timing necessary to get there. Hopefully that will change as I've driven to a Zcar National event just a few years ago and suffered a lot of severe hail damage. It came out of nowhere on a highway in VA with no place to hide. An experience I do not wish to repeat. My 350Z received 15 "suveniers" on hood, roof, an hatch. AL may not rust readily as steel (thought it does oxidize), however it dents much easier than steel, and is more costly to fix when such occurs.

enough downside stuff by me...
It's Gonna Be Grand!
In mean time Let's pray to the weather Gods for being gentle on us all.
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As said, I can deal with partial rain, which for me/us may be essentially the entire 190 mile ride just to the meeting point and then what ever is left in the beginning of the run. However, the more major concern I did not want to mention is the "H" word. This morning's forecast still says that hail may fall in some of the areas in S/W CT + on our route to NJ during the timing necessary to get there. Hopefully that will change as I've driven to a Zcar National event just a few years ago and suffered a lot of severe hail damage. It came out of nowhere on a highway in VA with no place to hide. An experience I do not wish to repeat. My 350Z received 15 "suveniers" on hood, roof, an hatch. AL may not rust readily as steel (thought it does oxidize), however it dents much easier than steel, and is more costly to fix when such occurs.

enough downside stuff by me...
It's Gonna Be Grand!
In mean time Let's pray to the weather Gods for being gentle on us all.

Actually, looking a bit better!!!
I will be attending tomorrow but unfortunately will not make lunch due to a work commitment that has arisen. If someone wants a free beef meal, you are more than welcome to it..
It may rain on you on the way to the Panera Bread start but the weather will be good all along the River Run route today!